
Lighting the lamp of hope and illuminating the way back for special people

author:Popular Science Synthesis

Dear leaders and colleagues, hello everyone!

The title of my sermon is "Lighting the Lamp of Hope, Illuminating the Way to Return for Special Populations". The protagonist of the story is named Chen Shirong, who is currently the chairman of Shanghai Shicao Washing Co., Ltd. (Rongshen Economic and Trade Co., Ltd.), and is also the director and head of the advisory group of the Shanghai Social Helping and Teaching Volunteer Association, and the chairman of the Hongkou District Social Helping and Teaching Volunteer Association.

In 2016, after Chen Shirong's active application and the strong recommendation of the Hongkou District Judicial Bureau, under the guidance of the Municipal Bureau of Justice, the Municipal Social Aid and Education Volunteer Association listed a transitional employment base for the placement of prisoners released from prison in Shanghai Shicao Washing Co., Ltd. - Xinhang Station Shicao Sub-station. In recent years, the post station has successfully resettled and helped more than 300 people released from prison to return to society smoothly, making positive contributions to maintaining social harmony and stability.

Lighting the lamp of hope and illuminating the way back for special people

Because of his outstanding achievements in social assistance and education, Chen Shirong has been awarded the Shanghai Municipal Advanced Worker in Judicial Administration, the May Day Labor Medal of Hongkou District and other honors, and was hired as the head of the advisory group and the general consultant of the Shanghai Social Assistance and Education Volunteer Association. The company was named the only "halfway station" in the country by the Ministry of Justice, and was rated as "Shanghai Advanced Collective for Helping and Teaching Prisoners Released from Criminal Justice" by the Shanghai Municipal Comprehensive Management Committee.

Lighting the lamp of hope and illuminating the way back for special people

What touching stories are hidden behind the achievements and honors? Below, let's go through a few cases and walk into Chen Shirong's tutoring career.


In 1993, in order to solve the employment problem of educated youth and laid-off workers who returned to the city, Liangcheng Street in Hongkou District opened Rongshen Laundry Factory. At that time, Chen Shirong, as a cadre of the street economy section, with his enthusiasm to do something practical for the society, took the initiative to ask the organization to take over this "hot potato" of revitalizing the community economy and solving the employment problem of "difficult people".

At the beginning of the factory, Chen Shirong opened the door and received many people who had been released from prison who had no way to find employment. These people are new to the factory, often penniless, and do not have even the most basic livelihood guarantees. In order to help them tide over the temporary difficulties, Chen Shirong not only had to move left and right to find ways to place these people in dormitories with limited beds in factories, but also often squeezed some money out of his modest wages to buy daily necessities for them and advance living expenses.

In a blink of an eye, in 2005, in order to meet the needs of reform, Rongshen Factory was restructured into a private enterprise and officially renamed Shanghai Shicao Washing Co., Ltd., and Chen Shirong also transformed from a civil servant to a corporate manager. Identities change, and so does the pressure. Without the support of the government, where should enterprises go in the vast sea of market economy? How to survive? He fell into deep thought...... At the same time, there is another problem in front of Chen Shirong, that is, the transformation of the enterprise, first of all, to ensure economic benefits, continue to resettle people released from prison, will add additional burden to the enterprise, this good thing should continue to be done?

Faced with difficult trade-offs, Chen Shirong recalled the experience of resettlement, mentoring, and ex-prisoners for so many years, and came into contact with these "bad guys" that ordinary people avoided, and what touched him the most was that helping one person usually saves a family and brings stability to one party. From these people, he deeply understands that sometimes a lamp can give hope, and when you go to the post station to rest, you can regain the courage to move forward.

