
Is it better to drink liquor or beer on dog days? It is recommended to drink 3 and 3 not to drink, and it is easy to pass the body bar

Is it better to drink liquor or beer on dog days? It is recommended to drink 3 and 3 not to drink, and it is easy to pass the body bar

Star Video

2024-06-27 10:52Changsha Radio and Television Star Video official account

Is it better to drink liquor or beer on dog days? It is recommended to drink 3 and 3 not to drink, and it is easy to pass the body bar

  In the blink of an eye, the dog days are coming, the sun is like fire, I believe that everyone has prepared cold drinks and big watermelons at home. Friends who love to drink may be confused, these dog days, should they order liquor or beer?

  Let's talk about liquor and beer first.

  1. Baijiu is a craft handed down from the ancestors, relying on solid-state fermentation, sometimes you have to add some peanut shells, sorghum skin, cornmeal and other auxiliary materials, after dozens or hundreds of procedures, in order to make a pot of good liquor.

Is it better to drink liquor or beer on dog days? It is recommended to drink 3 and 3 not to drink, and it is easy to pass the body bar

  On dog days, it's actually good to drink some liquor, which can promote blood circulation and help the body drain dampness, which is just right for this stuffy and wet weather.

  2. Brewing beer pays attention to four steps: malt processing, saccharification, fermentation, and filtration. There are still a lot of doorways hidden in each step, the freshly baked and unfiltered ones are called puree, the filtered ones are draft beer, and the ones that have been sterilized and packaged are cooked beer.

Is it better to drink liquor or beer on dog days? It is recommended to drink 3 and 3 not to drink, and it is easy to pass the body bar

  On dog days, everyone loves cold beer with barbecue, which is called a cool. But eating and drinking like this is not good for the body, and it is easy to have stomach problems after a long time. If you really want to drink beer, it is recommended to drink it at room temperature, and if you have to drink it cold, you have to let it out to warm up for a while before drinking.

  If you want to be in good health, you must remember to drink three times and not drink three times, and spend the summer easily.

  1. If you want to drink, drink pure grain wine.

Is it better to drink liquor or beer on dog days? It is recommended to drink 3 and 3 not to drink, and it is easy to pass the body bar

  Liquor is a thing that is brewed in different ways, and the ingredients used are also varied. The real pure grain liquor is the grain with water, the original flavor, without those messy additives. Unlike those inferior wines, there are a lot of flavors and additives, and drinking them is not good for the body, so spend money to find guilt.

  Take Guokang 1935 from Moutai Town, Kweichow as an example, this is a model of pure grain wine, it is very comfortable to drink, no headache, no dry mouth, and the next day is full of energy, which does not affect the work and life of the next day, which is the sign of good wine.

  To say the reason, this wine is not only made of grain, but also the body of the wine is stored for 5 years, and the body of the wine is additionally added to the 10-20 years old wine, the body of the wine has been aged, the content of fusel in it is very small, and it is natural and comfortable to drink, and it will not be uncomfortable.

Is it better to drink liquor or beer on dog days? It is recommended to drink 3 and 3 not to drink, and it is easy to pass the body bar

  Regarding the brewing of Guokang 1935, the raw material is good sorghum by the Chishui River, using the soy sauce wine technology passed down from the ancestors, and the brewing has to be hidden underground for several years before it is sold. Guokang's wine has to be aged for at least five years, and the quality is not inferior to the big brand, the key is that the price is still close to the people, affordable and delicious.

Is it better to drink liquor or beer on dog days? It is recommended to drink 3 and 3 not to drink, and it is easy to pass the body bar

  In addition to soy sauce wine, fragrant Fenjiu and Baofeng wine, as well as fragrant Yanghe and Jiannanchun, are also good choices. Take Baofeng as an example, this wine is really smooth, and the cost performance is super high, Baofeng taste is sweet and refreshing, it is the taste of the north, the strength is big but not at all, it is very suitable for summer drinking.

  2. Look for the mark 20821 20822, don't buy it.

Is it better to drink liquor or beer on dog days? It is recommended to drink 3 and 3 not to drink, and it is easy to pass the body bar

  This number is like an ID card for liquor, proving that it is alcoholic liquor and is blended. When you buy it, you can have more eyes and look carefully.

