
Harvard researchers say aliens may have lived on Earth

author:Niu Niu sees the world

A new study from Harvard University has sparked a heated debate about the existence of aliens on Earth. The research paper, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, proposes the hypothesis that extraterrestrial life may have been living beneath the surface of the Earth or the Moon for a long time, and suggests that UFOs and other "unidentified anomalies" (UAPs) may be evidence of their activity. This article will detail the history of this news event, and discuss the content of the study, its social context, and its possible implications.

Harvard researchers say aliens may have lived on Earth

Background to the event

According to the website of Newsweek, social science researchers at Harvard University have released a new study that proposes the theory that extraterrestrial life may have been living on Earth for some time. The study, done by the Human Prosperity Project team at Harvard University, aims to explore the factors that contribute to human well-being and prosperity. This paper has not yet been peer-reviewed, but its content has attracted a lot of attention and discussion.

Researchers point out that unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and "unidentified anomalies" (UAPs) may be evidence of extraterrestrial life. These phenomena include various forms of flying objects, ranging in size from spheres and disks to triangles, and some even show flight characteristics that violate traditional aerodynamics, such as abrupt changes of direction, high-speed flight, and hovering.

Outline of Research

The Harvard study proposes several explanations for UAP. Traditional interpretations attribute it to man-made or natural phenomena, while extraterrestrial interpretations suggest that these phenomena may have originated from advanced civilizations elsewhere in the universe. The researchers also proposed a third explanation, the "hidden Earth" hypothesis. This hypothesis suggests that UAPs may reflect the activity of intelligent organisms hidden in the environment of the Earth or its vicinity.

The study discusses four theories of alien-human coexistence:

Humanity's "Hidden Earth" Theory: The belief that there may have been ancient human civilizations that were technologically advanced than modern humans and that somehow survived in secret.

Unknown technologically advanced non-human civilizations: These civilizations may have been created by humanoids or some kind of "unknown intelligence dinosaurs".

Aliens or humans from the future: It is believed that future aliens or humans may live secretly on Earth.

"Magical Mystery Creatures" Theory: Likens these creatures to "earth angels", similar to fairies, elves, and goblins.

As peculiar as these theories may sound, the researchers emphasize that the scientific community should keep an open mind and seriously consider these possibilities. For many scientists, believing in extraterrestrials is possible, but believing in creatures like fairies seems unrealistic. However, researchers believe that the nature of these phenomena should not be lightly ignored.

Harvard researchers say aliens may have lived on Earth

Social repercussions

After the study was published, it sparked widespread media attention and social discussion. Last summer, Air Force veteran David Grosch sparked a media storm when he claimed that a top-secret U.S. military program had found the wreckage of several intact unidentified aerial vehicles, some of which contained the bodies of non-human pilots. In addition, a 2023 report by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence noted that there were 510 sightings of "unidentified anomalous phenomena" in 2022, up from 366 in 2021, of which 171 were believed to show unusual flight characteristics or performance requiring further analysis.

Joshua Semet, professor of electrical and computer engineering and director of the Center for Space Physics at Boston University, weighed in. He believes that these sightings have sparked people's imagination, but as a technologist, he is more inclined to believe that these phenomena are the work of advanced human technology. He points out that it's important to keep an open mind, but talking about aliens may be a bit too much.

Perspectives & Analysis

From a scientific point of view, the Harvard study, while not yet peer-reviewed, presents a hypothesis that is somewhat innovative and challenging. The exploration of extraterrestrial life has always been a hot issue of concern to the scientific community and the public. However, the study has also sparked some doubts and controversy. Scientists generally agree that UAPs are more likely to be caused by human technology or natural phenomena than evidence of extraterrestrial life.

In terms of social environment, people's interest in extraterrestrial life stems from curiosity and exploration of the unknown world. In recent years, UFOs and "unidentified anomalous phenomena" have appeared frequently, triggering public speculation about the existence of aliens. Extensive media coverage and social media spread have made the topic increasingly popular. However, the scientific community still needs to maintain a rational and scientific attitude in the face of these phenomena.

Harvard researchers say aliens may have lived on Earth

Future outlook

For future research directions, the scientific community should continue to conduct in-depth research and analysis on the UAP phenomenon. Keeping an open mind and accepting different hypotheses and theories will help us understand the nature of these phenomena more fully. At the same time, strengthening the application of scientific and technological means and using advanced observation and analysis technologies will help uncover the truth behind these phenomena.

In addition, the public and the media should also remain rational and calm in the face of similar incidents, and should not blindly follow the trend or disseminate unverified information. Scientific exploration takes time and patience, and it is only through rigorous scientific research that reliable conclusions can be drawn.


The research of Harvard University researchers on the possibility that aliens may have lived on Earth has sparked widespread attention and discussion. As peculiar as these theories may seem, the scientific community should keep an open mind and seriously consider the possibilities. Future research should continue to explore the UAP phenomenon in depth, while maintaining a scientific and rational attitude, and gradually uncover the truth behind these phenomena. The public and the media should also remain rational and calm in the face of similar incidents, and jointly promote the process of scientific exploration.

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