
Panyu Dalong Street held a meeting to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and a special party class on party discipline learning and education


On June 28, Panyu Dalong Street held a meeting to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and a special party class on party discipline learning and education. More than 300 people attended the conference, including all team members of Dalong Street, cadres on the staff, all cadres of villages (communities), all party members of party branches of organs and institutions, party secretaries of "two new" organizations and representatives of probationary party members.

Panyu Dalong Street held a meeting to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and a special party class on party discipline learning and education

Probationary party members take the oath to join the party

At the meeting, all the probationary party members took the oath to join the party, and through the oath of joining the party, they encouraged party organizations and party members and cadres at all levels to work together, forge ahead, shoulder responsibility, and gather the majestic strength of entrepreneurship. Subsequently, Zheng Weidong, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Dalong Street, gave a special party course on party discipline learning and education for all party members and cadres. Chen Yusheng, secretary of the Street Discipline Inspection Work Committee, conducted an in-depth interpretation and analysis of the negative typical cases of disciplinary punishment, and urged party members and cadres to continue to promote reform and construction with cases, forge a team of loyal, clean and responsible cadres, continue the red blood, and promote the high-quality development of all work on Dalong Street.

Panyu Dalong Street held a meeting to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and a special party class on party discipline learning and education
Panyu Dalong Street held a meeting to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and a special party class on party discipline learning and education

Meeting site

Zheng Weidong requested that party organizations at all levels in Dalong Street should adhere to strict adherence to political discipline and political rules in the first place, strengthen the political discipline education and training of party members, continue to enhance the discipline awareness of party members and cadres, and resolutely build an ideological dam of respecting party discipline and abiding by the bottom line, so as to create a good atmosphere for promoting the high-quality development of various key tasks in Dalong Street; We should strengthen the building of a clean and honest government and build a solid ideological line of defense. All party members and cadres should earnestly perform their job responsibilities, take the lead in setting an example, strengthen their sense of discipline, strengthen self-restraint, and adhere to the bottom line of honesty and self-discipline. He pointed out that party members and cadres should internalize the requirements of party discipline and party rules in their hearts and externalize them in their actions, and always be good at overcoming difficulties and having the courage to take responsibility in their daily work.

The meeting emphasized that party organizations and party members and cadres at all levels in the street should focus on high-quality development, keep up with the pace of superiors, implement various principles and policies, do a good job in the economic and social development plan within the jurisdiction, and further promote the "Millions and Millions Project"; Adhere to serving the people, strengthen the construction of service-oriented grassroots party organizations, continuously improve the governance system, and make every effort to promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas to a higher level and higher quality.

Text/Picture Panyu financial media reporter Deng Fang correspondent Da Longxuan

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