
This kind of flower is "wonderful", a glass of vinegar in 7 days, full of large flower bulbs, beautiful doubled!

author:Yan Xiaoxiao

Hydrangea, known as the "wonderful flower" plant, is deeply loved by flower lovers for its huge flower bulbs and gorgeous flower colors. If you want your hydrangeas to bloom big and beautiful, you need to pour a cup of vinegar on your hydrangeas every seven days to make your hydrangeas bloom all over the big balls, doubling their beauty!

This kind of flower is "wonderful", a glass of vinegar in 7 days, full of large flower bulbs, beautiful doubled!

Hydrangeas, also known as hydrangeas, are native to East Asia and come in a variety of colors, from white and pink to blue and purple. The flower color change of hydrangea is mainly affected by soil pH. In acidic soils, hydrangeas have a bluish color and in alkaline soils, they have a pinkish color. Because of this, adjusting the pH of the soil has become the key for flower lovers to regulate the color of hydrangeas. One of the simple and effective ways to do this is to use vinegar.

This kind of flower is "wonderful", a glass of vinegar in 7 days, full of large flower bulbs, beautiful doubled!

Why Vinegar?

Vinegar is a common kitchen condiment that contains acetic acid, which is effective in reducing the pH of the soil. For hydrangeas, a moderate amount of vinegar can help regulate the acidity of the soil and make the flowers more vibrant. Watering hydrangeas with a glass of diluted vinegar water every seven days will not only improve the soil environment, but also promote healthy plant growth.

How to use vinegar?

Using vinegar is not complicated. First, choose regular white vinegar or apple cider vinegar and avoid flavored vinegar or other vinegars that contain additives. Secondly, dilute the vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:10. Every seven days, water the diluted vinegar evenly around the roots of the hydrangeas. It should be noted that the amount of vinegar water should not be too much, about one cup at a time.

This kind of flower is "wonderful", a glass of vinegar in 7 days, full of large flower bulbs, beautiful doubled!

The environment in which hydrangeas grow

Hydrangeas prefer a warm, moist environment with a suitable growing temperature of 15-25 degrees Celsius. They do not require much light and are suitable for growing in semi-shaded environments. Proper shading can prevent leaf burns during high summer temperatures. Hydrangeas have shallow root systems and need to keep the soil moist but avoid standing water.

This kind of flower is "wonderful", a glass of vinegar in 7 days, full of large flower bulbs, beautiful doubled!

Fertilization and pruning

In addition to regular vinegar water, fertilization is also an important part of ensuring the healthy growth of hydrangeas. Hydrangeas like fertilizer, but do not tolerate thick fertilizers. In spring and before flowering, compound fertilizers with high phosphorus and potassium content can be applied once a month to help promote flower bud differentiation and flower growth. After the flowering period is over, some nitrogen fertilizer can be applied to promote the vegetative growth of the plant.

Pruning is also an important part of hydrangea management. After the flowering period is over, the residual flowers and excessively long branches should be cut off in time to keep the plant neat and beautiful. In addition, winter pruning can remove pests and diseases, and promote the growth of new shoots in the following spring.

This kind of flower is "wonderful", a glass of vinegar in 7 days, full of large flower bulbs, beautiful doubled!

Other tips:

The flowering period of hydrangeas is mainly concentrated in summer, but with proper management and regulation, the flowering period can be extended. For example, after flowering, the plants can be moved to a cooler place, watering frequency can be reduced, and fertilization can be controlled to delay the germination of new shoots. In this way, hydrangeas can be allowed to bloom again in the following spring.

This kind of flower is "wonderful", a glass of vinegar in 7 days, full of large flower bulbs, beautiful doubled!

If you want hydrangeas to be more colorful, here are a few things to try:

Acidic soil: As mentioned earlier, hydrangeas prefer acidic soils, and in addition to watering vinegar water, you can also use acidic fertilizers such as aluminum sulfate.

Control the amount of watering: Hydrangeas have shallow root systems, and too much watering can easily cause root rot and lead to plant death. Keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged is key to ensuring the healthy growth of hydrangeas.

Reasonable light: Although hydrangeas are shade-tolerant, increasing the light time appropriately during the flowering period will help the flowers grow and the color deepens. Soft sunlight can be given in the morning and evening to avoid the strong midday sun.

This kind of flower is "wonderful", a glass of vinegar in 7 days, full of large flower bulbs, beautiful doubled!

Hydrangeas, as a flower with high ornamental value, can be made to bloom huge flower bulbs with some simple management skills to increase the ornamental effect. Watering a glass of diluted vinegar every seven days is an economical and effective way to regulate soil pH and promote healthy growth and bright flower color of hydrangeas.

Hydrangea care is not complicated, just take care of it in your daily management and you can make them bloom in your garden. Whether you are a veteran flower lover or a beginner, you can use these tips to make your hydrangea bloom full of large flower bulbs and double the beauty!
