
In order to recover the old accounts from more than ten years ago, the woman was cheated

author:Tongxiang Public Security
In order to recover the old accounts from more than ten years ago, the woman was cheated

"Look at it, other lawyers have said in the group, as long as I pay the lawyer's fees first, this old account can be recovered 100%."

Aunt Zhang

Bank staff

"We can understand the lawsuit, if you don't sign a contract and don't meet, let you transfer money first, this step is definitely not right......"

In order to recover the old accounts from more than ten years ago, the woman was cheated

On the morning of June 25

The anti-fraud commissioner of the Shimen Police Station received

Bank Movement Information

Aunt Zhang, a member of the public in the jurisdiction, is suspected of being a telecommunications network fraud

When they rushed to the bank

Aunt Zhang is holding her mobile phone

Emotionally arguing with the staff

In order to recover the old accounts from more than ten years ago, the woman was cheated

The cause of the matter

Let's start with a loan more than ten years ago


Aunt Zhang will be more than 100,000 yuan

Lent to a familiar individual owner for investment purposes

Due to the poor management of the self-employed owner

The factory soon went out of business

Not only did the good dividends not get it

Even the principal has been delayed and has not been given

"It's all in arrears for various reasons

Since last year, I have been directly blocked on my phone

I'd better go through the legal route."

Speaking of this "old man"

Aunt Zhang couldn't be angry


A few days ago, Aunt Zhang was watching a short video

See a video about "debt collection".

"100% recovery!"

"As long as three months!"

"No matter how much money ......"

Looking at the "lawyer" in the video

Swear to the letter

Aunt Zhang's heart was moved

In order to recover the old accounts from more than ten years ago, the woman was cheated


She added the contact details provided by the other party

Then it was pulled in

The so-called lawyer docking client base

In order to recover the old accounts from more than ten years ago, the woman was cheated

The other party asked Aunt Zhang to provide it

The identity and address of the "old man".

and asked Aunt Zhang to take a photo of her ID card

Personal information is sent

"He asked me to pay 3,000 yuan in legal fees first, and then I went to get a new bank card when I had time, saying that I needed ...... to recover the debt later."

Aunt Zhang

I learned that Aunt Zhang hadn't transferred the money yet

The anti-fraud commissioners present couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief

At the same time, the police station immediately conducted an inspection of the law firm

And called the number provided by the "lawyer".

It turned out that the law firm and the lawyer himself

It's all fiction

"How can it be a liar?

They also sent a lawyer's ......"

Seeing that Aunt Zhang was still a little unconvinced

The anti-fraud commissioner immediately pulled her to sit down

From the creation of a fake lawyer's certificate to the payment of so-called lawyer's fees

This includes providing a bank card number

Analyze the tricks of fraudsters for Aunt Zhang one by one


A detailed explanation

Let Aunt Zhang completely wake up

"If it weren't for you today

I'm really going to be cheated

It's scary to think about! ”

She confronted the bank staff and the anti-fraud officer

Thank you again and again

Finally, the anti-fraud commissioner told Aunt Zhang that if you are looking for a lawyer, you must go to a formal and legal law firm or legal service organization. If you want to consult on legal issues, there will be a lawyer in the lobby of the Shimen Town Judicial Office every Friday to provide legal assistance, and you can provide free consultation.

In order to recover the old accounts from more than ten years ago, the woman was cheated

Police remind

1. When seeking legal services and help, you should choose a formal and legal law firm or legal service organization to avoid being exploited by criminals.

2. Most of the so-called "100% recovery of debts" on the Internet are serial frauds, so don't be gullible.

3. Don't easily believe the identity documents shown to you by various netizens, which are likely to be fake documents made by scammers or mapping software.

4. Do not easily transfer money to the account provided by netizens, let alone disclose your ID card and bank card to others, if you are used by fraudsters to launder money laundering and transfer, after verification, you also need to bear certain responsibility, and the public security organs will investigate criminal responsibility in accordance with the law if the circumstances are serious.

In order to recover the old accounts from more than ten years ago, the woman was cheated

Correspondent: Tang Kaiyi Editor: Shen Xuan1st Judge: Yan Jiahui 2nd Viewer: Xu Feiyan 3rd Viewer: Yao Zhangyu Signed: Yu Donglin

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In order to recover the old accounts from more than ten years ago, the woman was cheated

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