
Born without limbs, Nick was worth more than 100 million yuan by eloquence, and later married an Asian wife and gave birth to 4 children

author:One point
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

Have you ever wondered how a person who is born without hands and feet can live? The protagonist I want to talk about today is such a person, his name is Nick Hochul, who was born without limbs, but he has lived a proper life winner.

Relying on a mouth that can speak, not to mention a net worth of more than 100 million, he also married a beautiful Asian wife and gave birth to four babies in one go. Want to know how he did it? After reading his story, it will definitely subvert everyone's imagination and let you understand what it means to "life is not impossible".

Born without limbs, Nick was worth more than 100 million yuan by eloquence, and later married an Asian wife and gave birth to 4 children

A joke of fate

Nick Hochul was born in Australia in 1982, which was supposed to be a joyous moment for an ordinary family to usher in a new life, but everyone couldn't be happier. Because the child was born with a rare form of seal limb disease, that is, he was born with no arms and legs, only a "small lump of flesh" with two little toes growing under the buttocks.

This freaks out Nick's parents, what can I do? How will the child live in the future? They took the newborn Nick everywhere to seek medical advice, as long as there was a glimmer of hope, they could spend as much as they wanted, just begging God to have mercy on them, so that the children could live like normal people.

But the reality is extremely cruel, I went to all the major hospitals, tried various methods, and got disappointment again and again. Looking at the little Nick on the hospital bed, the parents' hearts were like knives.

Born without limbs, Nick was worth more than 100 million yuan by eloquence, and later married an Asian wife and gave birth to 4 children

In the end, they had to accept the cruel reality that Nick's illness could not be cured. But they didn't give up, and they decided to do everything in their power to love Nick and let him grow up happy like any other child.

For Nick, who has no limbs, life is like a grueling marathon, full of challenges, let alone studying, which is simply more difficult.

But Nick's parents did not give up, they knew that their child's life had just begun, and they could not let him be defeated by fate like this. They taught Nick to read and write like any other child, sent him to school on time, and hoped that he would receive an education like a normal child.

But without hands, Nick, let alone writing, even holding a pen is a problem. In order to help Nick overcome this difficulty, the parents really broke their hearts, racked their brains, and finally came up with a special writing device for him.

Born without limbs, Nick was worth more than 100 million yuan by eloquence, and later married an Asian wife and gave birth to 4 children

The device allowed Nick to hold the pen with his only "little feet", and although it was a struggle to write, he was able to practice stroke by stroke.

In addition to studying, Nick's parents also encouraged him to actively participate in various activities, hoping that he could experience the joy of life like a normal child. Swimming, an ordinary sport, was as difficult for Nick as climbing Mount Everest. Without hands and feet, it is impossible to maintain balance in the water at all, and choking on water is submerged, which is commonplace.

But Nick is also a child who does not admit defeat, falling again and again, getting up again and again, with the encouragement and companionship of his parents, he overcame his fear, practiced little by little, and finally learned to swim. He can float and swim freely in the water, like a happy little fish, enjoying the pleasure of the water.

Born without limbs, Nick was worth more than 100 million yuan by eloquence, and later married an Asian wife and gave birth to 4 children

With the meticulous care of his parents and his own efforts to never give up, Nick gradually mastered various life skills. Not only did he learn to swim, but he also learned to skillfully manipulate a computer with his toes, kick a ball with his "little feet", play drums, and do anything. More importantly, he has always maintained an optimistic and positive attitude, and is more mature and stable than many adults.

Igniting hope for life

Although Nick has overcome various obstacles in life and learned to live independently, he is still empty in his heart, and he always feels that there are shortcomings. He often asks himself: What is my purpose in life? Is it like this to live a life in a mess?

It wasn't until he was 19 years old that a black speaker named Reggie Dabbs came to visit and completely changed his mind. Reggie's speech was passionate and infectious, and Nick's blood boiled when he listened, as if something had ignited deep inside.

Born without limbs, Nick was worth more than 100 million yuan by eloquence, and later married an Asian wife and gave birth to 4 children

For the first time, he realized that his own life experiences could also inspire others. He aspires to be like Reggie, standing center stage and inspiring more people with his story.

So, Nick began to try to stand on the podium and share his story. But how easy is it to become a successful speaker? At first, no one was willing to invite a person with no limbs to give a speech, and it was hard to win a chance or two, and they were always arranged in an inconspicuous corner, and the appearance fee was pitiful, as if they were calling Hanako.

Again and again rejected and coldly treated, and others would have been disheartened and retreated. But Nick didn't. The unyielding energy in his bones has been completely stimulated, he doesn't believe in evil, he doesn't believe that he can't do it.

He began to devote himself to polishing his speeches, practicing over and over again, wondering how to tell his story more vividly and movingly. He also practiced in front of the mirror, trying to overcome his nervousness and make himself more confident on stage.

