
Is the wild ass a natural enemy of the wolf? Why are wolves, such ferocious animals, afraid of wild asses?

author:Lucky dumplings y4

Why are wolves afraid of wild asses?

What is the power of a wild donkey?

In recent years, the survival of many animals has been threatened due to the serious damage caused by human beings to the natural environment, and these animals are gradually endangered.

However, the wild ass is one of the few types of animals that have not been endangered in recent years.

With their strong bodies and "temperament" that are not afraid of any challenge, they have survived in this world and become one of the endangered animals.

And it is called the "nemesis of the wolf".

However, what is puzzling is that wolves have always been known for their "ferocity", so what kind of energy does a wild donkey have that can make wolves look away?

The wild ass is not a powerful animal in the animal kingdom, so it is impossible for it to have the same territorial consciousness as the lion.

For wild donkeys, their "territory" is a vast grassland where they live and have children with wolves.

Is the wild ass a natural enemy of the wolf? Why are wolves, such ferocious animals, afraid of wild asses?

However, the wild donkey and the wolf are a pair of "enemies", no matter what the period of time, the wild ass will not lack the carcass of the wolf, and in the same way, the wolf will not approach the wild ass with bad intentions.

Of course, the struggle between the wild donkey and the wolf is not one-sided, and the wild donkey is capable of fighting back.

In general, wolves are never afraid of wild donkeys, nor are they afraid of a wild donkey because it will attack them.

But when wild asses are on the verge of being bitten by wolves, they will show their powerful "skills".

Is the wild ass a natural enemy of the wolf? Why are wolves, such ferocious animals, afraid of wild asses?

When wolves approach a pack of wild asses and try to find a lone prey, they approach the herd and hide in the grass, waiting for their prey to appear.

At this time, if the wild donkey is not careful, it can easily be discovered and killed by wolves hiding in the grass.

Therefore, in order to prevent themselves from being harmed, the wild donkey will patrol the grass not far away from time to time.

And when a wild donkey spots a wolf, it gives a "loud" alarm.

Is the wild ass a natural enemy of the wolf? Why are wolves, such ferocious animals, afraid of wild asses?

In the same way, the wolf will not blindly move away from the spot, it will continue to lurk in the grass, waiting for an opportunity.

In fact, wild asses are not afraid of wolves hiding in the grass around them, and they do not think that there will be wolves near the grass.

Wild asses will make "sounds" to threaten while grazing, in order to make the sneak attacker appear under their own threat.

Is the wild ass a natural enemy of the wolf? Why are wolves, such ferocious animals, afraid of wild asses?

When wild asses are grazing, they will be easily spotted by wolves hiding in the grass, and then they will rush to the herd of wild donkeys to find a close prey.

Of course, wild donkeys will not be easily bitten by wolves after they find them, and they will run quickly to avoid wolves.

However, wild asses are not very fast, so they will be chased by wolves when they run, and then there may be cases of wild asses being bitten by wolves.

Is the wild ass a natural enemy of the wolf? Why are wolves, such ferocious animals, afraid of wild asses?

When a wild donkey is bitten by a wolf, it is when another wild donkey strikes.

The wild donkey will also become very ferocious, attacking the wolf with its hooves, or kicking the wolf's head with its hooves to get the wolf away from the wild donkey.

As soon as the wolf leaves, the wild donkey leaves the field to find its home.

At this time, the wolf who was kicked by the wild donkey will follow the wild donkey herd while sucking blood to allow his wounds to recover, or follow the wild donkey herd to continue to find his own food.

Therefore, the threat of wild donkeys can only be regarded as a "psychological" threat.

Is the wild ass a natural enemy of the wolf? Why are wolves, such ferocious animals, afraid of wild asses?

What is the energy of the "natural enemy" in the wild donkey that makes the wolf look away?

You know, wolves are animals that have lived on the grassland for dozens or hundreds of years, and they are well aware of the environment around them, so in the eyes of wolves, wild asses are just a prey not far from them.

Even when the wolf observes the wild donkey, he can see that the wild donkey is a bad prey, they are not fast, they do not have much strength, and they also contain the shortcomings of impatience and impatience.

Is the wild ass a natural enemy of the wolf? Why are wolves, such ferocious animals, afraid of wild asses?

But wolves have never been afraid of wild donkeys, and they have never been afraid of wild asses, because in the eyes of wolves, with so many shortcomings of wild asses, they are fully capable of restraining wild asses that are not very flexible.

Therefore, in the eyes of the wolf, whether it is strong prey or weak prey, it is not a problem at all, and the wolf can easily do it even if it is hunting strong prey.

Therefore, wolves have always been mostly animals that are "not afraid of death" and do not know how to be afraid, and they will not be secretly afraid in their hearts because of a prey.

Is the wild ass a natural enemy of the wolf? Why are wolves, such ferocious animals, afraid of wild asses?

But after people's research, as well as the secrets discovered by some wildlife researchers, people finally found an "ability" that can discourage wolves.

And this ability is the urine on the wild donkey.

It is also in people's observation that it is not that the wild donkey will fight back violently if it is angry, but that the wild donkey will get angry when there is a strong smell around it, and then it will "meddle" to help.

Is the wild ass a natural enemy of the wolf? Why are wolves, such ferocious animals, afraid of wild asses?

You must know that it is not the first time in the animal kingdom that wild asses will threaten themselves because of the strong smell emitted by their bodies, and even other animals will threaten themselves because of the strong smell emitted by their bodies.

The same kind of "nosy" is the unique behavior of wild donkeys, and this strong smell is the smell of wild donkeys.

Is the wild ass a natural enemy of the wolf? Why are wolves, such ferocious animals, afraid of wild asses?

The wolf has always judged the location of the enemy through its sense of smell, to judge what kind of body odor it is for itself, and of course what kind of animal this body odor belongs to.

The smell of the wild donkey in its surroundings is a "restless" animal for the wolf, so as soon as the animal smells, the wolf will immediately distance itself from it.

Is the wild ass a natural enemy of the wolf? Why are wolves, such ferocious animals, afraid of wild asses?

Therefore, when the wild ass pack is threatened by the wolves, it will immediately spot the wolves and make a buzzing sound to threaten.

However, when the wild donkeys around them make a threat, they will make the smell of their bodies stronger, so that they can scare away the wolves even more.

Similarly, wolves are frightened by this "threatening" body odor, so they will take the initiative to leave the herd of wild donkeys to protect their safety.

Is the wild ass a natural enemy of the wolf? Why are wolves, such ferocious animals, afraid of wild asses?


And among the wolves, there is a more "alert" wolf pack, they will quickly smell this strong smell, and take the initiative to notify the wolves next to them to "alert" them of potential threats in this territory.

So in this case, the wolves will take the initiative to leave the enemy in their territory to protect their lives.

Is the wild ass a natural enemy of the wolf? Why are wolves, such ferocious animals, afraid of wild asses?

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