
The warning education meeting for leading cadres in the whole region was held

author:Attraction Aoyama Lake
The warning education meeting for leading cadres in the whole region was held

On the morning of June 27th, the warning education meeting for leading cadres in the whole region was held, in-depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction, conscientiously implement the spirit of the provincial and municipal leading cadres warning education meeting, and deeply analyze the typical cases of violations of discipline and law investigated and dealt with in our district in recent years. We will continue to build a sound political ecology with a clean and upright atmosphere.

The warning education meeting for leading cadres in the whole region was held

Yuan Yi, secretary of the district party committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Yang Yuxing, deputy secretary of the district party committee and head of the district, Hu Jianguang, deputy secretary of the district party committee, Zheng Xianglong, director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, Nie Yuhua, chairman of the district CPPCC, and other leaders of the four sets of teams in the district, and the "two chiefs" of the district legal inspection attended the meeting.

The meeting studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction. Yuan once pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, standing at the overall height of the development of the cause of the Party and the country, has taken discipline construction as the fundamental policy of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, incorporated it into the overall layout of Party building in the new era, unremittingly governed the Party with strict discipline, and advanced with the times to promote the theoretical and institutional innovation of the Party's discipline construction, clearly put forward a series of new ideas, new ideas and new requirements, and formed an important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the Party's discipline construction. It demonstrates the high consciousness and historical initiative of the Chinese Communists in strengthening their revolutionary fighting spirit and always maintaining their political nature, and provides a powerful weapon for solving the unique problems of the big party and promoting the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to develop in depth. We must thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction, constantly deepen our understanding and grasp of its scientific connotation and practical requirements, and effectively enhance the ideological consciousness and action consciousness of learning discipline, knowing discipline, and abiding by discipline.

The warning education meeting for leading cadres in the whole region was held

Once Yuan stressed, it is necessary to take typical cases as a mirror, take them as a warning, ring the alarm bell for a long time, draw inferences from one case, treat both the symptoms and the root causes, and persist in the strict tone, strict measures, and strict atmosphere for a long time. It is necessary to strictly abide by political discipline, unremittingly use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to forge the soul, continue to consolidate the achievements of theme education, solidly carry out party discipline study and education, more deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", resolutely achieve the "two safeguards", and consciously be a politically clear person. It is necessary to strictly abide by organizational discipline, consciously enhance organizational concepts, strengthen organizational awareness, implement the requirements of organizational discipline, resolutely implement the system of requesting instructions and reporting, truthfully report relevant personal matters, and consciously accept organizational supervision. It is necessary to strictly abide by the discipline of honesty, buckle the button of honest and honest administration, strictly abide by the red line of discipline and rules, keep a close eye on departments and industries where power is concentrated, capital intensive, and resource-rich, continue to do a good job in tackling corruption in key areas, and truly manage key people, key places, and key matters. It is necessary to strictly abide by the discipline of the masses, deeply practice the people-centered development thinking, firmly establish the concept of political achievements for the benefit of the people, consciously follow the party's mass line in the new era, enhance the work skills of the masses, deeply understand the expectations of the masses, and actively respond to the concerns of the masses. It is necessary to strictly observe work discipline, persevere in implementing the spirit of the detailed rules for the implementation of the eight central regulations, strictly rectify formalism and bureaucracy, resolutely eliminate privileged thinking and behavior, improve the work mechanism for investigating and curing corruption at the same time, and cut off the chain of corruption from wind to corruption and from wind to corruption. It is necessary to strictly abide by the discipline of life, cultivate noble moral sentiments, maintain a serious style of life, always be in awe, be cautious, take the initiative to accept supervision from all sides, consciously purify the social circle, life circle, and circle of friends, strictly manage spouses, children, and staff around them, and cultivate a positive and healthy interest in life.

Yuan once stressed that it is necessary to always grasp the building of discipline as a basic and regular task, strengthen the all-round management and regular supervision of cadres, thoroughly grasp the education on party discipline and party spirit and integrity, and constantly deepen the comprehensive and strict management of the party, and create a strong atmosphere of entrepreneurship in the whole region. It is necessary to consolidate political responsibility, resolutely shoulder the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, do a good job in the main business, be a good main body, and promote the main responsibility and supervision responsibility to the end. It is necessary to firmly establish the cage of the system, deepen the use of cases to promote reform and governance, improve the governance efficiency of using systems to manage power, manage affairs and manage people, and promote the formation of a long-term mechanism that does not dare to be corrupt, cannot be corrupted, and does not want to be corrupt. It is necessary to encourage the responsible action, adhere to the combination of strict management and love, pay equal attention to incentives and constraints, and take a clear stand to support and encourage those who take responsibility, so that party members and cadres can rest assured and boldly start a business. It is necessary to be a good demonstration benchmark, be responsible, responsible, and perform duties, take the lead in hard work, continue to improve professional thinking and professional quality, and promote various work to achieve tangible results.

The meeting also reported and analyzed the typical cases of discipline violations and the disciplinary review in our region.

Written by Cai Henghui, District Rong Media Center

Preliminary Trial|Li Yiman

Review|Editor|Xu Bin

Final review|issuance|Xiong Huanming

The warning education meeting for leading cadres in the whole region was held

Submission email: [email protected]

The warning education meeting for leading cadres in the whole region was held
The warning education meeting for leading cadres in the whole region was held

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