Lighting the lamp of hope and illuminating the way back for special people

He still remembers the Li he once helped. Li originally worked in a large state-owned enterprise and had a happy family, but since he was infected with drugs, his family wealth was scattered, his wife was separated, and he was imprisoned for crime. After being released from prison, Li became a "three-no" person with no housing, no job, and no source of livelihood, and his household registration was a "bag and bag hukou", and he dragged a trolley box to the street for three days, looking for trouble and asking for subsidies. If such a person is allowed to wander around, it is only a matter of time before he reoffends. At that time, as the person in charge of Rongshen Company, Chen Shirong took over this big trouble, not only arranged accommodation for Li, but also put him in the position of a laundry worker, paying wages and social security every month. In order to prevent him from relapsing into drugs, Chen Shirong also contacted the anti-drug social worker in the district to talk to Li regularly and accompany him to do urine tests. In this way, Li's life has been settled, and he has worked smoothly until retirement age and received a pension. Li once said gratefully to Chen Shirong, "If it wasn't for the fact that he was accepted here, he would have been desperate, and he would have planned to break the jar and break it, and he would have been gone."

Thinking of this, Chen Shirong decided that no matter how difficult it is, he can't leave these people who have just returned to society behind, not only to run the business well, but also to properly settle these people who have gone through detours, but want to support themselves and are willing to repent and repent.

Since then, even if he encounters great difficulties in operation, Chen Shirong has never moved the idea of throwing away these "burdens", and the re-launched Shicao Company, as a "halfway station", has lit one lamp after another lamp of hope and illuminated the return of one after another people who have been released from prison.


He, a 51-year-old person who has been released from prison, his parents died one after another while serving his sentence, and his parents' house was sold by his brother. After being released from prison, He faced the situation of having nothing, and could only make a living by picking up garbage, and due to a variety of diseases, he fainted on the side of the road several times.

After studying and judging He's situation, the resettlement and education department in the district found the company. Faced with such an "old and weak" person, Chen Shirong accepted it without saying a word, placed him in the company's dormitory, and arranged a job in charge of sorting according to He's physical condition. In this way, He settled down in the company. In order to let resettlement objects like He work with peace of mind, the company also specially invited a cooking aunt to cook three meals a day for them.

After work, being able to eat hot dishes, take a hot shower, and have a clean and warm bed, He felt that life had rekindled hope. After working in the company for a period of time, He wrote emotionally in the thought report: I have been imprisoned many times for theft, picking quarrels and provoking trouble, and I have spent most of my life in prison, and I have nothing because of my crimes. But when I was in a desperate situation, it was Mr. Chen who accepted me, which not only allowed me to end my wandering life, but also gave me the opportunity to support myself. A master may not seem surprising to others, but for a person like me, who has been sentenced many times, it is an affirmation and recognition. The rescue of the party and the government and the warmth of the enterprise have made me deeply aware of the past sins and lessons, and in the future life path, I will definitely cherish the opportunity to reform and be a qualified citizen who abides by the law.

In order to better accommodate returnees like He, Chen Shirong also specially took a sum of money to rebuild the factory, built 10 new dormitories, installed air conditioning and televisions, set up public sports and leisure areas, and also applied to the Municipal Social Tutor Volunteer Association to arrange several tutors to be stationed in the factory for a long time.

Lighting the lamp of hope and illuminating the way back for special people

Chen Shirong's idea is to teach people to fish is not as good as to teach people to fish, most of the returnees in the "halfway station" is actually just a temporary transition, with his support, these people can participate in a variety of vocational skills training, after mastering a skill, those who are willing to stay can still stay, want to develop better, can leave at any time, and these people who leave the post station have opened shops to do business, some have found new jobs, integrated into the society through various ways, and restarted their lives.


At the company, giant washing machines are spinning rapidly, making a rumbling sound, and rows of ironers spit out snow-white sheets. A tall man is meticulous, busy checking the quality of the washing. This person's name is Wang, and he is the deputy director here. However, just a few years ago, he was still a person who was released from prison after completing his sentence in the "Sanjin Palace" that his parents hated and his relatives disliked.

Wang's parents are both deaf and mute, and the family conditions were very bad when he was a child. After graduating from junior high school, he was very envious when he saw that everyone around him was wearing famous brands and going in and out of entertainment venues. However, where is the money in the family to support his consumption? In order to get money, he began to use his crooked brain, and learned to pickpocket with his fox friends.