Born without limbs, Nick was worth more than 100 million yuan by eloquence, and later married an Asian wife and gave birth to 4 children

Finally, after many rejections, Nick ushered in his first formal speaking opportunity. Although it was only 5 minutes, he cherished it immensely, devoted himself wholeheartedly, and shared his stories and insights with everyone without reservation.

With the accumulation of speaking experience, Nick's speech style has become more and more mature, and his humorous language, optimistic and confident attitude, and real and touching stories have deeply touched every listener.

He used his own personal experience to tell everyone: even in the face of adversity, we must be brave to pursue our dreams and never give up, and his speech has brought hope and strength to countless people, helping them regain their confidence in life.

As a result, Nick has made a name for himself as a highly respected motivational speaker who has traveled the globe and inspired countless people to pursue their dreams.

also relied on his fluent speech to become a billionaire.

Born without limbs, Nick was worth more than 100 million yuan by eloquence, and later married an Asian wife and gave birth to 4 children

Yingyu Wife

After a successful career, Nick did not stop pursuing love. After a presentation, he met Kanae Miyahara, a beautiful Asian girl. Kanae is gentle and kind, which immediately attracted Nick's attention, and Nick's optimism and strength also deeply touched Kanae.

Men and women in love always hope to be blessed by everyone, especially their parents. So Nick couldn't wait to introduce Kanae to his parents.

But unexpectedly, Nick's parents were not happy when they learned about it, but instead acted worried. They approached Nick privately and tactfully expressed their concerns.

"Nick, we also see the matter between you and Jia Miao, this girl is really good, we all like it very much. But ......" Nick's mother stopped talking, her eyes full of worry.

Born without limbs, Nick was worth more than 100 million yuan by eloquence, and later married an Asian wife and gave birth to 4 children

Nick knows what his parents want to say, it is his disease, in fact, why don't parents want their son to start a family, after all, seal limb disease is not easy to treat, and it will be inherited, and his parents are worried that Nick's children will also inherit this disease, and they are worried that their future grandchildren will suffer the same pain as him.

Nick's father sighed, "We're all old, how long can we take care of you?" If you have children, in case ......"

Speaking of which, the two old men couldn't talk anymore, they couldn't bear to imagine what they would do if their children really inherited this disease.

In the face of Nick's family's worries and withdrawals, Kanae seemed very free and resolute, of course she knew how serious Nick's illness was, and she also knew that the disease might be hereditary, but she was not afraid.

Born without limbs, Nick was worth more than 100 million yuan by eloquence, and later married an Asian wife and gave birth to 4 children

She just wants to accompany Nick for the rest of her life, even if there is suffering in the future, she is not afraid. Kanae used her sincerity and firmness to dispel the concerns of Nick's parents. The most important thing is that she believes that if her child really inherits this disease, under the guidance of an optimistic and strong father like Nick, she will be able to overcome difficulties and grow up healthy and happy.

In the end, Nick's parents were moved by Kanae's sincerity and agreed to their marriage. In 2012, Nick and Kanae got married and formed their own small family. After marriage, they welcomed two lovely sons and a pair of twin daughters, and the family of six was happy.

Kanae is not only Nick's beloved wife, but also a good helper in his career. She accompanies Nick to give speeches everywhere, arranges his itinerary, and takes care of his daily chores, so that he can devote himself to his speaking career without any worries.

Born without limbs, Nick was worth more than 100 million yuan by eloquence, and later married an Asian wife and gave birth to 4 children

The value of life lies in never giving up

Today's Nick Hochul is no longer the confused teenager at the crossroads of life, he has become a world-renowned motivational speaker, writer and philanthropist. He has traveled all over the world and inspired countless people with his story, telling everyone: even in the face of adversity, we must be brave enough to pursue our dreams and never give up.

Looking back at his journey, he has experienced unimaginable hardships and challenges, but what did he rely on to reap the success of his career, the sweetness of love and the happiness of his family?

The answer is simple, it is the heart that never gives up.

Nick never complains about the unfairness of fate, he accepts his imperfections and strives to make his life more exciting. He proved with practical actions that even if you don't have a sound body, you can still live your own wonderful life.

Born without limbs, Nick was worth more than 100 million yuan by eloquence, and later married an Asian wife and gave birth to 4 children

He loves life, is positive and optimistic, from learning to write and swim to playing football and drums, he has challenged himself again and again, broken through his limits, and proved that nothing is impossible with practical actions.

He loves to speak, and uses his stories to inspire those who are in need, telling them not to give up hope, as long as they stick to their dreams, they will eventually usher in their own light.


Nick Hochul's story warmed many people. He made us understand that the value of life is not in how much you have, but in how much effort you put into it.

Nine times out of ten, life is not as expected, and everyone will encounter all kinds of difficulties and challenges. But remember, no matter when and where, don't give up hope, believe in yourself, be brave to pursue your dreams, and one day, you will create your own miracles.


Douyin Encyclopedia - Nick Hochul

Born without limbs, Nick was worth more than 100 million yuan by eloquence, and later married an Asian wife and gave birth to 4 children

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