
The U.S. warning is completely ineffective, a large number of rockets are raiding Israel, and the Middle East will face a catastrophe?

author:The Great Thousand Worlds


Another modern war has officially broken out in the Middle East, the difference is that this time Israel is not Egypt, nor Iraq, but from Israel's neighbor Lebanon to the north, this time from the Lebanese Allah Party's "just blockade" of Israel.

Although the United States and Israel have clearly warned Allah in Lebanon, it has not played any substantive role, on the contrary, all this has disturbed the originally very clear situation between the United States and Israel, which may trigger a war in the Middle East.

Massive black rocket attack on Israel.

Many refugees in the Middle East Lebanon and other countries have made Lebanon can be called a refugee country, Lebanon's land area is not very large, but there are more than 4 million refugees, mainly because Lebanon is a neighbor of war-torn countries, bordering Syria and other countries, so there are so many refugees pouring into Lebanon.

Lebanon has also received so many refugees, so Lebanon has entered a very difficult environment, not only the economic environment is declining, but also Lebanon has lost its original order and stability.

In the interim, Allah believes that Israel has succeeded and has become the face of the United States, using Israel as an agent for the rights of Jews in the Middle East.

The U.S. warning is completely ineffective, a large number of rockets are raiding Israel, and the Middle East will face a catastrophe?

Under the shield of Israel, the United States continues to send weapons and armor to Israel, the situation in Lebanon has become very serious, and their people are also facing death threats, caught in the war, the United States not only does not care about the war-torn Lebanon, but also places a missile wall in Lebanese territory to oppress the Lebanese people.

The United States and Israel continue to undermine the national order of Lebanon and do not allow the Lebanese people to live normally, so for this kind of aggression by the United States and Israel, Lebanon will certainly not swallow its anger, so there is the emergence of Allah, and the rocket attack is the Lebanese Allah Party.

The U.S. warning is completely ineffective, a large number of rockets are raiding Israel, and the Middle East will face a catastrophe?

On July 21, local time, 35 rockets from Lebanon suddenly hit northern Israel, causing large-scale fires to break out in nearby areas one after another.

The point is that the rockets fired this time came from Lebanon, and the sirens kept ringing in their ears, causing many residents to flee from the comfort of their homes.

The land in northern Israel that was attacked by Allah in Lebanon was mainly the Canaan Mountains, and it is here that this holy place was once the diaspora, the habitat, and the land of the Jews.

Even in this area, the God of the Jews gave orders to Moses in the form of flames, a holy place in the hearts of the Jews, which is now the stronghold of black rockets fired by Allah in Lebanon.

The Israeli government had already carried out air strikes against Lebanese Allah forces in the Canaan Mountains before the rockets reached Israeli airspace, but because the Canaan Mountains were in the jungle and mountainous areas, it was easy to detonate the sleeping fires in the area, and it was Israeli aerial bomb attacks that triggered them.

Most of the 35 rockets were successfully intercepted by Israel, but some of the rockets landed on Israeli soil, causing fires in nearby areas, and there were no casualties.

Armored units are openly marching to the Lebanese border.

U.S. Ambassador Nyongot told Lebanese President Jonny Achar: "We must not expect the United States to take irrational action against the rocket attacks of Allah in Lebanon, let alone to provide any assistance to Allah in Lebanon, let alone any resources."

"This has a direct impact on Lebanon's security, and the United States cannot talk about Lebanon's security threats without taking any action to address them," Achar said.

Israel's defense minister, known as Avivubozhzki, openly told Lebanon in an interview: "If you do not take measures against Allah Lebanon, it will only turn Lebanon into ruins, back to your primitive era, back to your Stone Age state."

Such a threat not only comes from Israeli officials, but US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan has also given a public warning to Lebanon, saying: "The United States will not provide any help to Allah Lebanon."

The U.S. warning is completely ineffective, a large number of rockets are raiding Israel, and the Middle East will face a catastrophe?

