
Has the United States finally come to terms with reality? Don't dare to stay around China anymore! U.S. troops in Japan evacuated tens of thousands of people

author:A small world of dragons

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The United States has always regarded China as an imaginary enemy, and for many years, the US military has been trying to hinder the mainland's development by stationing troops in Japan and deploying military bases in South Korea.

However, with China's rapid development, the US military has gradually recognized the reality and does not dare to be "presumptuous" around China.

Today, let's take a look at what moves the U.S. military has made!

Has the United States finally come to terms with reality? Don't dare to stay around China anymore! U.S. troops in Japan evacuated tens of thousands of people

The origin of the U.S. military stationed in Japan

It is said that Japan is a "lackey" of the United States, but during World War II, Japan and the United States were actually hostile countries.

The stalemate between the United States and Japan did not end until the defeat of Japan in 1945, and according to the Yalta Agreement signed after the war, Japanese territory was divided into occupation and surrender zones, so the United States occupied large areas of Japanese land and cities against Japan, and set up garrisons in Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe and other important Japanese cities.

However, as time passed, the U.S. military discovered the importance of Japan's geographical location to the Asia-Pacific region, and this discovery led the U.S. military to make a plan to encircle Japan, and they began to emphasize Japan's importance to regional security on the international stage, and returned Okinawa in 1972 to flaunt their "friendship" and "sincerity."

In this way, when the Cold War broke out between the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II, Japan had completely become an "ally" of the United States.

Has the United States finally come to terms with reality? Don't dare to stay around China anymore! U.S. troops in Japan evacuated tens of thousands of people

From this, we can see that the US military had the intention of using Japan as a "pawn" in the past -- if there were any changes in the Asian region that were unfavorable to the United States, then they could control the situation and reduce the threat through Japan.

According to statistics, the number of U.S. troops stationed in Japan until the withdrawal was about 55,000 people, most of whom were stationed in Okinawa. The presence of these garrisons is extremely important for maintaining Japan-US relations, and will even affect the situation in the Asia-Pacific region.

At that time, the United States thought that with such a layout, they would be able to firmly control China's movements.

As everyone knows, the mainland has grown into a big and powerful country "under the nose" of the United States, and its economic and military strength ranks among the best in the world.

In the face of China's rise, the United States has not thought of increasing the number of troops stationed in Japan and other Asian countries, but because of the continued slump in the US military's finances and the chaotic regression of US political circles, the US military budget has been greatly reduced, which is not enough to support them in increasing the number of US troops stationed in Japan.

Has the United States finally come to terms with reality? Don't dare to stay around China anymore! U.S. troops in Japan evacuated tens of thousands of people

When it comes to US internal affairs, some US political forces have also advocated reducing their military presence in Asia; after all, Japan is not US territory, and the United States has not only often been protested and questioned by local Japanese residents by sending troops in such a grand manner, but is also suspected of violating "international law" in the international community.

In the face of the naked "military threat" of the United States, how does China respond?

China's rapid growth

In summary, there are only two purposes for the United States to station troops in Japan, one is to ensure that Japan will not break out of its control, and the other is to use this to keep an eye on China and North Korea and form a first island chain to blockade China.

However, the major premise of the United States wanting to achieve a blockade of China is that the US military must crush China with absolute superiority; if it is said that at the beginning of the founding of New China, then the military gap between China and the United States is indeed very different, and it is not the case now.

We do not say that China has developed the proud achievements of "two bombs and one satellite" in just a few years, but only look at the present, China not only has its own satellite positioning system, but also has aircraft carriers, J-20 and other cutting-edge combat capabilities.

Has the United States finally come to terms with reality? Don't dare to stay around China anymore! U.S. troops in Japan evacuated tens of thousands of people

If China was once lost at sea because the United States turned off GPS positioning, because there were no aircraft carriers to be controlled by others, now these constraints are non-existent.

I think that in the past, the United States would ignore the mainland's feelings, enter the Asia-Pacific waters at will, and launch military exercises with Japan and South Korea, but now, after we dispatched electronic reconnaissance ships and a maritime fleet to make our stand clear, I believe that it has been a long time since you have heard of a "military exercise" initiated by the United States.

The US military's recent military exercises have only dared to be carried out in the second and third island chains, which are far away from China, and the role of the "first island chain" has already lost most of its role at this time.

In this case, the US military's deterrent power against China is almost gone.

In the past 10 years, the mainland navy has gradually built a "five-in-one" training path for carrier-based fighters, special aircraft, helicopters, air combat services, and unmanned aerial vehicles, and the training of flight talents has entered the fast lane.

Since the Navy officially entered the "three-aircraft carrier era" in 2022, under the cultivation of the normalized offshore deployment system, batches of "Flying Shark" warriors have become the backbone of the aircraft carrier's combat effectiveness, which has greatly improved the mainland's maritime military strength.

Under such a premise, what will the United States, which has clearly recognized the reality, do?

Has the United States finally come to terms with reality? Don't dare to stay around China anymore! U.S. troops in Japan evacuated tens of thousands of people

U.S. troops in Japan being evacuated

Just recently, the news about the withdrawal of US troops from Japan has aroused heated discussions.

According to reports, the United States has moved thousands of US troops originally stationed in Okinawa to Guam, Japan, and many people may think that the thousands of soldiers cannot explain anything, but according to the content of the report, this is only the first batch of US troops to be evacuated, and according to their arrangements, about 5,000 US troops will be withdrawn to the United States in the future, and there will be only about 10,000 US troops stationed in Japan at that time.

Perhaps for fear of misunderstanding from the outside world, the US Central Command made a special statement, saying that this transfer "is to reduce the burden on the base in Okinawa and there is no need to make a fuss."

Although it is true that the US military would mobilize troops from time to time in the past, first, the scale was not so large, and second, in the increasingly tense Sino-US relations, this practice of the US military in the outside world is exactly the side evidence of China's strength.

Has the United States finally come to terms with reality? Don't dare to stay around China anymore! U.S. troops in Japan evacuated tens of thousands of people

For ourselves, the withdrawal of US troops is of course a good thing, since ancient times the strategic location of the Okinawa region has been very important, Okinawa was called "Ryukyu" in ancient times, the Ryukyu Islands are located between Japan and Taiwan, and are also an important gateway for us to enter the Pacific Ocean.

Of course, all these obstacles are now decreasing along with the strength of the motherland, and under the general trend of building a multipolar pattern in the world, the hegemonism of the United States will eventually fail.

The Asia-Pacific region has long been coveted by the United States, and the situation in the Asia-Pacific region has been shrouded in the clouds of the West because of the friendship between Japan and South Korea and the United States.

So, what do you think about the U.S. withdrawal in front of the screen?

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