Since then, Wang has repeatedly switched between pickpocketing and being reformed through labor, and later became contaminated with drugs and was forcibly isolated for drug rehabilitation. His parents saw it in their eyes and were anxious in their hearts, unable to express it in words, so they could only desperately use sign language to persuade him to take the right path, but he turned a blind eye. As a result, my father became ill in anger and unfortunately passed away. His father's death deeply shocked him, and Wang, who was 31 years old at this time, was determined to change his mind, find a job, and take care of his mother.

However, he underestimated the difficulty of finding a job. I applied for the job many times, but I was rejected because I had a stain. At a special job fair for returnees, he came to the booth of the company and carefully handed over his resume. Chen Shirong received him, and after talking, Chen Shirong saw Wang's inferiority complex, and said to him earnestly: "The road is all walked out by yourself." If you want, you can come to my factory to try, but I want to tell you, although the factory is all mechanical work, but there are still manual work, can you bear this hardship? Finally someone was willing to accept him, Wang nodded firmly at Chen Shirong.

After coming to the company, Wang plunged into the laundry workshop. After a period of practice, Wang figured out a set of working methods to wash the sheets energy-saving and clean. Chen Shirong encouraged him and promoted the "Wang Laundry Method" in the whole factory. Wang, who has been unable to raise his head in front of people for many years, has a sense of pride for the first time.

Criminologists have argued that pickpocketing is one of the hardest crimes to eradicate, and it is all too easy to reach out quietly and the money will come. As a result, pickpocketing is often as difficult to quit as a drug addiction. One day, Wang found Chen Shirong. "Director Chen, I want to ask you to borrow some money...... "What's wrong?" Did you encounter any difficulties? Under the urging of Mr. Chen, Wang Moumou confided in the unspeakable secret: it turned out that the factory was relocated for some reason, far away from Wang Moumou's residence, and he could not walk to and from work in the future, so he could only rely on taking the bus, but as soon as he got on the bus, his hands were itchy, and he always couldn't control his heart and wanted to stretch out. Therefore, Wang claimed to use the "insulation method" to restrain himself and buy a moped to commute to work. Chen Shirong did not hesitate after hearing this, and immediately lent more than 2,000 yuan to Wang, and patted him on the shoulder, everything was silent. Chen Shirong's trust made Wang more determined to find his way back.

Lighting the lamp of hope and illuminating the way back for special people

A few years later, after public opinion evaluation, the employees unanimously elected Wang as the workshop director, under the cultivation of Chen Shirong, with the continuous improvement of business management level, Wang was elected as the deputy director of the Putuo branch of Shicao Company. Now, every time a returnee comes in the factory, Wang will persuade and encourage them with his own transformation experience. His career is on the right track, and he has also gained love. At the wedding, Wang's 70-year-old mother held Chen Shirong's hand, smiled with tears in her eyes, and kept saying grateful words: "Without the help of your Director Chen, my son would not be where he is today!" Chen Shirong waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's all his own efforts, I just pushed behind him." But it was this help that helped Wang achieve the transformation of his life.


Liu, who lives in Post and Telecommunications No. 2 Village, Quyang Street, Hongkou District, was involved in a smuggling case because of his weak sense of the legal system, and was sentenced to 10 months in prison, suspended for one year.

Liu is a single mother with elderly and frail parents and a child who is still in the second year of a university in another country. After being sentenced, she was under great pressure in all aspects, and without financial resources, her life really fell into misery.

One day in mid-September 2018, the District Bureau of Justice issued a notice to let the correctional personnel of Liu's street go to the Hongkou Library to participate in the job fair. At the meeting, Chen Shirong made a brief speech, saying that his company is a city and district help and education base, and has provided employment opportunities for more than 2,000 community corrections personnel. Liu was warm when he heard this, so after the meeting, he found Chen Shirong at the elevator with the mood of trying it out, and Chen Shirong asked Liu in detail about the basic situation and agreed to arrange a job for her without hesitation. Three days later, Chen Shirong drove from Shidongkou in Baoshan District to Liu's house and told her that the company had arranged a job for her in the quilt room of the Fourth People's Hospital, which was closer to her home. What moved Liu even more was that he also stuffed 1,000 yuan in cash into Liu's hand to make up for his urgent needs, and Liu's tears couldn't stop flowing down at that time......

