
20th Anniversary of World Blood Donor Day: Gratitude for Helping Lives

author:Southwest Guizhou, China
Abstract: Around us, there is such a group of warm people: in order to ensure the use of blood in medical clinics, they roll up their sleeves again and again, use blood to convey the temperature of the city, and help life "a hand", they have a common name - unpaid blood donors.
20th Anniversary of World Blood Donor Day: Gratitude for Helping Lives

Volunteer blood donation Photo by reporter Mao Nijia

This year marks the 20th anniversary of World Blood Donor Day, so let's take a look at the "blood heroes" around us and hear their stories.

Practice social responsibility with "enthusiasm".

In 19 years, he donated blood 195 times, with a blood donation volume of 39,000 ml; He has won the "National Gold Award for Unpaid Blood Donation" for 3 times; Won the 2020-2021 "National Unpaid Blood Donation Award Lifetime Honor Award". In the face of the many accolades he received, he humbly said: "I just did what I had to do." "He is Wu Jianglin, chief of the comprehensive section of the supervision detachment of the Qianxinan Prefecture Public Security Bureau.

Speaking of Wu Jianglin's history of unpaid blood donation, it can be traced back to his student days.

In 2005, 19-year-old Wu Jianglin studied at South-Central University for Nationalities in Wuhan. One weekend, Wu Jianglin was shopping for items in the street garden of Xingyi City, and saw a blood donation car parked on the side of the square, with a banner hanging on the car "Donate blood that can be regenerated to save lives that cannot be repeated", this slogan deeply touched him, and he donated 200 ml of whole blood for the first time in his life that day, opening his road to unpaid blood donation.

In 2008, Wu Jianglin learned that the interval for platelet donation was half a month, which was much shorter than the interval of 6 months for whole blood donation, so he began to donate platelets. Gradually, Wu Jianglin became a "frequent visitor" of the Wuhan Blood Center, donating platelets once every three to four weeks, at least about 10 times a year.

Wu Jianglin said: "Blood donation is a public welfare activity, which benefits others, self and society, and is a transmission of love and the continuation of life. I would like to donate blood as the starting point for my own public welfare. ”

After joining the work in 2011, in order to maintain a healthy body and ensure that the blood donated every time is qualified, Wu Jianglin not only maintains a regular schedule and rest, but also usually rides, climbs, and runs. When he watched the bright red blood flowing from his body into the blood collection bag, thinking that he could help people in need, Wu Jianglin's heart was full of satisfaction and a sense of gain.

Not only does he insist on donating blood, Wu Jianglin also continues to expand the "circle of friends who donate blood". Under the influence of Wu Jianglin, his classmates, friends, and colleagues have joined the team of unpaid blood donation volunteers.

Although I knew that Jiang Lin would donate blood regularly, I didn't know that he had donated so many times. This kind of perseverance and positive energy is worth learning from. Wu Jianglin's colleague said.

As early as 2009, Wu Jianglin donated about 8 ml of blood samples for testing at the centralized collection point of hematopoietic stem cells of Wuhan Blood Center and successfully joined the China Bone Marrow Bank. In April this year, Wu Jianglin received a call from the Wuhan Red Cross Society, where the staff told him that he had been successfully matched with a patient and that he was ready to donate hematopoietic stem cells.

From whole blood donation to platelets, to hematopoietic stem cell donation, Wu Jianglin has brought hope to patients and families. "As long as my physical condition allows, I plan to donate blood once in various provinces and cities across the country, which is my goal and part of the public welfare plan." Wu Jianglin said.

I'm on top whenever I need to

Wu Baojiang, a staff member of the Laboratory Department of the Central Blood Station of Qianxinan Prefecture, has donated blood for 13 years, donated blood 24 times, and donated a total of 7,000 ml of blood, and won the 2020-2021 "National Bronze Award for Unpaid Blood Donation".

20th Anniversary of World Blood Donor Day: Gratitude for Helping Lives

Wu Baojiang donated platelets (provided by the interviewee)

Recalling the first time he donated blood, Wu Baojiang remembers it vividly: "At that time, I was a sophomore at Guizhou Medical University. One day, when I saw the blood donation vehicle parked on campus and many students lined up to donate blood there, I was a little curious so I went up to take a look, and after learning about the benefits and significance of unpaid blood donation, I joined the blood donation team. ”

Wu Baojiang said that the first time he donated blood was 400 milliliters. "I was a little nervous when I donated blood, worried about adverse reactions, and at the same time a little excited, especially when I thought that my blood might save a life, and I felt very proud."

