
2024 Kuaishou Sports Data Report

author:Industry Report Think Tank

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Abstract: According to the report, from January 2020 to March 2024, the overall playback volume of Kuaishou sports-related content showed a fluctuating growth trend, and the important event period reached a peak. Whether it is the Olympic Games, the Asian Games or the World Cup, the average number of people watching sports videos on Kuaishou per day has increased significantly during the holding cycle of these events, and the whole people have a high level of attention to sports.

During major events such as the Tokyo Olympics, the Beijing Winter Olympics and the Hangzhou Asian Games, the number of Kuaishou sports topics and broadcasts increased significantly. Topics have been viewed billions or even tens of billions of times, reflecting the impact of events on motivating users.

In 2023, the number of viewers of Kuaishou Sports Live will exceed 230 million per month, a year-on-year increase of 13.7%. Users not only express their love for sports by watching live events, but also have stronger viewing stickiness, with a significant increase in the duration of a single broadcast and the number of interactions per 1,000 views.

During the event, users' desire to spend is even stronger. During the Tokyo Olympics and the Beijing Winter Olympics, the number of users who purchased goods and the amount of money spent on Kuaishou were higher than usual. In particular, categories such as clothing, shoes, jewelry, watches, beauty and personal care accounted for a prominent proportion of the consumption amount during the event.

During the event, the proportion of young users and users in high-tier cities increased, and this part of the user group had a high participation and consumption potential in sports consumption. Hebei, Shandong and other provinces have the most consumers during the event cycle, with a TGI of more than 100, and users in these regions are very enthusiastic about spending during the event.

In 2023, more than 50 million users have purchased sports-related products on the platform. The penetration rate of sports goods in terms of the number of consumers and consumption amount has continued to increase, and the prospects of the sports consumption market are very broad.

Among the many sports goods, the total consumption of sports shoes and the number of consumers are the highest, and the per capita order volume of baby sports shoes is the highest, and sports shoes occupy a core position in sports goods.

Excerpts from the report are set out below

2024 Kuaishou Sports Data Report
2024 Kuaishou Sports Data Report
2024 Kuaishou Sports Data Report
2024 Kuaishou Sports Data Report
2024 Kuaishou Sports Data Report

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