
Drum Ridge Time for American Youth: Understanding the Stories of Seniors and Making New Friendships

author:New Fujian

This week, more than 500 Chinese and American youths gathered in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, to participate in the 2024 Gulingyuan China-US Youth Exchange Week. This is also the largest youth exchange event since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. More than 200 young Americans came to China, what did they meet and what did they gain?

The 100-year-old Guling relationship is a good story of friendly exchanges between the Chinese and American peoples. As a summer resort in Fuzhou, Guling once attracted many Americans to live here. They have also developed a strong friendship with the locals.

In the middle of summer, more than 500 Chinese and American young people met in Guling to learn about the stories written by their predecessors and forge new friendships.

Drum Ridge Time for American Youth: Understanding the Stories of Seniors and Making New Friendships

Tang Wensheng, former vice chairman of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese: When Premier Zhou Enlai met them (members of the U.S. table tennis team), he said that your arrival has opened a new door for exchanges between the people of China and the United States.

Drum Ridge Time for American Youth: Understanding the Stories of Seniors and Making New Friendships

The historical past shared by witnesses and witnesses of China-US relations made Peng and Rui of Brigham Young University in Utah, USA, particularly touched.

Influenced by their mother, Peng and Rui learned Chinese at an early age and fell in love with Chinese culture. When the school announced that they could visit China to participate in Sino-US youth exchange activities, Peng Herui signed up as soon as possible. She also called her first trip to China a "dream trip".

Drum Ridge Time for American Youth: Understanding the Stories of Seniors and Making New Friendships

Brigham Young University student Peng and Rui: In the last few days, I've met some good friends and invited me to go to some provinces that are different from theirs. Then I invited them to come to the United States as well. I think these exchanges allow us to better understand each other's cultures.

Peng and Rui seized every opportunity to communicate with Chinese friends in Chinese and experience first-hand Chinese culture that they could only learn about in books and videos. She is about to graduate from her bachelor's degree and has made an important decision to study in China next fall.

Drum Ridge Time for American Youth: Understanding the Stories of Seniors and Making New Friendships

Brigham Young University student Peng and Rui: This is my first year, and it's Mr. Peng. I remember that although I was very young (at the time), she (Ms. Peng) encouraged me to go for a master's degree. So I think if she knew that (I) was going to China for a master's degree, she would be happy. I myself hope that Sino-US relations can get better, and I need to start myself. It takes a person to come here to learn, to start cultivating new relationships, to cultivate better friends here. So I feel like if I ask someone else to do it, I'll do it myself.

Drum Ridge Time for American Youth: Understanding the Stories of Seniors and Making New Friendships

Unlike Peng and Rui, who came to China for the first time, Louis from Texas has been living in China for 15 years. From undergraduate to Ph.D. to university lecturer, Louis made his dream come true in China. This time, he also recommended his friends to come to Guling to share this story of "peace, friendship and love".

Drum Ridge Time for American Youth: Understanding the Stories of Seniors and Making New Friendships

Louie, Secretary General of the International Alumni Association of the University of International Business and Economics, a young American student: My American friend has been saying, "Why have you been there (China) for so long?" Sometimes I don't go back to [the US] for three or four years because I'm very comfortable and like it in China. Then I told them that the country is very good, you all come and take a look. There is a saying in the United States that "young people are the future", and I can see more, learn more about China, and learn more about some stories between China and the United States.

Drum Ridge Time for American Youth: Understanding the Stories of Seniors and Making New Friendships

Chris West, a young American friend of Louie: We watched the documentary and visited the city, and it was a great experience because we were in China for the first time. It was here that I really understood friendship and how it can be passed down from generation to generation. It also made me think further about how China and the United States can inherit their friendship.

Today, this Sino-US friendship is still being passed on and continued.

Drum Ridge Time for American Youth: Understanding the Stories of Seniors and Making New Friendships

Youth Roundtable to discuss topics of common interest such as artificial intelligence, innovation and entrepreneurship; Elaborate rehearsal and joint presentation of special theatrical performances...... Chinese and American young people met each other in Guling and planted their own "friendship tree" together. The new generation of "Friends of Guling" from the United States is also continuing to write a new "Guling story" in the process of getting to know China.

Drum Ridge Time for American Youth: Understanding the Stories of Seniors and Making New Friendships

David Parkinson, University of Michigan Student: I look forward to working together as young people to build more bridges between our two countries, and our country will be more successful together.

Drum Ridge Time for American Youth: Understanding the Stories of Seniors and Making New Friendships

Mayor of Tacoma, Washington, USA: I want the young people that I've brought here from the U.S. to have the opportunity to experience, to learn, and to build lasting friendships that will last a lifetime. I also believe that if we give young people a chance now, our world will be a better place in the future.

Source: CCTV News

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