Lighting the lamp of hope and illuminating the way back for special people

However, Liu worked in the Fourth People's Hospital for only 8 days, and he could not continue because his mother had a sudden cerebral infarction. When Liu's mother was discharged from the hospital to settle the bill, the company paid her another 700 yuan that was still missing, and transferred another 1,000 yuan to Liu from WeChat. Chen Shirong also helped Liu Meng many times to let her through the difficulties of life. Liu Meng once asked Chen Shirong: "How can I repay you?" Chen Shirong said to Liu cordially: "I don't want to reciprocate, you just need to work hard and return to society as soon as possible." ”。

Due to policy reasons, the company has been unable to hire Liu many times. However, Chen Shirong sent a WeChat message to Liu: "We will not give up on you, I will personally subsidize your living expenses of 2,000 yuan per month until you complete your sentence." By the end of Liu's sentence, Chen Shirong had funded her with a total of nearly 10,000 yuan.

"Your sentence is over, I'll pick you up!"

One day, Chen Shirong received a call from the Hongkou District Justice Bureau: "Your godson misses you in prison, can you go and see him?" "How can I have a godson?" Chen Shirong was confused. "Then do you know Zhang?" Chen Shirong then remembered that it was a boy who had been working in the factory for a few days last year. Zhang was born only 3 days ago, his mother died of dystocia, after his father remarried, he abandoned his studies, started with petty theft, embarked on the road of breaking the law and committing crimes, and ate 6 lawsuits at a young age. Last year, 21-year-old Zhang was homeless after being released from prison, spending his days in an Internet café, and when he was sent to Rongshen's company, he looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, but he wore a pair of ill-fitting torn leather shoes and walked like Chaplin in the movie. Chen Shirong immediately bought new leather shoes and new clothes for him, arranged a dormitory for him, and stuffed him with dozens of yuan of pocket money. Family affection is the most ordinary and deepest emotion in the world. However, Zhang has never experienced it since he can remember. Looking at Chen Shirong's amiable smiling face, Zhang experienced this emotion for the first time in his heart.

Lighting the lamp of hope and illuminating the way back for special people

However, it is easy to say that it is easy to change a new leaf, but it is not easy to do. Zhang worked in the factory for less than 10 days, and when he saw his colleague's mobile phone, he habitually stretched out his hand again. After being discovered, Zhang felt that he had no face to see Chen Shirong again and left the company. After that, Zhang lived in an Internet café again, because he had no source of livelihood, he burglarized, was arrested and imprisoned for the seventh time, and was sentenced to one and a half years in prison. In prison, the correctional police asked him: Why didn't anyone come to visit you? He said, "My father doesn't recognize me." After thinking about it for a long time, he remembered a person, and the best thing for him was me. "I want the director of the laundry to come and see me, and I want to recognize him as a father."

On July 22, braving the high temperature of 38 °C, Chen Shirong and the cadres of the company's Hongkou District Judicial Bureau went to Zhoupu Prison to visit Zhang. And said to him: "When your sentence is over, I will come to pick you up, and the post in the factory will be reserved for you." ”

While devoting himself wholeheartedly to the cause of resettlement and education, Chen Shirong is also enthusiastic about social welfare, and has organized and implemented the "Rongshen Chunguang Student Aid Program" to help young people in poor areas complete their studies, and has taken the lead in sending warmth and help to vulnerable groups in society and children who have dropped out of school and lost their relatives all year round. In the past five years, Chen Shirong and his company have carried out more than 100 various help and education activities, helping more than 700 people in need, involving more than 80 yuan. He often said that doing something practical for the society through the platform of the enterprise is a feeling, and it is also the social responsibility that an entrepreneur should assume.

Lighting the lamp of hope and illuminating the way back for special people

Hold a lamp to light the way ahead, and be kind to extradite the lost! This is Chen Shirong's mentoring story. Thank you!