
Zhongyuan University of Science and Technology builds a new ecology of aesthetic education and education in colleges and universities in the new era

author:Popular Science Synthesis

It attaches great importance to the work of aesthetic education in schools, and has made a series of major decisions and deployments. First, clarify the new stage. In 2019, the Ministry of Education for the first time named "Higher Education Institutions in the New Era" and put forward opinions and requirements for effectively strengthening aesthetic education. Second, a new mission. In 2021, the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee issued the document "Inheritance and Development of Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture", which requires actively promoting traditional culture throughout national education. Third, set new goals. Determine the goal of forming a diversified, high-quality, and modern socialist aesthetic education system with Chinese characteristics by 2035.

The aesthetic education work of Zhongyuan University of Science and Technology is clearly aimed at improving the aesthetic attitude and skills that students can "take away", forming a "1245" education model under the concept of aesthetic education in the "new era", and building four support systems of "theory, practice, application and evaluation" through the two ways of "first and second classrooms" and "social service + X", so as to consolidate the educational effectiveness of "aesthetics, history, nationality, country and culture". Effectively integrate aesthetic education into the whole process of education and teaching, and create a new ecology of aesthetic education in colleges and universities that is healthy, harmonious, open, innovative, and high-quality development.

First, the main line of "one core" and the goal go hand in hand, and the new mission of aesthetic education is promoted by inclusiveness

Zhongyuan Institute of Science and Technology has always focused on strengthening the education of excellent traditional national culture, and established an aesthetic education system with the cultivation of aesthetic and humanistic qualities as the core, the cultivation of innovation ability as the focus, and the inheritance and development of excellent traditional Chinese culture and the education of artistic classics as the main content.

(1) Create a brand of chanting and educating people in the Central Plains

The art of chanting is a way for the ancients to recite Chinese poetry and literature traditionally, inheriting the unique charm of Chinese cultural language and writing, and has extremely important cultural and historical value. The chanting brand education construction as the school's comprehensive quality and ability of the talent training characteristics, the teaching team to full-time backbone teachers, at the same time to hire off-campus ancient music performers, folklorists as academic consultants and part-time professors, chanting members of the selection adhering to the "love, positive and open" principle, strict implementation of the elimination and filling of the combination of the competition mechanism, to ensure the healthy operation of the brand team.

Zhongyuan University of Science and Technology builds a new ecology of aesthetic education and education in colleges and universities in the new era

(2) Strengthen the function of cultural brand education

Through the establishment of brands such as school-level art troupes and cultural festivals, the content selects representative literary works such as "Book of Songs" and "Chu Ci" to teach and interpret, and is committed to the rescue, sorting, inheritance and innovation of Chinese chanting, shaping the brand of education to expand the social communication effect, based on the mission of the new era, the traditional chanting will be innovated in art form from the aspects of voice, melody and performance, adhere to the dual benefits of education and society, create a vibrant and appealing image of Chinese art, and paint a portrait of the times, a biography for the times, and a bright virtue for the times.

Zhongyuan University of Science and Technology builds a new ecology of aesthetic education and education in colleges and universities in the new era
Zhongyuan University of Science and Technology builds a new ecology of aesthetic education and education in colleges and universities in the new era

2024.05 The 1st Chanting Cultural Festival of Zhongyuan University of Science and Technology Chanting live performance

2. "Two Paths" Synergy, Strengthen Practice, and Solidly Promote the Great Reform of Aesthetic Education

(1) Classes 1 and 2

The first classroom should first make great efforts in the reform of theory + practice teaching, tap students' artistic thinking and innovation ability, and promote the improvement of the quality of education in the popular art classroom. Secondly, the reform of hierarchical and classified teaching of aesthetic education was implemented, and several art practice classes were differentiated and integrated based on questionnaires, grouping, and sub-item practice performance, so as to further implement the hierarchical and classified teaching reform of "theoretical courses" and "practical courses" in which the credits and hours of "practical courses" were exchanged with each other. Thirdly, the implementation of aesthetic education "lecture-style" major teaching reform, and strive to start from the unit curriculum to achieve a quality leap, break through the barriers of disciplines, learn from each other, communicate with each other, achieve the transformation of "art/music teachers" to "aesthetic education teachers" in the whole subject teaching, take a steady and steady education reform route, and achieve better teaching results.

The second classroom aesthetic education work establishes an integrated practical teaching platform of "learning, training, exhibition and action", learning is learning behavior, training is practical training, exhibition is art performance, and action is service action, and the establishment of choir, military band, chanting troupe, dance troupe, chamber orchestra, calligraphy club, art club "seven" school-level characteristic art groups, introduces and participates in dozens of high-level exhibitions and performances every year, and carries out various art and cultural activities at all levels such as art exhibitions and performances for college students, chanting cultural festivals, choral festivals, calligraphy and painting exhibitions, etc. On the basis of strengthening students' artistic practice skills, it also serves the cultural and artistic life of teachers and students inside and outside the school.

Zhongyuan University of Science and Technology builds a new ecology of aesthetic education and education in colleges and universities in the new era

The first classroom teaching reform of "Art Appreciation" implements tie-dye art practice and a corner of the students' work exhibition in groups.

Zhongyuan University of Science and Technology builds a new ecology of aesthetic education and education in colleges and universities in the new era

2023.06 School Aesthetic Education Paradigm Reform Report Concert Stills

(2) "Social Service + X"

Zhongyuan Institute of Science and Technology plays a leading role in aesthetic education in colleges and universities, and continues to carry out aesthetic education social service work in universities for the elderly, community grassroots, special schools, and enterprise units every year. In 2023, in the Henan Provincial Department of Education, in the organization and implementation of the province's rural primary and secondary schools, the chorus cultivation project of "Educating People with Aesthetics and Singing to Beauty" will be organized and implemented.