Is it better to drink liquor or beer on dog days? It is recommended to drink 3 and 3 not to drink, and it is easy to pass the body bar

  3. Drink, you have to be measured, don't be greedy, don't drink together.

Is it better to drink liquor or beer on dog days? It is recommended to drink 3 and 3 not to drink, and it is easy to pass the body bar

  Whether you love liquor or beer, greedy drinks are always bad for your health, and your body is uncomfortable when you drink high, so why bother?

  3. Finally, let's talk about what is the "three don't drink" to ensure that your body is good for the summer.

  1. Don't drink together

Is it better to drink liquor or beer on dog days? It is recommended to drink 3 and 3 not to drink, and it is easy to pass the body bar

  Mixing is a mixture of liquor and beer. At a gathering of friends, it is quite common to have a wave of liquor first, and then some beer at the end to help the fun. But it's not good for your health. The alcohol content is already high, and as soon as the carbon dioxide in the beer is mixed, the alcohol is absorbed faster, and the body can't stand it, and it will be uncomfortable after drinking.

  2. Don't touch your own brewing

Is it better to drink liquor or beer on dog days? It is recommended to drink 3 and 3 not to drink, and it is easy to pass the body bar

  It doesn't matter if it's liquor or beer, it's best not to touch the home-brewed kind. This thing is risky, and I heard that someone sent it to the hospital with a problem. When brewing it yourself, the fermentation of koji may produce formaldehyde, and the small workshop does not have the equipment to test this thing, it all depends on feeling and experience, and the risk is too great.

  Besides, if you make wine at home, how can you screen raw materials as strictly as a large factory, and you can't check pesticide residues or anything, and the treatment is not in place. So, don't be superstitious about home-brewed, master-made wine, safety first.

  3. Don't be superstitious about internal wine

Is it better to drink liquor or beer on dog days? It is recommended to drink 3 and 3 not to drink, and it is easy to pass the body bar

  In recent years, some merchants love to play psychological tactics, knowing that some people have a good face and love to show off, so they can get some so-called "internal wine" to come out, so that people can put it on the table and have more face. In fact, this wine doesn't even have a production license, and it's even more suspenseful than its own brew.

  Many of the so-called "internal wines" are blended with alcohol and flavors, and the packaging is quite luxurious, but the cost is pitifully low, and the most valuable thing may be the bottle. After drinking this wine, I had a headache and vomiting, and in severe cases, I had to go to the hospital for gastric lavage.

  To sum up:

  Dog days are too hot to work, big guys have to pay attention to eating and drinking well, don't go out in the sun, eat a healthy diet, we can spend the summer comfortably.

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  • Is it better to drink liquor or beer on dog days? It is recommended to drink 3 and 3 not to drink, and it is easy to pass the body bar
  • Is it better to drink liquor or beer on dog days? It is recommended to drink 3 and 3 not to drink, and it is easy to pass the body bar
  • Is it better to drink liquor or beer on dog days? It is recommended to drink 3 and 3 not to drink, and it is easy to pass the body bar
  • Is it better to drink liquor or beer on dog days? It is recommended to drink 3 and 3 not to drink, and it is easy to pass the body bar
  • Is it better to drink liquor or beer on dog days? It is recommended to drink 3 and 3 not to drink, and it is easy to pass the body bar
  • Is it better to drink liquor or beer on dog days? It is recommended to drink 3 and 3 not to drink, and it is easy to pass the body bar
  • Is it better to drink liquor or beer on dog days? It is recommended to drink 3 and 3 not to drink, and it is easy to pass the body bar
  • Is it better to drink liquor or beer on dog days? It is recommended to drink 3 and 3 not to drink, and it is easy to pass the body bar
  • Is it better to drink liquor or beer on dog days? It is recommended to drink 3 and 3 not to drink, and it is easy to pass the body bar
  • Is it better to drink liquor or beer on dog days? It is recommended to drink 3 and 3 not to drink, and it is easy to pass the body bar
  • Is it better to drink liquor or beer on dog days? It is recommended to drink 3 and 3 not to drink, and it is easy to pass the body bar
  • Is it better to drink liquor or beer on dog days? It is recommended to drink 3 and 3 not to drink, and it is easy to pass the body bar

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