
0 basic cuisine of bitter gourd fried beef, meat and vegetables are not bitter, relieve the heat and moisten the five organs, and it is a delicacy suitable for all ages

author:Longnan Liangdang released

Source: Healthy Gastronomy

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0 basic cuisine of bitter gourd fried beef, meat and vegetables are not bitter, relieve the heat and moisten the five organs, and it is a delicacy suitable for all ages

In the scorching summer of the Jiangnan water town, the endless rice fields and the green lotus pond are intertwined into a quiet idyllic picture. At this time, it is the season when the bitter gourd is ripe, and the fields can be seen everywhere with a touch of emerald green, and the bitter taste of bitter gourd seems to bring a trace of coolness in the hot summer. Stir-fried beef with bitter gourd, this simple home-cooked dish, carries the Jiangnan people's awe of nature and respect for food, it is not only a delicacy on the summer table, but also a witness to the past events of urban and rural areas.

0 basic cuisine of bitter gourd fried beef, meat and vegetables are not bitter, relieve the heat and moisten the five organs, and it is a delicacy suitable for all ages

Bitter gourd, also known as cold gourd, has the reputation of "bitter with sweetness, sweet with bitterness" since ancient times. In traditional Chinese medicine, bitter gourd is believed to have the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, nourishing beauty and beautifying, and is a good product for summer dietary therapy. Beef, as a high-protein, low-fat meat, paired with bitter gourd, can not only neutralize the bitterness of bitter gourd, but also increase the nutritional value of the dish, making it a healthy and delicious dish.

The choice of ingredients is crucial. Fresh bitter gourd with smooth skin, bright green color, thick and juicy flesh; For beef, you need to choose a tender and textured part, such as beef tenderloin or beef tendon meat. The choice of these ingredients has a direct impact on the flavor and texture of the final dish.

0 basic cuisine of bitter gourd fried beef, meat and vegetables are not bitter, relieve the heat and moisten the five organs, and it is a delicacy suitable for all ages

In the "Compendium of Materia Medica", bitter gourd is recorded as "sweet, cold, non-toxic", with the effect of "clearing the heart and eyes, relieving heat and heat, and moistening the five organs". In "Suiyuan Food List", the recipe of stir-fried beef with bitter gourd is even more respected as a summer health delicacies. Through the food documentary "A Bite of China", we can see the variants of stir-fried beef with bitter gourd in different regions, each with its own unique flavor and cultural connotation.

Cooking in detail

Nutritional information

Each 100 grams of bitter melon contains about 18 kilocalories of energy, 0.1 grams of fat, 1.4 grams of protein, and is rich in trace elements such as vitamin C and potassium. Beef contains about 107 kilocalories of energy, 2.3 grams of fat, 20.2 grams of protein per 100 grams, and is a good source of iron and zinc.

Cooking principle

The cooking principle of stir-fried beef with bitter gourd is to maintain the original taste of the ingredients through rapid stir-frying at high temperature, and at the same time, the bitterness of bitter gourd and the deliciousness of beef are integrated through seasoning to achieve a balance of taste and nutrition.

0 basic cuisine of bitter gourd fried beef, meat and vegetables are not bitter, relieve the heat and moisten the five organs, and it is a delicacy suitable for all ages

A list of ingredients

  • 2 bitter melons
  • Beef 200 grams
  • Garlic 3 cloves
  • Ginger to taste
  • 2 green onions
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon cooking wine
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • Cooking oil to taste

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash the bitter gourd, remove the seeds, cut it into thin slices, marinate it with salt for 10 minutes, then rinse it with water to remove the bitterness.
  2. Cut the beef into thin slices and marinate with cooking wine, soy sauce and pepper for 15 minutes.
  3. Finely chop the garlic and ginger, and cut the green onion into small pieces for later use.
  4. Heat the pan with cold oil, add the beef and stir-fry quickly until it changes color, remove and set aside.
  5. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add the minced garlic and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant.
  6. Add the bitter gourd slices and stir-fry quickly until raw.
  7. Pour the sautéed beef back into the pan and stir-fry with the bitter gourd.
  8. Add green onions, salt to taste, stir-fry quickly and evenly, then remove from the pan.
0 basic cuisine of bitter gourd fried beef, meat and vegetables are not bitter, relieve the heat and moisten the five organs, and it is a delicacy suitable for all ages

Personal style is self-adjusting

According to personal taste, the pickling time of bitter gourd can be appropriately adjusted to reduce or increase the bitterness; The marinade of beef can also be made with other spices such as oyster sauce, five-spice powder, etc., depending on preference.

