
The sad love history of Golden Horse actress Lin Qingxia: Bitter love for Qin Han, love for Qin Xianglin, turn around to marry a rich man

The sad love history of Golden Horse actress Lin Qingxia: Bitter love for Qin Han, love for Qin Xianglin, turn around to marry a rich man
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The sad love history of Golden Horse actress Lin Qingxia: Bitter love for Qin Han, love for Qin Xianglin, turn around to marry a rich man

In 1994, the entertainment industry was shocked. Lin Qingxia, who was once popular on the screen, married a wealthy businessman Xing Liyuan at the age of 38 with lightning speed.

Why did this goddess, who once dominated the film industry, suddenly choose to retire and enter a wealthy family instead? After getting married, Xing Li originally bought a mansion worth 500 million yuan for her, and did not let her take care of any housework.

On the surface, Lin Qingxia seems to be living a life that everyone envies. However, all kinds of rumors about Xing Liyuan's presence have always continued. In the face of these speculations, Lin Qingxia remained silent, only occasionally flashing complicated emotions in her eyes.

Today, she no longer calls herself a "great beauty", but focuses on writing.

The sad love history of Golden Horse actress Lin Qingxia: Bitter love for Qin Han, love for Qin Xianglin, turn around to marry a rich man

In 1972, 18-year-old Lin Qingxia suffered a major setback at the crossroads of her life. The failure of the university entrance examination made this girl with dreams lose her direction for a while.

However, fate always likes to joke. Just when Lin Qingxia was disheartened, a chance chance changed the trajectory of her life.

In Taipei's bustling Ximending, Lin Qingxia's innate temperament attracted the attention of a talent scout. This chance encounter became an opportunity for her to step into the showbiz.

Soon, Lin Qingxia received an invitation to her debut novel "Outside the Window".

The sad love history of Golden Horse actress Lin Qingxia: Bitter love for Qin Han, love for Qin Xianglin, turn around to marry a rich man

On the set of "Outside the Window", 26-year-old Qin Han was impressed by Lin Qingxia's temperament at a glance. He insisted that the director choose Lin Qingxia as the heroine, which not only made Lin Qingxia's acting career, but also planted the seeds of complicated emotional entanglements in the future.

Lin Qingxia became an instant hit with "Outside the Window", but with it came greater challenges and opportunities. Over the next five years, she starred in 55 films at an eye-popping pace, 16 of which starred with Qin Han.

During this period, Lin Qingxia's acting skills became more and more exquisite, and her beauty was in full swing, and she soon became a popular movie star.

However, behind the bright star journey, Lin Qingxia's heart is full of contradictions and struggles. Every time she played against Qin Han, she had to find a balance between professional performance and private emotion.

The sad love history of Golden Horse actress Lin Qingxia: Bitter love for Qin Han, love for Qin Xianglin, turn around to marry a rich man

This complicated mood makes her feel tormented every time she stands on the set.

Lin Qingxia once sighed in private: "I seem to be acting in a play that never stops, and I need to carefully control my emotions on and off the stage." This sentence vividly depicts her conflicting state of mind at the time.

Despite this, Brigitte Lin still maintains an amazing work efficiency and professional attitude. She created many classic roles in just a few years and became one of the hottest actresses of that era.

Her beauty, talent, and professionalism have won unanimous praise from the industry and audiences.

The sad love history of Golden Horse actress Lin Qingxia: Bitter love for Qin Han, love for Qin Xianglin, turn around to marry a rich man

However, as her fame grew, so did the scandal about her and Qin Han. Lin Qingxia found herself having to make a difficult choice between career and relationship.

During this period, although she was radiant on the screen, she often fell into deep confusion and confusion in private.

Lin Qingxia's love life is like a drama with ups and downs, and the protagonists are two men with the same surname and different lives: Qin Han and Qin Xianglin. These two relationships have been intertwined in her life for more than 20 years, bringing her endless joy and suffering.

In 1972, 18-year-old Lin Qingxia met 26-year-old Qin Han on the set of "Outside the Window". This mature and steady man instantly captured her heart. However, this relationship was destined to be taboo from the beginning, because Qin and Han were already married.

