
Billionaire Xu Ming died of illness in prison for 8 years, and his celebrity wife Tian Hairong is doing now


First, when Xu Ming's career was booming, he met Tian Hairong, who was already well-known in the entertainment industry at that time, at a party. This encounter, like the arrangement of fate, brought a huge turning point to the trajectory of their lives.

Xu Ming was born in 1971 and comes from an ordinary family in Dalian. Since childhood, he has shown extraordinary intelligence and has always been at the top of his academic performance. During his university years, he showed a strong entrepreneurial spirit and business acumen.

After graduating, he did not choose a stable job, but resolutely embarked on the road of entrepreneurship. With keen market insight and perseverance, Xu Ming founded Shida Group in the early 90s.

Through unremitting efforts and accurate business decisions, Xu Ming's career has developed rapidly. He expanded his business to include a wide range of sectors, and soon became one of China's youngest billionaires.

Billionaire Xu Ming died of illness in prison for 8 years, and his celebrity wife Tian Hairong is doing now

Second, in the business world, Xu Ming is known for his wisdom and courage, and is known as a business wizard. In contrast, Tian Hairong's growth trajectory is more flat. With her talent and hard work, she has gradually emerged in the entertainment industry.

Showing people in the image of "Holy Rose", she not only has outstanding appearance, but also has profound acting skills. Before meeting Xu Ming, she was already well-known in the circle and was a promising new-generation actor.

The encounter between the two is like a fairy tale. Xu Ming was attracted by Tian Hairong's temperament, and Tian Hairong was moved by Xu Ming's talent and charm. Despite the fact that the two come from different fields, they quickly develop a strong attraction to each other.

Xu Ming once recalled: "The first time I saw her, it was like seeing the most brilliant fireworks. After a brief acquaintance, the two quickly fell in love. Their combination is not only a hand-in-hand between two people, but also a strong alliance between the business community and the entertainment industry.

Billionaire Xu Ming died of illness in prison for 8 years, and his celebrity wife Tian Hairong is doing now

Third, this high-profile relationship quickly came to fruition, and their wedding became the focus news of the year, attracting widespread attention from all walks of life. In this way, Xu Ming and Tian Hairong embarked on a new journey in life hand in hand and started their wealthy marriage.

No one thought that this seemingly perfect marriage would go through what kind of trials and tribulations it would experience in the future. After marriage, Xu Ming and Tian Hairong can be described as a perfect match, and their lives seem to have reached the peak that many people dream of.

Xu Ming's business empire ushered in unprecedented expansion during this period, and his business territory continued to expand, involving real estate, finance, technology and other fields. With his keen business sense and decisive decision-making ability, Xu Ming quickly amassed his wealth and soon became one of China's top richest people.

In the business world, Xu Ming's name has become synonymous with success. He is not only good at running his own business, but also keen to participate in social welfare undertakings. Xu Ming often appears in various important business situations, and his every speech and every decision is closely watched.

Billionaire Xu Ming died of illness in prison for 8 years, and his celebrity wife Tian Hairong is doing now

During this period, Xu Ming undoubtedly stood at the pinnacle of his career and enjoyed enviable success. At the same time, Tian Hairong's acting career is also thriving. Although her focus shifted after she got married, she didn't completely give up on her career pursuits.

Fourth, with her excellent acting skills and unique temperament, Tian Hairong still has a place in the film and television industry. She carefully selects the roles and impresses the audience every time she plays them.

Although her appearance rate has decreased, she is still a powerful actor loved by the audience. While having a successful career, the family life of the two is also happy. They have a lovely daughter who brings more joy to the family.

Despite his busy schedule, Xu Ming still finds time to spend with his family as much as possible. He once said in an interview: "No matter how busy you are, your family is always the most important." Tian Hairong has found a balance between career and family, she is both a competent wife and mother, and she maintains her own career pursuits.