In July 2015, after graduating from Guizhou Medical University majoring in medical laboratory, Wu Baojiang entered the central blood station of Qianxinan Prefecture and formed an indissoluble bond with "blood".

"After the blood donated by everyone passes the preliminary screening on site, the blood samples also need to be sent to the blood bank laboratory department for screening of notifiable infectious diseases, alanine aminotransferase detection, blood group identification, virus nucleic acid detection, etc., to further ensure the safety of clinical blood transfusion. The blood is sent to the preparation department to prepare the component blood, and the blood sample is transferred to the finished product bank after passing the test before it is distributed to the clinical treatment of patients. Talking about his profession, Wu Baojiang spoke eloquently.

As a party member and blood station worker, Wu Baojiang is ready to stretch out his arms and donate blood at any time. At the same time, he often promotes the benefits of blood donation to the people around him, and actively guides them to join the blood donation team.

June 14, both World Blood Donor Day and Wu Baojiang's lunar birthday, coincided with the expiration of the blood donation interval, and he donated blood again on this day.

On the same day, after he came to the unit, a volunteer who was ready to donate platelets, the routine blood test did not meet the platelet donation index, and he was not suitable for platelet donation.

"It's not the first time, and it certainly won't be the last, but it's a good thing to be able to donate platelets and prove that I'm healthy." Wu Baojiang said with a smile, in fact, not only me, but also my colleagues, as long as there is a need, as long as the body allows, we will not hesitate to participate in blood donation.

"Every unpaid blood donation is a relay of life." Wu Baojiang said that in the future, he will continue to actively participate in unpaid blood donation and make a contribution to the treatment of patients' lives. At the same time, we also call on everyone to actively join the unpaid blood donation team, carry forward the humanitarian spirit of "one for all, all for one", and pass on this love.

"Hot-blooded heroes" in the city

In the city of Xingyi, many caring citizens silently walk on the blood donation vehicle every day, stretch out their arms, and donate blood. With great love in their hearts, they used their red blood to save lives they had never met, and conveyed love and warmth to the society with practical actions.

20th Anniversary of World Blood Donor Day: Gratitude for Helping Lives

Volunteers display commemorative badges Photo by reporter Mao Nijia

Early in the morning, Lao Xu, who lives in Jushan Street, didn't have time to eat breakfast, so he hurried to Jushan Square, where he was going to participate in a blood donation activity.

When he came to Jushan Square, the people who came to donate blood had already lined up, and Lao Xu immediately joined in, but when he arrived in line, he was told by the blood station staff that he could not donate blood because he had not eaten breakfast. After replenishing his "energy" nearby, Lao Xu rejoined the blood donation team, but because it was less than 6 months since the last blood donation, he still failed to donate blood.

"January this year was my first time donating blood, so I didn't know if there was still time to donate." Lao Xu shook his head regretfully, "It's okay, I'm in good health, and I'll donate blood when the interval is up, and make a modest contribution to the society." ”

When Lao Xu left, Ms. Jiang was getting out of the blood donation cart and she donated 400 milliliters of blood. "Blood can be regenerated, and donating blood can not only help people in need, but also have many benefits for the body, which can reduce blood viscosity and promote metabolism, which is a very meaningful thing." Ms. Jiang said as she displayed the 20th anniversary pin of World Blood Donor Day.

Because she couldn't donate blood to participate in the marathon, Ruan Kuifen, a road runner, chose to become a volunteer to promote blood donation and hematopoietic stem cell donation to passers-by. "I used to be busy with business, but now that I'm retired, I want to do something meaningful and help others be happy."

Mr. Liu donated blood 12 times, with a total amount of 3,600 milliliters of blood. "I used to know that donating blood could help people, but I didn't feel it very deeply," he said. It wasn't until 2018, when my wife suddenly fell ill and needed a blood transfusion due to excessive bleeding, that I deeply felt that every bag of blood could be the key to saving lives. Since then, as long as my body allows, I will take the initiative to donate blood to help others and myself. ”

"About 30 years ago, my father suffered from stomach bleeding and needed a blood transfusion, and it was my father's attending doctor who donated blood in time to save my father's life." Ms. Chen said that she was still young at the time and did not know how to thank the venerable doctor, and now she has joined the blood donation team in order to continue the good deeds and bring hope to more people.

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