
We are the only 5A-level scenic spot in China that does not allow foreign tourists to enter, do you know it?

author:Xu, Wen, Warm

In this vast land of China, many picturesque scenic spots attract the attention of countless tourists. However, in this magnificent landscape, there is a special 5A-level scenic spot, which, with its unique historical and cultural background and geographical location, has become the only scenic spot in the country that is not open to foreign tourists. This scenic spot is Laojun Mountain located in Luoyang, Henan. Today, I'm going to give you a detailed explanation of the uniqueness of Laojun Mountain and why it is the only 5A-level scenic spot in China that is not open to the public.

We are the only 5A-level scenic spot in China that does not allow foreign tourists to enter, do you know it?

First, the unique charm of Laojun Mountain

Laojun Mountain, known as "Jingmur Mountain" in ancient times, was named after Lao Tzu, the ancestor of Taoism, who practiced here. The mountains here are majestic, the peaks and peaks are stacked, and there are many magnificent natural and cultural landscapes. Laojun Mountain not only attracts the attention of tourists with its natural landscapes such as strange peaks and strange stones, sunrise over the sea of clouds, waterfalls and flowing springs, but also is famous for its profound cultural heritage and Taoist history.

Laojun Mountain has a long history and culture and is an important sacred place for Taoism. During the Spring and Autumn Period, Lao Tzu Li Er once retreated to practice here, making it a "Taoist source" and "ancestral court". Since the Northern Wei Dynasty, many temples have been built on Laojun Mountain, such as Taiqing Palace, Shifang Courtyard, Lingguan Palace, etc., these temples are simple and elegant, magnificent, reflecting the outstanding achievements of ancient Chinese architectural art. Laojun Mountain is also a favorite place of literati and writers of all dynasties, who have left many popular poems here, adding a strong literary atmosphere to Laojun Mountain.

We are the only 5A-level scenic spot in China that does not allow foreign tourists to enter, do you know it?

2. The reason why Laojun Mountain is not open to the public

As the only 5A-level scenic spot in the country that is not open to foreign tourists, Laojun Mountain has complex reasons behind it. First of all, Laojun Mountain is located in Luanchuan County, Luoyang City, Henan Province, where the terrain is dangerous and is a military strategic place. During the Anti-Japanese War, the geographical location of Laojun Mountain was of great strategic significance, and the local soldiers and civilians fought bloody battles here and made great contributions to the defense of the country. Therefore, the closure of Laojun Mountain to the outside world may be related to national security.

Secondly, Laojun Mountain has abundant resources of Chinese herbal medicine and is known as the "gene bank of Chinese herbal medicine". These precious resources of Chinese herbal medicine are of great significance to the development of Chinese medicine. In order to protect these resources from destruction and poaching, Laojun Mountain has implemented strict control measures to restrict the entry of tourists. This is also an important reason why Laojun Mountain is not open to the public.

In addition, Laojun Mountain, as a Taoist holy place, has a profound religious and cultural heritage. In Taoist beliefs, Laojun Mountain is regarded as a place where the gods live, and it has a mysterious and unpredictable color. In order to protect this mystery and maintain the purity of religious culture, Laojun Mountain also restricted its opening to the outside world.

We are the only 5A-level scenic spot in China that does not allow foreign tourists to enter, do you know it?

3. A real case of Laojun Mountain

During the Anti-Japanese War, Luanchuan County, where Laojun Mountain is located, became an important military strategic location. The local military and civilians built many important national defense projects and transportation arteries around Laojun Mountain, which are still of great strategic importance today. In the course of the Anti-Japanese War, Laojun Mountain became a military important place, and the local soldiers and civilians fought hard here. In order to protect these important national defense projects and military secrets, Laojunshan implemented strict control measures during the Anti-Japanese War, restricting the entry of outsiders. This tradition was continued after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, and Laojun Mountain gradually became the only 5A-level scenic spot in the country that is not open to the public.

In addition to the factors of military strategic location, Laojun Mountain's rich Chinese herbal medicine resources and profound religious and cultural heritage also provide sufficient reasons for its closure to the outside world. Laojun Mountain is extremely rich in Chinese herbal medicine resources, which are of great significance to the development of traditional Chinese medicine. In order to protect these resources from destruction and illegal mining, Laojun Mountain has implemented strict control measures. At the same time, Laojun Mountain, as a Taoist holy land, has a profound religious and cultural heritage. In order to protect this mystery and maintain the purity of religious culture, Laojun Mountain also restricted its opening to the outside world.

We are the only 5A-level scenic spot in China that does not allow foreign tourists to enter, do you know it?

Fourth, the meaning and value of Laojun Mountain

As the only 5A-level scenic spot in the country that is not open to the public, Laojun Mountain restricts the entry of tourists, but its unique charm and value cannot be ignored. Laojun Mountain attracts the attention of countless tourists with its magnificent natural landscape and profound cultural heritage. It is not only an important sacred place of Taoism, but also a treasure of Chinese civilization. The existence of Laojun Mountain provides us with a unique perspective to understand and feel the breadth and profundity of Chinese culture.

At the same time, the closure of Laojun Mountain to the outside world also reflects the great importance we attach to national security and resource protection. In the context of globalization, national security and resource protection are particularly important. The closure of Laojun Mountain to the outside world is the practice and embodiment of this concept. It has made us more aware of the importance of protecting national security and resources, and has provided us with a unique case study on how to achieve effective protection of national security and resources in the context of globalization.

We are the only 5A-level scenic spot in China that does not allow foreign tourists to enter, do you know it?

In short, Laojun Mountain, as the only 5A-level scenic spot in the country that is not open to the public, although it restricts the entry of tourists, its unique charm and value cannot be ignored. With its magnificent natural landscape and profound cultural heritage, it provides us with a unique perspective to understand and feel the breadth and profundity of Chinese culture. At the same time, the closure of Laojun Mountain to the outside world also reflects the great importance we attach to national security and resource protection. In the future development, we should continue to strengthen the protection and management of Laojun Mountain, so that this unique scenic spot will always maintain its unique charm and value.

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