
If the moisture in the body is not removed, it is difficult to sleep sweetly~~ This dehumidification tip must be kept in mind~

author:Longnan Liangdang released

Source: Health and Wellness

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Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the dampness in the body is too heavy, trapping the function of the spleen to rise and clear and reduce turbidity, the clear yang does not rise, the turbidity does not fall, the clear body is not nourished, and the brain is not used, and there will be symptoms such as dizziness, drowsiness and awakening, general sleepiness, fatigue, spleen deficiency and loss of luck, abdominal distension, loss of appetite, loose stool and other symptoms.

Where does moisture come from?

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that all external evils that cause disease and have the characteristics of heavy, sticky, and downward trend are called damp evils.

Traditional Chinese medicine divides dampness into two types: external dampness and internal dampness.

External dampness is mostly caused by damp environment, wading in the rain, and the humidity in the summer environment is very heavy, which is easy to cause disease due to dampness; Internal dampness is mostly caused by excessive food and coldness, which causes damage to the spleen and yang.

External dampness can be transmitted to the internal organs, and internal dampness can also reach the skin, and dampness is easy to be entangled with wind, cold, heat, heat and other evil qi, which is called rheumatism, cold and dampness, dampness and heat, summer dampness, etc.

Why are modern people getting more and more damp? One of the main reasons is "eating too well and moving too little".

If you eat too much fatty, sweet, greasy and cold food every day, the yang qi and transportation function of the spleen and stomach will be impaired, and dampness will accumulate and phlegm.

If you don't exercise enough and sweat less, there is no way out of moisture, which can also lead to moisture accumulation.

So, how can we tell if we have a dampness or not?

Generally speaking, symptoms such as fatigue in the morning, thick tongue coating, nausea when brushing teeth, and sticky stools indicate heavy dampness in the body.

Moisture is important

01 Daily moisture prevention

It is best to reduce exposure to moisture in daily life.

  • Do not sleep directly on the floor, because the moisture in the air will drop and the floor will be damp, which can easily invade the body and cause sore limbs.
  • Limit going out on wet and rainy days, and don't wear damp and undried clothes.
  • Avoid dampness in the living room, and try to make it as airy, fresh and dry as possible.

02 Diet to dispel dampness

Cold foods, cold drinks, sweets, and wine will all promote dampness, so eat less.

Winter melon, watermelon, loofah, etc., can help remove moisture from the body through diuresis, and you can eat a little more in your daily diet.

Foods such as Poria cocos, Ze Yuan, barley, and red adzuki beans all have the effect of diluting and diluting dampness, and can be often taken after boiling porridge.

White lentils can replenish the middle qi, strengthen the spleen, the spleen is healthy, and the moisture is removed when the qi is lucky, and it should be eaten often in summer.

03 Exercise to dispel dampness

The less you like to exercise, the more moisture accumulates in your body. Proper exercise can invigorate and stimulate yang energy in the body, which can relieve stress, promote the operation of body organs, and accelerate the expulsion of moisture from the body.

Jogging, swimming, yoga, tai chi, Baduanjin, Wufowl opera and other exercises can help promote qi and blood circulation and increase water metabolism.

04Cupping to remove dampness

Cupping can chase away cold and dampness, dredge meridians, and promote qi and blood.

Recommended acupuncture points for cupping and dehumidification in summer: Dazhu, Fengmen, Spleen Yu, Mingmen, Chengshan and other acupuncture points, it is recommended to use them under the guidance of a Chinese medicine practitioner.

If the moisture in the body is not removed, it is difficult to sleep sweetly~~ This dehumidification tip must be kept in mind~

05Acupressure to dispel dampness

In summer, we can use some acupuncture points that have the effect of dispelling dampness and strengthening the spleen to dispel dampness, such as Xuehai, Yinling Spring, Fenglong, Zhongguan, Zusanli, Spleen Yu and other acupuncture points, which can be massaged for 2~3 minutes a day to feel soreness.

If the moisture in the body is not removed, it is difficult to sleep sweetly~~ This dehumidification tip must be kept in mind~

06Soak your feet in hot water to remove dampness

Futian Yang Qi is the most abundant, and hot water foot soaking can stimulate the six meridians of the feet such as the Foot Yang Ming Stomach Meridian and the Foot Sun Bracket Meridian, so as to strengthen the spleen, dehumidify, pass the meridians, and benefit water.

For people with weakness in the limbs, fatigue, and loss of appetite, you can add 20 grams of clematis, 15 grams of Atractylodes, and 15 grams of mugwort leaves to hot water, and the effect will be better.

07 Chinese patent medicine dispels dampness

If the dampness in the body is too heavy, and the effect of eating food or external treatment is not good, you need to take some medicine to treat it.

Common prescriptions such as Xiangsha Pinggao Granules, Shenling Baizhu Powder, Huoxiang Zhengqi San, Erchen Tang and other prescriptions can be used under the guidance of a physician.

If the moisture in the body is not removed, it is difficult to sleep sweetly~~ This dehumidification tip must be kept in mind~

08 Simple and inexpensive dietary prescriptions

Dehumidifying, spleen-invigorating, and rejuvenating soup

Ingredients: 15 grams of barley, 30 grams of Chinese yam, 15 grams of seeds, 15 grams of white lentils, 12 grams of raw astragalus, 10 grams of raw atractylodes, 200 grams of pork ribs.

Method: Wash the pork ribs with blood, fry yams, white lentils, and barley rice in a pot until slightly yellow, and put them into the soup pot together with the seeds, astragalus, and atractylodes, and boil them for 2 hours over medium heat, and season them.

Function: Dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, invigorate qi and awaken the mind.

Tangerine peel cinnamon cangpu tea

Ingredients: 3 grams of orange peel, 6 grams of cinnamon branches, 6 grams of calamus, 4 grams of atractylodes.

Method: Boil water instead of tea.

Efficacy: Strengthen the spleen and dampness, awaken the brain and open the mind.