
Nourishing the stomach is like nourishing life! 6 favorite foods of the stomach , it is recommended to eat a little every day, whether you have money or not

author:Think more

If you often have an upset stomach, don't drink white porridge vigorously, the nutrition can't keep up, and the stomach is still uncomfortable after drinking.

Today I will share with you 6 foods that make your stomach comfortable, if you have money or not, take care of your stomach, it is recommended to eat a little every day.

Nourishing the stomach is like nourishing life! 6 favorite foods of the stomach , it is recommended to eat a little every day, whether you have money or not

1. Lion's mane mushroom

Recommended recipe: Lion's mane mushroom yam pork rib soup

The stomach is not good, three points rely on treatment, seven points rely on nourishment, lion's mane mushroom is a very good ingredient for the stomach, boil this soup and drink it, it is warm, the stomach is very satisfying, the meal is more fragrant, the absorption is better, the child has a small spleen and stomach, the husband's drinking and socializing stomach, the parents' elderly stomach, and your picky stomach, all are not a problem!

Ingredients: Lion's mane mushroom, yam, jade bamboo, lotus seeds, red dates, wolfberry, pork ribs


1. Wash all the ingredients, soak the lion's mane mushroom in water for half an hour, and constantly change the water halfway to remove the bitterness

2. Blanch the pork ribs with ginger slices

3. Put all the ingredients into a stew pot and simmer for two hours, and finally add wolfberries and salt to taste. Lion's Mane mushroom yam pork rib soup, fresh and sweet taste, picky eaters will not refuse, simple and convenient, nutritious and healthy.

Nourishing the stomach is like nourishing life! 6 favorite foods of the stomach , it is recommended to eat a little every day, whether you have money or not

2. Spinach

Recommended recipe: Pork liver soup with spinach

Ingredients: a piece of pork liver, a handful of fresh spinach, a few slices of ginger, a few green onions, a little cooking wine, an appropriate amount of salt, a little pepper, a little chicken essence (optional), a small amount of cooking oil


1. Wash the pork liver cleanly, then put it on the cutting board and cut it into thin slices with a knife. Soak the sliced pork liver in water to remove the blood and fishy smell. Take out the soaked pork liver, add some cooking wine, ginger slices, and green onions, and marinate for about 10 minutes to make it more flavorful.

2. Find a large pot and add some water, not too much. Toss in the ginger slices and green onions, then turn on the high heat and wait for the water to boil.

3. After the water boils, gently put the marinated pork liver slices in. Remember to pluck it gently with chopsticks so that the pork liver doesn't stick together. Seeing that the pork liver has changed color, you can add the washed spinach to it. The spinach is boiled until it is soft and the color becomes bright green and bright, and that's it.

4. Add a little salt and pepper according to your taste. If you like chicken essence, you can also add a little to enhance the flavor. Finally, drizzle a little cooking oil so that the soup will be more fragrant! Well, it's as simple as that, and a bowl of hot, fragrant spinach and pork liver soup is ready!

Nourishing the stomach is like nourishing life! 6 favorite foods of the stomach , it is recommended to eat a little every day, whether you have money or not

3. Bananas

Recommended recipe: Banana baked custard

Ingredients: 2 eggs, 10 grams of sugar (about two teaspoons), 1 banana (to be cooked, so that it is sweeter), grab a handful of honey beans (no honey beans?) Raisins and dried blueberries will also do! ), 150 ml of pure milk (just a carton of ordinary pure milk)


1. Take a large bowl and beat two eggs into it. Then add two teaspoons of sugar and stir well. Pour another 150ml of milk into it and continue to stir well. Set aside.

2. Peel the banana and cut it into small pieces, not too small, otherwise you won't find it after baking. Find a baking bowl that fits in the air fryer and put the banana pieces in it. Then pour in the previously churned egg milk, and try to soak each banana in the custard.

3. Grab a handful of honey beans (or other dried fruits) and sprinkle them on top, so that they will taste better and look better when roasted.

4. Put the baking bowl into the air fryer. Bring to 160 degrees and bake for 20 minutes. This is the time when you can do something else and wait for the fragrance to waft out!

