
Say goodbye to your childhood and set sail again with the wind - Anju Sixth Kindergarten held the graduation ceremony of the 2024 class

author:Sichuan Minsheng Network

Three years have passed in a flash, and memories are like flowers, covering the branches and buds of childhood. On June 25, 2024, Anju Sixth Kindergarten held the graduation ceremony of the 2024 class of "Farewell to Childhood, Ride the Wind and Set Sail Again", and the children ushered in the first graduation ceremony in their lives, which symbolizes that they are about to bid farewell to the kindergarten and go to another brilliant journey.

Say goodbye to your childhood and set sail again with the wind - Anju Sixth Kindergarten held the graduation ceremony of the 2024 class

On the day of the event, colorful balloons dotted the entire venue, adding a touch of brilliant color to the children's graduation ceremony. The children wore a variety of swimsuits, signed in in an orderly manner, and solemnly wrote their names one by one, leaving a unique trace of the good times of the three years.

Say goodbye to your childhood and set sail again with the wind - Anju Sixth Kindergarten held the graduation ceremony of the 2024 class

After the flag-raising ceremony, Deputy Director Tang Hongmei delivered a sincere speech, "goodbye" is not just a farewell, but also an agreement, warm words, and good wishes to the children. The children confidently took to the stage and received their first graduation certificates. Immediately afterwards, the children presented a thanksgiving sign language dance and performed a swimsuit show. It is reported that games such as water gun relay race, tearing famous brands in the water, catching small fish and free activities were carried out in the water play.

Say goodbye to your childhood and set sail again with the wind - Anju Sixth Kindergarten held the graduation ceremony of the 2024 class

This graduation ceremony made the children feel their own transformation and growth, and also drew a successful end to the three-year kindergarten life. I wish the six young children of the kindergarten can set sail, ride the wind and waves, and sail to a broader future world! (He Fang Source: The Sixth Kindergarten of Anju District, Suining City)

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