Cooking tips and tricks

  1. Bitter gourd removal technique: In addition to salting, you can also blanch bitter gourd with boiling water to further reduce the bitter taste.
  2. Beef tenderization technique: Before stir-frying, you can gently tap the beef with a meat hammer or the back of a knife to make it more tender.
  3. Stir-fry quickly: In order to keep the ingredients fresh and tender, stir-fry quickly during the stir-frying process to avoid the ingredients getting old.
  4. Balance of seasoning: When seasoning, pay attention to the balance of bitter gourd and beef, and avoid one flavor being too prominent.
  5. The aromatic effect of green onions: Finally, the green onion segments are added to add aroma to the whole dish and enhance the overall flavor.
0 basic cuisine of bitter gourd fried beef, meat and vegetables are not bitter, relieve the heat and moisten the five organs, and it is a delicacy suitable for all ages

Cooking Instructions

  1. Question: What should I do if the bitter taste of bitter gourd is too strong when stir-fried beef with bitter gourd? Solution: The bitterness of the bitter gourd can be reduced by pickling and blanching, and at the same time, the stir-fry time can be appropriately increased to further evaporate the bitterness.
  2. Question: What should I do if beef is easy to get old when stir-fried? Solution: Before stir-frying, you can marinate with starch, egg whites, etc., to make the beef more tender; Pay attention to the heat when stir-frying, and stir-fry quickly.
  3. Question: How to make the taste of bitter gourd and beef better combined? Solution: During the stir-frying process, you can first fry the beef until it changes color, then remove it, then fry the bitter gourd, and finally mix the two to fry to ensure the fusion of flavors.
  4. Question: How to control the oil temperature during frying? Solution: Heating the pan with cold oil is the key, too high the oil temperature will cause the ingredients to be scorched, too low will not be able to fry quickly, just keep the heat to medium.
  5. Question: How do you avoid being too salty or too light when seasoning? Solution: You can taste it before seasoning, increase or decrease the salt according to your personal taste, and avoid adding too much at one time.
0 basic cuisine of bitter gourd fried beef, meat and vegetables are not bitter, relieve the heat and moisten the five organs, and it is a delicacy suitable for all ages

Related dishes to share

  1. Stewed pork ribs with bitter melon

Nutritional information: Pork ribs are rich in calcium and protein, and bitter melon provides vitamin C and potassium.

Cooking principle: Simmer over slow heat to make the deliciousness of the pork ribs and the bitterness of the bitter gourd perfectly combined.

List of ingredients: bitter gourd, pork ribs, ginger, cooking wine, salt.

Cooking steps:1. Blanch the pork ribs to remove the smell; 2. Cut the bitter gourd into cubes and blanch; 3. Simmer the pork ribs with ginger and cooking wine; 4. Add the bitter gourd, simmer until the ribs are cooked through, season and remove from the pan.

  1. Beef bitter gourd soup

Nutritional information: The soup is rich in protein and vitamins, making it suitable for summer.

Cooking principle: Slow cooking, so that the freshness of beef and the freshness of bitter gourd are fully released.

Ingredient list: beef, bitter gourd, goji berries, ginger slices, salt.

Cooking steps:1. Blanch the beef in cubes; 2. Remove the seeds of the bitter gourd and cut into cubes; 3. Cook the beef, wolfberry and ginger slices together; 4. Add the bitter gourd, simmer until the ingredients are cooked through, season and remove from the pan.

0 basic cuisine of bitter gourd fried beef, meat and vegetables are not bitter, relieve the heat and moisten the five organs, and it is a delicacy suitable for all ages
  1. Scrambled eggs with bitter gourd

Nutritional information: Eggs provide high-quality protein, and bitter melon provides vitamins and minerals.

Cooking principle: Stir-fry quickly to keep the eggs tender and the bitter gourd crisp.

Ingredient list: bitter gourd, eggs, salt, cooking oil.

Cooking steps:1. Slice bitter gourd and blanch; 2. Beat the eggs and add salt to taste; 3. Heat the pan and scramble the eggs in cold oil until they are half cooked; 4. Add the bitter gourd and stir-fry quickly, season and remove from the pan.

  1. Beef bitter gourd rolls

Nutritional information: Beef provides rich protein, and bitter gourd helps to clear away heat and relieve heat.

Cooking principle: Beef is combined with bitter gourd to create a novel texture and flavor.

Ingredients: beef, bitter gourd, carrots, soy sauce, salt.

Cooking steps:1. Beef slices marinated; 2. Remove the seeds of bitter gourd and blanch it; 3. Roll the beef fillet into the bitter melon; 4. Steam, then drizzle with soy sauce to taste.

0 basic cuisine of bitter gourd fried beef, meat and vegetables are not bitter, relieve the heat and moisten the five organs, and it is a delicacy suitable for all ages
  1. Bitter gourd beef salad

Nutritional information: Low fat and high protein, suitable for a healthy diet.

Cooking principle: cold dressing, retaining the original flavor and nutrition of the ingredients.

Ingredients list: bitter gourd, beef, lettuce, olive oil, vinegar, salt.

Cooking steps:1. Slice bitter gourd and blanch; 2. Beef cooked and sliced; 3. Wash and shred the lettuce; 4. Mix all ingredients and add olive oil and vinegar to taste.


Stir-fried beef with bitter gourd, this simple but flavorful home-cooked dish not only bears the imprint of regional culture, but also contains the wisdom of healthy eating. In the hot summer, it is like a clear stream, nourishing our body and mind. Hopefully, through this cookbook, you will feel the joy of cooking, and at the same time, you will be able to appreciate the culture and stories behind the food. If you like this dish, you may wish to leave your feedback, like and follow in the comment area to share your cooking experience with more friends. Let's explore more delicious food and enjoy a healthy life together!

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