
On the night of the Magnolia Award, Zhou Xun wore glasses to receive the award, Jiang Yan was very beautiful and could speak, Tang Yan and Hu Ge high-fived

author:Peace and Happiness

Magnolia Award Ceremony: starry and emotionally intertwined

When night falls and the stars shine brightly, the Magnolia Awards ceremony is held in a luxurious theater in Shanghai. On this night, many stars in the film and television industry gathered together to witness this annual film and television event. Among them, the moment when Zhou Xun wore glasses to accept the award, Jiang Yan was beautiful and sincere in her words, and Tang Yan and Hu Ge high-fived tacitly, which became the most eye-catching focus of the night.

1. Zhou Xun: As the years go by, the style is still the same

When Zhou Xun walked on the podium in a Chanel suit and gold wire reading glasses, the audience was moved. The actress, who has shown her immature demeanor in "Orange is Red" and "Daming Palace Ci", has now entered the age where she needs to wear reading glasses. However, the years have not left too many marks on her face, and she still retains that elegance and calmness.

On the night of the Magnolia Award, Zhou Xun wore glasses to receive the award, Jiang Yan was very beautiful and could speak, Tang Yan and Hu Ge high-fived

Zhou Xun won the Best Actress Award for her outstanding performance in "Imperfect Victim". On the podium, she joked that she had reached the age where she needed to wear glasses, and her eyes were starting to blur, so she decided to use reading glasses to get used to it first. These words are humorous and honest, which makes people feel her truth and loveliness.

On the night of the Magnolia Award, Zhou Xun wore glasses to receive the award, Jiang Yan was very beautiful and could speak, Tang Yan and Hu Ge high-fived

In the process of receiving the award, Zhou Xun also reunited with Song Jia, and the two embraced each other warmly. This scene makes people feel the deep friendship and mutual support between them. Zhou Xun's acceptance speech was also full of gratitude, and she thanked the director, the team, and all those who supported her. Her words are sincere, which makes people feel her love and dedication to her acting career.

On the night of the Magnolia Award, Zhou Xun wore glasses to receive the award, Jiang Yan was very beautiful and could speak, Tang Yan and Hu Ge high-fived

2. Jiang Yan: Beautiful and moving, sincere in words

Kang Yeon was another focal point of the evening. She won the Best Supporting Actress Award for her wonderful performance in the TV series "South to North". When Kang Yeon walked onto the podium, her beauty was impressive. She was dressed in an elegant evening dress, with an elegant temperament and generous manners.

On the night of the Magnolia Award, Zhou Xun wore glasses to receive the award, Jiang Yan was very beautiful and could speak, Tang Yan and Hu Ge high-fived

In her acceptance speech, Jiang Yan not only expressed her gratitude for the award, but also advocated the spirit of young people to actively pursue their dreams and struggle. "This award means a lot to me and it's the reward for my years of hard work," she said passionately. On this stage, I am happy, I struggle, and I have given a lot. I would like to thank my family, the director and the team for their support, as well as the audience for their encouragement and love. At the same time, I hope to inspire more young people to pursue their dreams bravely, defy difficulties, and persevere in pursuing their artistic dreams with my success. ”

On the night of the Magnolia Award, Zhou Xun wore glasses to receive the award, Jiang Yan was very beautiful and could speak, Tang Yan and Hu Ge high-fived

Jiang Yan's testimonial immediately resonated with the audience and young people. She proved that with her practical actions, it is possible to achieve her dreams with hard work and perseverance. Her acceptance speech made people see the fighting spirit and positive attitude of the younger generation of artists. Her words are sincere and moving, and people are full of respect and affection for her.

3. Tang Yan and Hu Ge: tacit high-five, sweet moment

Tang Yan and Hu Ge were another pair of high-profile stars that night. The two became acquainted with each other because of their cooperation in the TV series "Flowers", and played a couple in the play. At the awards ceremony, when Hu Ge won the Best Actor Award for his outstanding performance in "Flowers", Tang Yan sat next to him and smiled brighter than him. The two of them clapped their hands in accord to celebrate the joyous moment.

On the night of the Magnolia Award, Zhou Xun wore glasses to receive the award, Jiang Yan was very beautiful and could speak, Tang Yan and Hu Ge high-fived

This scene made the audience feel the deep friendship and tacit cooperation between them. When Hu Ge accepted the award, his eyes were moist, and he remembered his mother in heaven, and he mentioned that the scarf around Xuezhi in the play was hand-woven by his mother before her death, and this emotion was so heavy that it was moving. And Tang Yan has always been by his side, giving him support and encouragement, and her smile is as beautiful as the spring sun, warm and bright.

On the night of the Magnolia Award, Zhou Xun wore glasses to receive the award, Jiang Yan was very beautiful and could speak, Tang Yan and Hu Ge high-fived

In addition to tacit high-fives, Tang Yan and Hu Ge also had many sweet interactions at the award ceremony. For example, when Tang Yan was the host, the bracelet almost fell off, but she still held her ground and continued to host, which was admirable. And Hu Ge has been paying attention to her performance, giving her encouragement and support, and the tacit cooperation between the two makes people feel the deep friendship between them.

On the night of the Magnolia Award, Zhou Xun wore glasses to receive the award, Jiang Yan was very beautiful and could speak, Tang Yan and Hu Ge high-fived

Fourth, the stars are shining: emotions are intertwined and the event is shared

In addition to the above stars, there were many other stars from the film and television industry who attended the Magnolia Awards ceremony that night. They either won awards for their outstanding acting skills or attended events as guests, adding more luster to the ceremony.

On the night of the Magnolia Award, Zhou Xun wore glasses to receive the award, Jiang Yan was very beautiful and could speak, Tang Yan and Hu Ge high-fived

At the award ceremony, the stars were bright and emotions were intertwined. They hugged each other, toasted to celebrate, or presented awards together, these warm and touching moments made people feel the unity and harmony of the film and television industry. At the same time, they also used their talents and efforts to bring more excellent film and television works to the audience, so that the audience can feel the charm and power of film and television art.

On the night of the Magnolia Award, Zhou Xun wore glasses to receive the award, Jiang Yan was very beautiful and could speak, Tang Yan and Hu Ge high-fived

In conclusion, the Magnolia Awards ceremony was a night full of brilliance and emotion. The presence of many stars such as Zhou Xun, Jiang Yan, Tang Yan, Hu Ge and so on made the night even more dazzling. Their wonderful performances and sincere speeches made people feel their love and dedication to their acting careers, as well as the deep friendship and tacit cooperation between them. This night will forever be remembered in the history of the film and television industry as a wonderful memory.

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