Lebanese Allah will not rely on the United States, let alone the help of the United States, they only need to defend Lebanon's independence and sovereignty by force, and these help the United States and Israel carry too many conditions, too many constraints, and the consequences will be even more fatal, and it will be the people of Lebanon who will decide the peace of the war.

Therefore, the Lebanese Allah Party also met the war with a death-like attitude towards this time, but in the end it was the Lebanese Allah Party that made a compromise and has withdrawn the base for firing rockets from the Lebanese Allah stronghold.

However, Israel has not eased the situation of war, on the contrary, after adjusting the deployment of resources, it has already driven its armored forces to the border area of Lebanon, which has also intensified the intensity of the conflict between the two sides, and if it is not careful, a historic all-out war in the Middle East will break out.

In order to strengthen its war power, Israel has recruited 3,000 ultra-Orthodox men, so that these men can help Israel militarily and provide more possibilities for Israel's victory.

Every country in the world today has taken a very cautious attitude towards war and rarely supports war, but this does not mean that these countries do not support the United States and Israel in their attack on Allah in Lebanon, but hope to resolve the conflict through diplomatic means, do not want war, and the harm of war is irreparable.

The U.S. warning is completely ineffective, a large number of rockets are raiding Israel, and the Middle East will face a catastrophe?

Even if the common people are worried about the outbreak of war, the rest of the world, whether it is the ordinary people of Lebanon, they all want the war to not trigger a chain reaction, so that the people of every country are safe and sound.

However, the war in the Middle East is not optimistic, once a war breaks out, it will trigger a chain reaction, and the United States, as the world's superpower, will naturally take the position, then the situation in the Middle East will not only be tense, but eventually war will break out.

What kind of problems will be raised by the resumption of fighting?

The Middle East is a region of constant conflict, and countries are constantly involved in it, becoming a passive party, and even the economic environment has been hit hard, without the original momentum of development, and finally trying to find a solution to the problem, but it is always unsatisfactory and unable to solve the problem.

As early as the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the United States took the Middle East as its sphere of influence and occupied the Middle East countries long ago, and its own interests are of course the first and cannot be infringed upon by any country.

That is why there is the current situation, and Israel's actions are even more inexplicable, at first the Lebanese Allah forces only carried out minor attacks on Israel, but there were no casualties, and the US ambassador and national security adviser still made public threats.

However, Israel retaliated by air strikes against Lebanon because the Lebanese Allah attack on Israel intensified its hostility towards the Lebanese Allah Party, but the Israeli air strikes on Lebanon did not cause any actual casualties.

However, Allah Israel has not only razed the strongholds of the Lebanese Allah Party, but also recruited 3,000 ultra-Orthodox people, which has doubled the defense of the Lebanese Allah Party against Israel.

Although the Lebanese Allah Party has only 10,000 armed forces, it has chosen to act aggressively in the face of the two major powers, the United States and Israel.

Their insistence on their position is inviolable and they deserve it, but in the eyes of the United States and Israel, Allah Lebanon is considered a terrorist organization and cannot accept its existence.

But Lebanese Allah does have a lot of problems, their armed forces do not have high-tech equipment like Israel, but Lebanese Allah also has its own methods, whenever there is a war about to break out, they will always hide their armed forces, and the soldiers on standby will be arranged in different places, ready to go to the battlefield at any time.

Israel will also become helpless in the face of this situation, because they do not know how to start, but it becomes a big problem for them, and as time goes by, the moment when war will eventually break out, and this finally broke out at the moment when Allah Lebanon attacked Israel in the first place.


Even the US air strikes were a warning to Allah in Lebanon, but because the intermediate links were not docked, the format between the United States and Israel became more severe, and even on the verge of detonating the powder keg in the Middle East.

Once the flames of war in the Middle East are burning, they cannot be extinguished, but can only be expanded and more powder kegs detonated.

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