Billionaire Xu Ming died of illness in prison for 8 years, and his celebrity wife Tian Hairong is doing now

During this period, the lives of Xu Ming and Tian Hairong can be described as a golden age of life. They have enviable wealth, careers, and families, and are the perfect golden boy and girl in the eyes of outsiders.

The two often attend various social events together and become the focus of attention. The media rushed to report on their lives, and people envied their happiness. However, as it is often said, life is always full of uncertainties.

Fifth, just when Xu Ming and Tian Hairong were enjoying the peak moment of their lives, fate was quietly preparing for a huge turn. This high-profile couple is about to face a storm that can change their lives.

No one could have imagined what kind of test would await them. In 2009, a sudden storm struck the seemingly perfect family. Xu Ming was investigated by relevant departments for suspected economic problems, and the news was like a bolt from the blue, instantly shocking the entire business and entertainment circles.

Billionaire Xu Ming died of illness in prison for 8 years, and his celebrity wife Tian Hairong is doing now

It was an ordinary night, and when the news of Xu Ming being taken away for investigation came, Tian Hairong's world seemed to collapse in an instant. She later recalled: "At that moment, I felt like the sky was falling, and I didn't know what to do.

Faced with the sudden change, Tian Hairong had to face the bombardment of the media and the speculation of the public alone. At this time, Tian Hairong was faced with the most difficult choice in her life.

Some people persuaded her to take the opportunity to get out, after all, she is still young and still a popular actress. There is no shortage of examples in the entertainment industry who choose to leave because of an accident with their partner. However, Tian Hairong made a decision that surprised many people - she chose to stand by her husband's side unconditionally and tide over the difficulties together.

Tian Hairong's decision surprised many people. Some admired her loyalty, believing it to be a manifestation of true love; Others questioned her motives and speculated whether she had other plans.

Billionaire Xu Ming died of illness in prison for 8 years, and his celebrity wife Tian Hairong is doing now

Sixth, in the face of disturbing discussions, Tian Hairong chose to remain silent. She simply said: "What kind of husband is it if you abandon your husband in the most difficult time?" This decision means that Tian Hairong will face unprecedented challenges.

Not only does she have to take care of her young daughter alone, but she also has to deal with the complicated affairs left behind by Xu Ming. What's even more difficult is that she has to face the pressure of public opinion and the various speculations that come with it.

However, Tian Hairong seems to have made up her mind. She began to slowly fade out of the public eye, focusing on family matters and supporting her husband. Her persistence and silence are particularly eye-catching in the noisy public opinion.

This storm not only changed the trajectory of Xu Ming and Tian Hairong's lives, but also made people see the truth and tenacity behind this seemingly glamorous star couple. What awaits Tian Hairong next will be a long and difficult time.

Billionaire Xu Ming died of illness in prison for 8 years, and his celebrity wife Tian Hairong is doing now

Seventh, after Xu Ming was imprisoned, Tian Hairong's life changed dramatically. From the much-anticipated wealthy Kota, she became the controversial wife of a prisoner overnight.

However, she was not defeated by reality and chose to face it all strongly. At the same time, Tian Hairong also needs to continue to run her business. Although Xu Ming's imprisonment had a huge impact on their business, Tian Hairong did not sit still.

She began to study business management and handled the company's affairs herself. "I have to keep the company running, not only for our employees, but also to wait for my husband to come back and have a career to continue," she said.

In the process, Tian Hairong has shown surprising business talent and tenacity. In these difficult days, the outside world has mixed evaluations of Tian Hairong.

Billionaire Xu Ming died of illness in prison for 8 years, and his celebrity wife Tian Hairong is doing now

Some people praise her for her loyalty and strength, believing that she is a modern version of the "bitter cold kiln" and a model of marital fidelity. Some people questioned her motives, speculating whether she had other plans and whether she was waiting for Xu Ming's hidden wealth.

In the face of these complex voices, Tian Hairong chose to remain silent and focus on her life and work. Despite facing many difficulties and doubts, Tian Hairong still insisted on visiting Xu Ming every month.