The sad love history of Golden Horse actress Lin Qingxia: Bitter love for Qin Han, love for Qin Xianglin, turn around to marry a rich man

Lin Qingxia once revealed in private: "Every time he asks me if I would like to date a married man, I feel extremely conflicted and tired.

The relationship lasted a full decade, filled with hiding, struggle, and self-doubt. In 1979, an accident pushed the two to the forefront. A wedding still in "Colorful Clouds" was mistaken for a wedding photo of the two, causing an uproar.

In the face of overwhelming doubts and accusations, Lin Qingxia felt extremely painful. She chose to go to the United States to study in an attempt to escape this land of right and wrong.

Just when Lin Qingxia was at her most vulnerable, Qin Xianglin walked into her life. Unlike Qin and Han, Qin Xianglin was more considerate and gentle. He silently accompanied Lin Qingxia, slowly melting her heart with care and patience.

The sad love history of Golden Horse actress Lin Qingxia: Bitter love for Qin Han, love for Qin Xianglin, turn around to marry a rich man

Lin Qingxia once sighed: "Qin Xianglin gave me a sense of security and respect that I couldn't get from Qin Han.

The relationship between the two quickly warmed up, and they soon got engaged. However, even after four years with Qin Xianglin, Lin Qingxia always had a vacancy in her heart that could not be filled.

On the eve of the engagement, she mustered up the courage to call Qin Han, expecting him to keep her. At this moment, Lin Qingxia's inner contradiction reached its peak.

In the end, Lin Qingxia still chose to start over with Qin Han. In 1985, under Qiong Yao's matchmaking, the two made their relationship public. At that time, Lin Qingxia looked full of happiness, as if she had finally waited for her destined love.

The sad love history of Golden Horse actress Lin Qingxia: Bitter love for Qin Han, love for Qin Xianglin, turn around to marry a rich man

However, this hard-won relationship is not as beautiful as imagined. Nine years later, 38-year-old Lin Qingxia began to doubt the relationship.

Lin Li's words gave Lin Qingxia a profound inspiration: "The family members who can really bless you and protect you consistently are the only eternity." This sentence is like a bright light, illuminating the confusion in Lin Qingxia's heart.

In 1994, this 22-year emotional entanglement finally came to an end. Lin Qingxia and Qin Han officially broke up and embarked on different life paths.

Looking back on this relationship that spanned more than 20 years, Lin Qingxia was full of emotion. She wrote in her diary: "I finally understand that love is not the whole of life. True happiness comes from inner peace and contentment in life.

The sad love history of Golden Horse actress Lin Qingxia: Bitter love for Qin Han, love for Qin Xianglin, turn around to marry a rich man

This experience gave Lin Qingxia a deeper understanding of life and relationships. Instead of blindly pursuing a vigorous love, she began to yearn for a home that would give her a sense of security and belonging.

This change in mood also laid the groundwork for her future life choices.

Lin Qingxia's acting career can be said to be soaring all the way, but her emotional world is like a drama of ups and downs. Between 1974 and 1979, she starred in 55 romantic films at an astonishing rate, 16 of which were partnered with Qin and Han.

Every time they stand on the set, the two need to try their best to restrain their inner turmoil and maintain professional standards. Lin Qingxia once sighed in private: "Our relationship seems to be a never-ending performance, and everyone on and off the stage is forcing themselves to continue acting."

The sad love history of Golden Horse actress Lin Qingxia: Bitter love for Qin Han, love for Qin Xianglin, turn around to marry a rich man

In 1979, an accident pushed Lin Qingxia to the forefront of public opinion. A wedding scene in "The Sky is Full of Colorful Clouds" was exposed by the media, and it was misunderstood as a real wedding photo of her and Qin Han.

This oolong incident caused an uproar, and Lin Qingxia instantly fell from the much-anticipated national goddess to the target of public criticism.

In the face of overwhelming doubts and abuse, Lin Qingxia felt extremely depressed and painful.

In order to escape this storm of public opinion, Lin Qingxia chose to go to the United States to study acting courses. In a foreign country, she often sat alone by the window, staring into the distance in confusion, thinking about her life and feelings.

