
Villagers and tourists live together, share and promote|Wudang District Yangchang Sojourn Town's way of staying guests

author:Cool Guiyang health care Wudang
Villagers and tourists live together, share and promote|Wudang District Yangchang Sojourn Town's way of staying guests


"Changsha is now so hot that it's almost out of breath. As soon as I arrived here yesterday, I felt so cool. On June 19, in Qingxin Yayuan B&B, Pingba Village, Yangchang Town, Wudang District, Guiyang City, Hunan tourists Yu Maoqing and Guo Cui'e, who came to Yangchang Town again, said to reporters while busy putting away the clothes taken out of the suitcase.

As the country enters summer one after another, the temperature is gradually rising, and more and more people are flocking to Guizhou in search of coolness. Yangchang Town, Wudang District, located at 26°63′ north latitude, attracts tourists from all over the world to live in the mountains and rivers and enjoy the natural "air conditioning" with its advantageous climatic conditions of 20.4°C in summer. It is understood that at present, the number of tourists booked in Yangchang Town has been 1,806, of which 60% are repeat customers, and it is expected that tourists will stay on a large scale at the end of June and early July.

On the same day, the reporter came to Yangchang Town, Wudang District, and saw that there were already many tourists with foreign accents in the town, as if they were at home, and they were familiar with the local residents. Wang Yuanxiu, a tourist from Chongqing who was about to go to dinner with her old classmates who also came to escape the summer, told reporters that this year is the third time she has come to Yangchang Town to escape the summer. As in previous years, this year she contacted the owner of the homestay in the local sojourn group early and booked a three-month sojourn in Yangchang Village. "The air is fresh and the weather is cool, and it is very comfortable to stay here in the summer. I come every year, and so do many old classmates, and we all make an appointment to come together to escape the summer. ”

Villagers and tourists live together, share and promote|Wudang District Yangchang Sojourn Town's way of staying guests

Like Wang Yuanxiu, there are many tourists who have come to Yangchang Town every year for several years to stay in the summer. Through in-depth rural experience and interaction with local residents, tourists can not only feel the unique charm of the countryside, but also feel the nostalgia.

Wu Zhongqin, a tourist from Chongqing who lives in Qingxin Yayuan in Pingba Village, and his wife have come to Yangchang for the third time this year. "Last year, I also lived in Qingxin Courtyard, and Sister Ma treated us as family." Wu Zhongqin shared that during her sojourn, she would cook for herself. Ma Hui, the person in charge of the B&B, often sends her some chili peppers and eggplants grown in her own field, and she doesn't charge money. "At the end of last summer, we are going back to Chongqing. Sister Ma also brought us back the new rice and soil honey she had just harvested at home, and she was very moved. Wu Zhongqin said.

For local residents, the arrival of sojourn guests not only gives new use to idle houses, but also increases income and makes the countryside lively. What's more important is that the guests from all over the world bring the outside world. Different regional ideas and cultures are intertwined here, subtly promoting the renewal of local residents' concepts.

Ma Hui, the person in charge of Qingxin Elegant Courtyard, is one of the first villagers in the village to develop a summer resort, and she is very grateful when she mentions the relationship between villagers and tourists. Guests staying at the B&B come from all over the world, and they often share the customs of different places, and they will also share the things they have stayed in about the B&B that they have done well, and tell her how to run the B&B better.

Villagers and tourists live together, share and promote|Wudang District Yangchang Sojourn Town's way of staying guests

"Not only that, but Huang Chengping, a retired professor from Chongqing Normal University, comes here every year to take local primary school students on summer vacation for free, and many children like her classes. And her lover, who often goes to the village to pick up garbage on the ground. Ma Hui told reporters with emotion that when they saw that foreign tourists loved their homes so much, they felt that they should cherish them more. Therefore, many people in our village learn from him, and often go to the village to pick up garbage and build our homes beautifully. ”

In the view of Yuan Huibin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Yangchang Town, pleasant climatic conditions are the premise for the continuous influx of summer tourists to Yangchang Town in recent years. In the process of interacting with local residents, the emotional connection generated by harmonious coexistence and mutual help is the reason why many repeat customers continue to come to Yangchang Town. "Here, the guests and the villagers achieve each other, making Yangchang Town better and better. Therefore, this year, we have also launched a new villager card for sojourn guests, which can not only enter the scenic spot for free with the card, but also enjoy shopping discounts at designated merchants, and also tell them that they are our 'certified' family members in Yangchang Town. ”

Source: Tianyan News-Guizhou Daily

Villagers and tourists live together, share and promote|Wudang District Yangchang Sojourn Town's way of staying guests