Eighth, she said, "No matter what the outside world thinks, I know I'm doing the right thing." I believe in him and I believe in our feelings. This kind of persistence is not only loyalty to love, but also a brave face to life.

During this period, Tian Hairong almost completely faded out of public view. She no longer appears in various social situations and rarely gives media interviews. She devoted all her energy to her family and career, silently waiting for the day when her husband would return.

Billionaire Xu Ming died of illness in prison for 8 years, and his celebrity wife Tian Hairong is doing now

Tian Hairong's choice and persistence touched many people. Some people say that she uses practical actions to interpret what true love is. Some people also say that her persistence is a silent protest against the impetuous atmosphere of modern society.

No matter what the outside world says, Tian Hairong is interpreting her understanding of marriage and her loyalty to love in her own way. This long wait is not only a test of her love, but also a major challenge to her life.

Fate once again gave Tian Hairong a heavy blow. In 2016, a heartbreaking news came: Xu Ming died of illness in prison at the age of 45. When the bad news came, Tian Hairong was preparing a new play, and her reaction made the staff present feel distressed.

Nine, according to eyewitness descriptions, when Tian Hairong heard the news, the whole person instantly froze in place, as if time had frozen. Then, she silently stepped aside and wept silently.

Billionaire Xu Ming died of illness in prison for 8 years, and his celebrity wife Tian Hairong is doing now

At that moment, the expression on her face was complicated and painful, as if she was suffering from unspeakable sadness. In the face of her husband's death, Tian Hairong behaved extremely strongly. She handled the aftermath in a low-key manner and did not give any media interviews.

At Xu Ming's memorial service, she remained calm throughout the whole process, but the sadness in her eyes could not be concealed. A friend revealed that Tian Hairong once said in private: "My biggest regret is that I couldn't wait for the day when he regained his freedom."

This sentence expresses the pain in her heart and also shows her unwavering love for her husband. Xu Ming's death was not only a major blow to Tian Hairong's feelings, but also brought her realistic pressure.

Ten, as Xu Ming's widow, she needs to deal with complex property issues. According to reports, Xu Ming left behind a huge asset worth about 13 billion. The disposal of these properties has become the focus of social attention, and it has also brought great pressure to Tian Hairong.

Billionaire Xu Ming died of illness in prison for 8 years, and his celebrity wife Tian Hairong is doing now

In the face of various speculations and doubts, Tian Hairong chose to respond silently. She did not give any explanation or response to the outside world, but focused on dealing with the aftermath and taking care of her daughter.

Her silence seems to be the last protection of this relationship. Xu Ming's death marked the end of an important stage in Tian Hairong's life. She lost not only a husband, but also a life partner who struggled and endured hardships together.

The blow was undoubtedly huge for her, but she still chose to face it strongly. After losing her husband, Tian Hairong was not crushed by grief. She chose to live strongly, for herself and for her daughter.

This woman, who was once called the "Holy Rose", still blooms with the brilliance of life in her own way after experiencing the ups and downs of life. In her career, Tian Hairong continues to run her own film and television company.

Billionaire Xu Ming died of illness in prison for 8 years, and his celebrity wife Tian Hairong is doing now

Eleven, she once said: "This is what Xu Ming left me, I want to run it well, this is a promise to him." Although she doesn't appear on screen as often as she used to, her behind-the-scenes work never stops.

Tian Hairong has integrated her own experience and perception into film and television creation, and has produced some excellent works that reflect real life. Despite experiencing the ups and downs of life, Tian Hairong still maintains a low-key attitude towards life.

She rarely appears in public, and is more likely to focus on work and family. However, her strength and courage have invisibly affected many people. In a rare interview, Tian Hairong said: "Life has given me too many tribulations, but it has also made me understand what it means to be truly strong.

I will continue to walk, because I know that this is what Xu Ming wants to see the most. This sentence is not only her summary of the past, but also her commitment to the future.

Billionaire Xu Ming died of illness in prison for 8 years, and his celebrity wife Tian Hairong is doing now

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