The sad love history of Golden Horse actress Lin Qingxia: Bitter love for Qin Han, love for Qin Xianglin, turn around to marry a rich man

During this period, Lin Qingxia was not only improving her acting skills, but also seeking inner peace and repositioning.

After returning to China, Lin Qingxia continued her acting career, but the confusion in her heart did not completely dissipate. She wrote in her diary: "On screen, I can easily navigate a variety of roles.

But in real life, I often don't know how to play my true self. This sentence expresses her inner contradictions and confusion at the peak of her career.

Despite this, Lin Qingxia still maintains a high level of professionalism. She went on to create many classic roles, winning critical acclaim from audiences and industry insiders alike.

The sad love history of Golden Horse actress Lin Qingxia: Bitter love for Qin Han, love for Qin Xianglin, turn around to marry a rich man

However, underneath her glamorous exterior, she is constantly looking for a balance on her inside.

During this period, Lin Qingxia reached an unprecedented peak in her career, but she fell into a trough emotionally. She began to wonder: what is true happiness? Is it career success, or is it inner satisfaction? This kind of thinking also laid the groundwork for her future life choices.

In Lin Qingxia's colorful emotional experience, there is a little-known first love, and the object is a musician named Gou Feng. Although this relationship was short-lived, it left a deep impression on the young Lin Qingxia and laid the foundation for her future attitude towards life.

It was a rainy day, and Lin Qingxia met Gou Feng. This talented musician impressed Brigitte Lin with his unique philosophy of life. Gou Feng often said: "Jealousy only shows a person's incompetence, while appreciation is a kind of absorption and promotion."

The sad love history of Golden Horse actress Lin Qingxia: Bitter love for Qin Han, love for Qin Xianglin, turn around to marry a rich man

Only by learning to appreciate the good in others can we constantly improve ourselves.

These words were deeply imprinted in Lin Qingxia's mind and became an important criterion for her to behave in the world since then. Since then, no matter how wonderful women she meets, Lin Qingxia can sincerely appreciate them with an open and inclusive mind.

This positive attitude towards life also influenced her later acting career and personal growth.

Whenever she recalls Gou Feng, Lin Qingxia's eyes always flash with a trace of warmth and gratitude. She once said in a private interview: "It was Gou Feng who taught me how to love the world and how to appreciate the beauty in life."

The sad love history of Golden Horse actress Lin Qingxia: Bitter love for Qin Han, love for Qin Xianglin, turn around to marry a rich man

This first love, though short-lived, was one of the most precious gifts of my life.

This first love, which has been forgotten by many people, actually played an important role in Lin Qingxia's life. It is not only the starting point of her emotional life, but also a key moment in the formation of her outlook on life and values.

In 1994, Lin Qingxia, who entered a wealthy family, made an unexpected decision: to retire from the film completely and bid farewell to her brilliant acting career of more than 20 years. However, this is not the end of her life, but a new beginning.

Away from the spotlight and spotlight, Lin Qingxia began to devote her energy to writing. She picked up the pen and began to record her colorful life experiences and deep insights.

The sad love history of Golden Horse actress Lin Qingxia: Bitter love for Qin Han, love for Qin Xianglin, turn around to marry a rich man

This change is not only a career choice, but also a call from her heart.

"Please stop calling me a big beauty," Lin Qingxia said in an interview, "It's really tiring to be a beauty." Now, I prefer to present myself as a literati who focuses on writing.

Her eyes revealed firmness and calmness, as if she had finally found a new direction in life.

Through writing, Brigitte Lin was able to re-examine her life. In her works, we see a real, three-dimensional Lin Qingxia, instead of the unreachable image of the goddess on the screen.

The sad love history of Golden Horse actress Lin Qingxia: Bitter love for Qin Han, love for Qin Xianglin, turn around to marry a rich man

She candidly shared her emotional experiences, life confusion and inner growth, revealing reflections on the past and expectations for the future.

Today's Lin Qingxia has transformed into a writer with a rich heart and mature thoughts. She tells her own story with the tip of her pen, and she constantly reinvents herself in writing.

This screen goddess, who once fascinated countless audiences, has now found a new stage of life in the world of words.

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