
The elderly should eat less steamed porridge and eat more 5 kinds of high-potassium foods, which is more conducive to physical health

author:Eat and exercise to maintain health and health

With the popularization of the concept of healthy eating, more and more elderly people have begun to pay attention to their eating habits, how to eat nutritious and healthy.

Traditionally, porridge and steamed buns have occupied an important place on the table of the elderly as a staple food, however, with the deepening of nutrition research, the traditional concept has changed.

We found that for the elderly, it is more beneficial for physical health to appropriately reduce the intake of porridge and steamed bread and increase the intake of high-potassium foods.

The elderly should eat less steamed porridge and eat more 5 kinds of high-potassium foods, which is more conducive to physical health

Let's find out, why do older people need to increase their potassium intake? Potassium is a very important mineral for the human body, it is involved in the metabolism of cells, maintains the normal function of neuromuscles, and also helps control blood pressure and heartbeat.

With the increase of age, the physical function of the elderly gradually declines, and the demand for potassium also increases accordingly.

So, which foods are rich in potassium? Here are 5 recommended foods high in potassium that can be eaten regularly to benefit your health.

The elderly should eat less steamed porridge and eat more 5 kinds of high-potassium foods, which is more conducive to physical health

1. Bananas: Bananas are well-known high-potassium fruits, a medium-sized banana contains about 400 mg of potassium, and bananas are also rich in dietary fiber and vitamin C, which helps to promote intestinal health and enhance immunity.

2. Potatoes: Although potatoes are often classified as starchy foods, they are also a representative of high-potassium foods. One medium potato (about 150 grams) contains about 600 mg of potassium. Seniors can choose baked potatoes, or boiled mashed potatoes as a staple food, which is convenient to eat, delicious and healthy.

3. Spinach: Spinach is the best of the leafy greens, rich in not only potassium, but also rich in iron, calcium, and vitamins. Spinach contains about 558 mg of potassium per 100 grams, making it a good choice for potassium supplementation. Seniors can stir-fry spinach or make it into soup, which is both nutritious and delicious.

The elderly should eat less steamed porridge and eat more 5 kinds of high-potassium foods, which is more conducive to physical health

4. Tomato: Tomato is a common vegetable and fruit, which is rich in nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C and lycopene. Tomatoes contain about 179 mg of potassium per 100 grams. Elderly people can make tomatoes into tomato sauce or eat them raw, which can not only meet the taste needs, but also replenish potassium.

5. Walnuts: Walnuts are also a nut rich in potassium. Walnuts contain about 440 mg of potassium per 100 grams, and are also rich in unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants. Moderate consumption of walnuts can not only help the elderly supplement potassium, but also promote cardiovascular health and prevent senile diseases.

In addition, the elderly should also pay attention to a balanced mix when choosing food. In addition to high-potassium foods, eat more foods rich in protein, calcium, iron and other nutrients, such as fish, meat, eggs, milk, etc. At the same time, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and supplement with various vitamins and minerals.

The elderly should eat less steamed porridge and eat more 5 kinds of high-potassium foods, which is more conducive to physical health

Write at the end

In conclusion, for the elderly, eating less steamed porridge and eating more high-potassium foods is a healthier eating habit that is worth trying and sticking to.

Adequate intake of potassium and other nutrients through a proper combination of foods can help maintain the normal functioning of the body and improve physical performance.

Of course, the diet should ensure a balanced nutrition, through a scientific and reasonable diet, the elderly can better maintain their health and enjoy a happy old age.


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