
Why doesn't Israel return to its 1967 borders? In 76 years, the population increased 12 times, and land was life

author:Spicy U

Israel obviously can't hold on, so why should it die?

Why doesn't Israel return to its 1967 borders? In 76 years, the population increased 12 times, and land was life

There is no way, the national character is like this, no matter who is the prime minister of Israel, as long as it dares to agree to a settlement package and retreat to the borders of 1967, it will be drowned by the population.

Israel now has no way back, and if it retreats to the 1967 borders, it will have to spit out a lot of ground, and according to the Israeli personality, it is better to fight to the death.

Therefore, Israel has only two choices, either to withstand the pressure and defeat all Arab countries; Or be wiped out.

The problem is that the 1967 border was a military demarcation line, not a national border, and Palestine at that time had not yet been recognized by the international community, and Jerusalem was not Palestinian in the 1948 programme.
Why doesn't Israel return to its 1967 borders? In 76 years, the population increased 12 times, and land was life

Israel's desire for land is beyond imagination:

In 1948, Israel's population was 660,000, of which 650,000 were Jews.

In 2024, Israel's population is more than 10 million and Jews are more than 7.2 million.

Israel's actual control area is 28,000 square kilometers, which seems not small, but more than 70% of Israel's territory is desert or relatively barren soil, with little economic value, and the per capita arable land area is only 14% of the world's per capita, and 90% of the grain needs to be imported.

Why doesn't Israel return to its 1967 borders? In 76 years, the population increased 12 times, and land was life

And according to the current situation, Israel's fertility rate is quite high, and there are many Jewish immigrants around the world, the fastest growing country in the Middle East is Israel, Iran's population growth rate is 1.7, Saudi Arabia is 2.35, and Israel is 2.95, Israel says all day long that Palestine deliberately has children, and its own fertility rate is actually higher.

Lacking resources, a large population, and extremely high prices, if Israel does not think of a way, I am afraid that it will not be able to hold on to its own country without waiting for the arrival of the Arab coalition.

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