
The longevity of parents must be the sacrifice of a child behind it, but the truth is ugly but it is a fact

author:Wimpy kid

In life, the longevity of parents is often regarded as a kind of well-being, when the birthday of the elderly, the most common congratulatory words are also such as the blessing of the East China Sea longevity than Nanshan, the longevity of the elderly also means the prosperity and prosperity of the family, and the health and longevity of the parents is also expected by the children.

But if you go deep into the family, you will find that behind many long-lived elderly people is actually their children's support, sacrifice, and dedication. The longevity of parents must be the sacrifice of a child behind it, but the truth is ugly but it is a fact.

The longevity of parents must be the sacrifice of a child behind it, but the truth is ugly but it is a fact

Behind the longevity of parents is the sacrifice of their children's time and energy

As parents age, their physical functions decline and they may need frequent medical visits, rehabilitation or daily care. Children not only have to face the pressures of their own work and life, but also have to pay attention to their parents' physical condition at all times, and invest a lot of time and energy in their recovery and health. They may need to sacrifice their own time off from work to be there for their parents and ensure her safety and comfort. This kind of long-term companionship and dedication is undoubtedly a huge sacrifice for children.

If the parents are relatively healthy and can take care of themselves, the children's life is relatively easy. Once it is unhealthy and long-lived, bedridden for a long time, unable to take care of itself, this is a great pressure on children. It means that parents are inseparable from people at all times, and as children, they may have to give up their time and energy to stay by their parents' side.

The longevity of parents must be the sacrifice of a child behind it, but the truth is ugly but it is a fact

Behind the longevity of parents, children also have to sacrifice their own psychological and emotional needs

As parents grow longer, so do their children. The longevity of parents comes with the torture of illness and loneliness, which is also a huge emotional and psychological challenge for children. Whoever serves a patient who cannot take care of himself for a long time has the right to speak. Those filial sons who serve in bedside for a long time not only have to bear the pain and anxiety caused by their parents' illness, but also have to face their own inner pressure and anxiety, which is a great torture for their psychology.

At the same time, the children who serve their long-lived parents also need to make emotional sacrifices. In order to take care of their parents, they may need to sacrifice their own pursuits, careers, and the interests and happiness of their own small family.

The longevity of parents must be the sacrifice of a child behind it, but the truth is ugly but it is a fact

Behind the longevity of parents means that there are children who have to give up their career or career plans

Many parents have been bedridden for decades when they are in the prime of life, and although they live a long life, they have no quality of life at all. In order to take care of their parents, some children cannot leave home for a long time, so they can only give up their career plans or original career achievements, and try to find a job at home that can not only take care of the family but also earn money.

In this way, not only will the income be greatly reduced, but the quality of life of the small family of children will also be seriously reduced, and there will be little security in the future. The slightest disturbance can easily drag a family into the abyss. It is no exaggeration to say that having a long-lived elderly person in the family is a disaster for the family.

Of course, it is the wish of parents to live a long life, but we all hope that the elderly can live a long and healthy life, and the family can enjoy more family fun.

[Topic discussion: Do you have an elderly person who has been bedridden for many years?] 】