
Magnolia "looked at the demon mirror", after Zhou Xun and Hu Ge won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

author:Peace and Happiness

Finally, the 29th Magnolia Awards Ceremony kicked off the mystery in the "All Eyes on the People".

Although the award content is not high, the honor is extremely high, such as Liu Yifei, a "Story of Rose" won the first place on multiple platforms, and the overseas promotion ambassador of the TV series is worthy of its name.

But although Liu Yifei is eye-catching, for netizens, it is just a "brick" that throws bricks and attracts jade, and who is the best male and female protagonist is the highlight of Magnolia.

Magnolia "looked at the demon mirror", after Zhou Xun and Hu Ge won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

In the end, the mystery was solved, and Zhou Xun won the Best Actress Award for "Imperfect Victim".

Magnolia "looked at the demon mirror", after Zhou Xun and Hu Ge won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

Zhou Xun's acting skills should have been "well deserved" after the second view, but he didn't expect an overwhelming "complaint" in the comment area.

Magnolia "looked at the demon mirror", after Zhou Xun and Hu Ge won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

In a lively and extraordinary atmosphere of awards, Zhou Xun stood on the stage of the Magnolia Awards Ceremony, holding the trophy symbolizing the honor of Best Actress in his hand. Her eyes sparkled with delight, but with a hint of complexity. This honor is undoubtedly an important affirmation in her acting career, but what followed was an overwhelming "complaint" on the Internet.

Magnolia "looked at the demon mirror", after Zhou Xun and Hu Ge won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

"After Zhou Xun's second closure, why are there so many people complaining?" This is a question in the minds of many netizens. In fact, this situation is not uncommon in the entertainment industry. At every award ceremony, no matter who wins the award, there will always be people who are dissatisfied, and there will always be people who feel "unfair". And the reason why Zhou Xun won the award this time caused so much controversy may have something to do with her work selection, acting performance and public image in recent years.

Magnolia "looked at the demon mirror", after Zhou Xun and Hu Ge won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

First of all, from the perspective of the selection of works, Zhou Xun's works in recent years are relatively single, and most of them are based on realistic themes. Although this kind of work can resonate with the audience, it is also easy to cause aesthetic fatigue. Especially in the current era of diversity and personalization, the audience has extremely high expectations for different types of works. Therefore, when Zhou Xun won another award for his realistic works, some viewers may feel that there is a "lack of novelty" and thus become dissatisfied.

Magnolia "looked at the demon mirror", after Zhou Xun and Hu Ge won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

Secondly, from the perspective of acting performance, Zhou Xun's acting skills are undoubtedly very good. In each of her works, she is able to accurately grasp the inner world of the characters and portray the characters to life. However, it is precisely because her acting skills are so good that sometimes people ignore her understanding and shaping of the role. In the eyes of some audiences, Zhou Xun's acting skills have reached the point of "perfection", but she lacks some innovations and breakthroughs in character building. This "cookie-cutter" performance method also made some audiences feel disappointed and dissatisfied.

Magnolia "looked at the demon mirror", after Zhou Xun and Hu Ge won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

Moreover, from the perspective of public image, Zhou Xun has always been a low-key and introverted actor. She rarely speaks in public, and rarely participates in various variety shows and promotional activities. Although this low-key style has won the love and respect of many audiences, it has also made her relatively low exposure in the entertainment industry. In this era of "traffic is king", actors who lack exposure are easy to be forgotten. Therefore, when Zhou Xun wins the award again, some viewers may feel that "she is already angry", resulting in dissatisfaction.

Magnolia "looked at the demon mirror", after Zhou Xun and Hu Ge won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

Of course, in addition to the above reasons, there are some other factors that may also lead to the emergence of this "complaint". For example, some netizens may have doubts about the selection criteria for the Magnolia Award; Or they feel that other actors have performed better and deserve this award; Some netizens may just express their dissatisfaction with Zhou Xun's award out of personal preferences and prejudices.

Magnolia "looked at the demon mirror", after Zhou Xun and Hu Ge won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

However, regardless of the reason, we should respect the efforts and dedication of each and every winner. Zhou Xun won the Best Actress Award for "Imperfect Victim", which is the accumulation and precipitation of her acting career for many years. She showed excellent acting skills and in-depth understanding of the role in this role, which is an important reason why she was able to win this award. Therefore, we should give her the respect and recognition she deserves.

Magnolia "looked at the demon mirror", after Zhou Xun and Hu Ge won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

At the same time, we should also look at the results of each award ceremony rationally. Each award is based on certain criteria and procedures, and while there may be controversy and dissatisfaction at times, this does not negate the efforts and achievements of the winners. We should look at these controversies and grievances with a tolerant and inclusive mindset, and give the winners the respect and support they deserve.

Magnolia "looked at the demon mirror", after Zhou Xun and Hu Ge won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

Finally, we should also reflect on our attitude towards star-chasing and entertainment. As viewers and fans, we should focus on the actors' work and performances, not just their private lives and gossip news. We should respect the choices and efforts of each actor and give them the support and encouragement they deserve. At the same time, we should also maintain a rational and objective attitude, do not blindly chase stars and follow trends, and be an audience and fan with independent thinking and judgment ability.

Magnolia "looked at the demon mirror", after Zhou Xun and Hu Ge won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

In short, Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Best Actress Award for "Imperfect Victim", which is the accumulation and precipitation of her acting career for many years. Although there have been some "complaints" on the Internet, we should respect her efforts and achievements and give her the recognition and support she deserves. At the same time, we should also reflect on our attitude towards star-chasing and entertainment, and be an audience and fan with independent thinking and judgment.

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