Zhongyuan University of Science and Technology builds a new ecology of aesthetic education and education in colleges and universities in the new era

2024.06 The Provincial Department of Education awarded the first batch of rural primary and secondary school choral cultivation projects to help colleges and universities

As the first batch of selected colleges and universities of the Provincial Department of Education, Zhongyuan Institute of Science and Technology adheres to the principle of promoting teaching through exhibition, relying on choral teachers, based on the campus, strengthening guidance, and adapting to local and school conditions to create a brand choir of rural primary and secondary schools, helping the school form a pattern of "one school, one product". During the year of the implementation of the project, nearly 50 on-site teaching sessions were carried out at the Central School of Nanpu Street, Changyuan City, and the No. 1 Junior High School of Kangcun Town, Huojia County, which were designated for assistance, and finally successfully completed the 2024 Provincial Exhibition and Performance of the Chorus Cultivation Project of the Henan Provincial Department of Education, and won the first prize of the local primary and secondary school art exhibition and chorus group respectively.

Zhongyuan University of Science and Technology builds a new ecology of aesthetic education and education in colleges and universities in the new era

From 2023 to 2024, our school teacher team will go deep into the countryside to carry out choral teaching scenes

3. The "four branches" are combined to optimize and improve the new closed-loop promotion of aesthetic education

Zhongyuan University of Science and Technology has built a social practice course with four support systems of "theory, practice, application, and evaluation", forming a new closed-loop aesthetic education model of "theory-social service" for talent training, among which, the course "Practice and Communication of Music Beauty" was rated as a first-class undergraduate course in colleges and universities by the Provincial Department of Education in 2022.

(1) Theoretical education

Adhering to the principle of student-centered, the basic knowledge of the "art practice class" is systematically taught, and two teams of grassroots service and social performance are established.

(2) Practical training

Practice teachers are assigned according to the course grouping, and the practice topics are further determined in the form of "concentrated" to "group" teaching, and students, teachers and students are especially encouraged to cooperate in the training of original works.

(3) Practical application

Practical mentors lead the team to carry out in-depth grassroots teaching, preaching services, spreading the beauty of art, and helping rural revitalization. With the help of invited governments or localities to participate in celebrations, flash mobs and other activities, the fruits of teaching are displayed and the virtues of teachers and students are demonstrated.

Zhongyuan University of Science and Technology builds a new ecology of aesthetic education and education in colleges and universities in the new era

2023.06 Invited to participate in the exhibition of intangible cultural heritage hanging needle seal works held by the Civilization Office of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and other units

2022 English majors write hanging needle seals on the spot.

Zhongyuan University of Science and Technology builds a new ecology of aesthetic education and education in colleges and universities in the new era

2023.05 The Public Art Center went to Shangqiu Special Education School to carry out aesthetic education and social service practice activities.

(4) Course evaluation

The course implements the "4+6" evaluation model, and establishes a diversified process evaluation system focusing on basic skills and social services. At the same time, student exchange seminars will be organized, focusing on the analysis of the achievement of sub-goals, which has become an important measure to improve the teaching results of the course.

Fourth, the "five views" educate people, work together to promote the new ecology of aesthetic education

The school adheres to the "five views" education of excellent music culture as the guide and pays attention to talent training, and the touching and pride that art brings to teachers and students is the best answer sheet for the aesthetic education work of colleges and universities.

In the past three years, it has been well received in the student questionnaire survey, and the teaching quality evaluation has been excellent year after year. In recent years, a total of 5 aesthetic education practice education bases have been signed; The original large-scale chanting drama "Dream of the Stars: The Legend of Dongpo" by teachers and students won the first prize of the "16th Provincial College Student Science, Technology, Culture and Art Festival", the third prize of the "Yellow River Drama Award" of the Provincial Department of Education and 3 individual performance awards; The choir of the guiding school won the first prize of the "Education System Choir Competition" of the Provincial Department of Education; In 2024, it will complete the "Research and Practice Project of Higher Education Teaching Reform in Henan Province" of the Provincial Department of Education, "Innovation and Practice of Aesthetic Education Model in Colleges and Universities with Mixed Paradigm of Theory and Practice", and at the same time, it won 5 first prizes, 7 second prizes, and 9 third prizes in the 7th Henan Provincial College Student Art Exhibition, achieving a major breakthrough in the school's art awards. Aesthetic education teachers have been awarded the honorary titles of academic and technical leaders of Henan Provincial Department of Education and young backbone teachers of colleges and universities in Henan Province.

Aesthetic education in the new era will uphold the mission of integrity and innovation, bacon casting soul, closely follow the pulse of the times, with the standard requirements of "character and learning, art and science", with the teaching style of "new craftsman spirit", and with the educational banner of "art serving the people", we will tell Chinese stories to students and society with affection and strength, inherit the national spirit, and strive to forge high-quality and high-quality talents with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, aesthetics and labor in the new era and form a new ecology of aesthetic education in colleges and universities with healthy, harmonious, open, innovative and high-quality development. (Text/Song Lina)

This article is the research result of the 2021 Henan Provincial Higher Education Teaching Reform Research and Practice Key Project "Theory-Practice Mixed Paradigm Innovation and Practice of Aesthetic Education Model in Universities" (No. 2021SJGLX319).

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