
AM. London Baking Town: Reaffirming brand independence and legitimacy and defending brand intellectual property

author:Surging Fun Facts

Recently, Marriott Group (Hong Kong) Limited's well-known brand AM. LONDON BAKERY TOWN(AM. London Baking Town) issued a major statement reaffirming the independence and legitimacy of its brand, and firmly defending the brand's intellectual property, calling on the industry to compete fairly and maintain the purity of the baking culture.

AM. London Baking Town: Reaffirming brand independence and legitimacy and defending brand intellectual property
AM. London Baking Town: Reaffirming brand independence and legitimacy and defending brand intellectual property

AM. As the core brand of Marriott Group, London Baking Town is unique in the baking industry with its unique brand positioning and cultural connotation. Brand trademark "AM." Officially registered under registration number 53575449, this initiative not only demonstrates the independence and legitimacy of the brand, but also reflects the importance that Marriott attaches to the protection of intellectual property rights.

In the statement, AM. London Baking Town pointed out that the "LONDON" in the brand name as the English name of the British capital, and the Chinese logo "London Baking Town" are industry regional adjectives, aiming to convey the strong connection between the brand and British baking culture. This naming method is similar to the collective name of the mainland's "Guangzhou Leather Market", "Liuzhou Screw Powder" and other regional characteristic industries, and there is no specific intellectual property rights. However, some companies have tried to take well-known place names or industry terms as their own and turn them into exclusive brand interests, which is not only wrong but also suspected of monopoly, and seriously violates commercial unfair competition law.

AM. London Baking Town: Reaffirming brand independence and legitimacy and defending brand intellectual property
AM. London Baking Town: Reaffirming brand independence and legitimacy and defending brand intellectual property

As a leading company in the food and beverage industry, Marriott Corporation (Hong Kong) Limited has extensive experience and strength in the bakery market. From equipment manufacturing base, raw material supply source, cold chain distribution to tea planting, garment manufacturing industry, etc., the company has a complete industrial chain and strong resource integration capabilities. Marriott Group has demonstrated outstanding strength and professionalism in store location, new product research and development, raw material import, product production, store management, VI design, overseas expansion, etc.

AM. As one of Marriott's important brand projects, London Baking Town has always adhered to the love and pursuit of baking culture. In order to bring the purest British baking to consumers, the company has sent staff to London, England, Seoul, South Korea and other places for investigation and study, introduced advanced baking technology and concepts, and innovated in combination with domestic market demand. Currently, AM. London Bakery Town has a large-scale bakery product R&D center and live broadcast base in Guangzhou, and has set up a southwest service center in Chengdu to ensure the professionalism and timeliness of product development and services.

AM. London Baking Town: Reaffirming brand independence and legitimacy and defending brand intellectual property

In order to further enhance brand awareness and influence, AM. London Baking Town has also launched in-depth cooperation with major media organizations and webcasters. Through multi-dimensional in-depth publicity cooperation on platforms such as Douyin, Xiaohongshu, and Kuaishou, AM. The brand image of London Baking Town has been widely disseminated and recognized. The company firmly believes that through continuous innovation and efforts, AM. London Bakery Town will become a favorite bakery brand for domestic and foreign consumers.

AM. London Baking Town: Reaffirming brand independence and legitimacy and defending brand intellectual property

However, in the process of brand development, AM. The London bakery town has also been challenged by some unfair competition practices. For the unfair commercial competition behavior of Hangzhou Xihao Brand Management Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of our group, by a competitor company of the same category in the catering industry, AM. London Baking Town has collected relevant evidence and handed it over to the group's legal team to sue and defend its rights. The company said that it will resolutely safeguard its legitimate rights and interests, and defend brand independence and the purity of intellectual property rights.

AM. London Baking Town: Reaffirming brand independence and legitimacy and defending brand intellectual property

Finally, AM. London Baking Town would like to thank consumers for their love and support for the brand. In the future, AM. London Bakery Town will continue to uphold the brand's philosophy and values, bringing more high-quality, culturally distinctive bakery products to consumers. At the same time, the company will also actively advocate fair competition in the industry and jointly maintain the purity and healthy development of baking culture.

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