
Memories of riding a bike in the summer as a child

author:Eggplant Meow Study Notes

Maybe it's because it's summer, but looking at the lush trees and the warm sunshine, I always recall some scenes from my childhood.

Memories of riding a bike in the summer as a child

Lifestyle: Summer, Memory, Childhood, Growing Up, Growing Up, Cycling

One of my roommates worked overtime at home on a weekend to write a PPT, and I was very eager to go cycling, and it was time for lunch at noon. So my roommate ordered takeout, and I planned to ride it before it arrived, and then ask my roommate to call me home from the balcony for dinner. When we got downstairs to our house, I called my roommate and asked if he saw me, and we waved to each other and I continued riding. It was noon, it was very sunny outside, but there was no one, you must know that in this park except for meals, all kinds of adults pushing doll carts to watch children at any time, it is a little difficult to ride, at least it is not fast. So I was very happy because there was no one. At that time, I felt very much like when I was a child, riding my bicycle home from school at noon, there were not many people on the road, and I was very happy because my mother prepared delicious food for me.

Memories of riding a bike in the summer as a child

Lifestyle: Summer, Memory, Childhood, Growing Up, Growing Up, Cycling

I still ride now, but I rarely ride in the sun, I pick and choose when the sun is not too shining, when the temperature is not high...... It's rare to ride a bike fearlessly in the sun like you did when you were a kid. It's hard to imagine why when I was a child, I wasn't afraid of the sun, I didn't dislike the high temperature in summer, and I wasn't afraid of mosquitoes outside.

Memories of riding a bike in the summer as a child

Lifestyle: Summer, Memory, Childhood, Growing Up, Growing Up, Cycling

Cycling is a great joy for me, but I'm also lazy now. Maybe when I was a kid, cycling was just a means of transportation for me to go to school, but maybe I really like cycling now, it's free.

from:Free meow

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