Nourishing the stomach is like nourishing life! 6 favorite foods of the stomach , it is recommended to eat a little every day, whether you have money or not

Fourth, oats

Recommended recipe: Oatmeal preserved egg lettuce porridge

Drink it every morning! A bowl of belly, the whole body is hot, not to mention how comfortable, oats instead of rice to cook porridge is really good, low calorie and full.

Ingredients: 30g oatmeal, 1 preserved egg, 1 ham, half a carrot, lettuce, shallots


1. Dice the preserved eggs, carrots and ham, and chop the lettuce and shallots for later use

2. Add about 450ml of water to the health pot, pour in the oatmeal, set the temperature of the health pot to 100°, the time to share 15, and click the start button

3. After the oats are boiled, add diced preserved eggs, diced carrots, diced ham, boil for 3 to 5 to share, add chopped lettuce before cooking, add a little salt to taste.

4. Have you learned the low-calorie oatmeal egg lettuce porridge? Isn't it simple? Start your day with a mini pot of oatmeal in the morning

Nourishing the stomach is like nourishing life! 6 favorite foods of the stomach , it is recommended to eat a little every day, whether you have money or not

5. Yam

Recommended recipe: yam brown sugar cake

Ingredients: 350 grams of flour, 300 grams of yam (peeled), 2 eggs (about 85 grams of two shells), 50 grams of brown sugar, 20 grams of cooked black sesame seeds (10 grams added to brown sugar, 10 grams rolled out to the crust), 55 grams of milk, 8 grams of yeast, 10 grams of sugar, 50 grams of warm water (yeast powder).


1. Peel and cut the yam into pieces and steam it in a pot until soft (about 25-30 minutes), pour it into a basin and mash it into a puree for later use.

2. Add 50 grams of brown sugar to 15 grams of dry flour and 10 grams of black sesame seeds, stir well (add flour to prevent the loss of sugar juice after heating the brown sugar).

3. Add 8 grams of yeast to a small bowl, rinse and stir with the prepared warm water (water temperature≦ 35 degrees).

4. Add 350 grams of flour and 10 grams of sugar to the basin and beat two eggs. Pour in the yeast water and milk in turn and stir with chopsticks to form a flocculent. Knead the dough by hand, add warm water according to the dryness and wetness of the dough, and knead the dough as you add until the dough is smooth.

5. Spread a thin layer of water on the surface of the dough (to avoid drying and crusting on the surface of the dough during the fermentation process) and cover with a lid. The dough is placed in a warm place to rise until it is twice the size (to save time, I usually place the basin on a pot of warm water).

6. Add an appropriate amount of dry flour to the fermented dough and knead it into a smooth dough (because of the yam, the dough is a little sticky, so it doesn't matter if it's a little unsmooth).

7. Knead the dough, roll it into long strips, cut it into evenly sized agents with a knife, roll it into small round cakes, and roll out a little black sesame seeds on the cake surface for decoration.

8. Wrap each round cake with brown sugar filling and roll it out again. Preheat the pan in advance, wrap the small round cakes with brown sugar filling, put it on the pan and sear it over low heat, and sear each side for three or four minutes.

Nourishing the stomach is like nourishing life! 6 favorite foods of the stomach , it is recommended to eat a little every day, whether you have money or not

Sixth, barley

Recommended recipe: sweet potato and barley porridge

A traditional tonic full of oriental colors, sweet potato yam barley is a sweet food, which has the effect of nourishing the spleen and stomach, soft and glutinous taste, sweet and not greasy, and is really friendly to girls

Ingredients: barley, sweet potato, lotus seeds, yams, red dates, wolfberry


1. I soaked the barley overnight in advance, and I always felt that it was delicious to soak more; Peel the yam sweet potato and cut it into small pieces, and prepare an appropriate amount of wolfberry, red dates, and lotus seeds;

2. Put the lotus seeds and barley in cold water first, put in the yam and sweet potato pieces, boil over medium heat, turn to low heat and boil slowly, then add red dates and cook 25 shares;

3. Finally, turn on the high heat, add the wolfberry and stir to turn off the heat! It looks good and tastes good, and it really needs dog days to get wet.

Committed to using the simplest ingredients to share the most delicious dishes for you, the above shared stomach favorite 6 food practices, everyone has learned, learn to try to make it at home,! Welcome to like, follow, retweet and favorite, thank you for your support! We'll see you next time.

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