
Eat "bitter" and "sweet" well, and spend the summer coolly

author:Kangbashi release

"Boss, is there a bitter chrysanthemum for sale?" "Yes, do you want to mix cold dishes?" "That's right, eat and get on fire."

Eat "bitter" and "sweet" well, and spend the summer coolly

Eating "hardship" in summer is better than tonic. Recently, the reporter came to the Yimin vegetable market and found that bitter vegetables such as bitter gourd, bitter chrysanthemum, lettuce and other bitter vegetables were placed in the most conspicuous position of the stall, and there was an endless stream of residents buying bitter vegetables.

Eat "bitter" and "sweet" well, and spend the summer coolly

"During this time, because the weather is too hot, bitter gourd, bitter chrysanthemum and other vegetables are relatively hot, whether it is stir-fried vegetables or cold salad, everyone wants to take advantage of this to get off the fire and relieve the heat." Ms. Tan told reporters.

Eat seasonal vegetables according to the season, and the "bitter summer" will not suffer. The reporter learned that in the summer of high temperature and rain, eating bitter vegetables in moderation not only has the function of clearing heat, cooling blood and detoxifying, but also helps restore the ability of the spleen and stomach to transport and increase appetite when people's appetite is poor.

Eat "bitter" and "sweet" well, and spend the summer coolly

Bitter vegetables refer to vegetables that naturally have a bitter taste, and the common ones are as follows:

1. Bitter gourd. Cold, with the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, dissipating heat and relieving annoyance, rich in vitamin C. The saponins contained in it can assist in lowering blood lipids, lowering blood sugar, and preventing the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Bitter gourd can be sliced and blanched cold, or boiled in soup and stir-fried, and eaten in a variety of ways.

Eat "bitter" and "sweet" well, and spend the summer coolly

Second, bitter chrysanthemum. Sweet and bitter, it has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, rich in carotene, B vitamins and other substances, and the dietary fiber and other substances contained in it can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, enhance metabolism and antibody synthesis, and improve immunity. Bitter chrysanthemum can be stir-fried or cold, and it is one of the cold dishes that many families often prepare in summer.

Eat "bitter" and "sweet" well, and spend the summer coolly

3. Lettuce. It is known as "golden leaf", which can stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes, increase appetite, and is rich in potassium and carotene, and a certain amount of niacin. Lettuce can be eaten raw, cold, stir-fried, etc.

Eat "bitter" and "sweet" well, and spend the summer coolly

Fourth, kale. Compared to other bitter vegetables, kale has a milder bitter taste and is rich in vitamin C. For those with a better stomach, you can choose a refreshing summer recipe like chilled kale, or you can stir-fry.

Eat "bitter" and "sweet" well, and spend the summer coolly

It is important to note that despite the many benefits of eating bitter vegetables in the summer, excessive consumption can also be taxing on the spleen and stomach. Eat bitter vegetables, one meal is enough.

In addition to bitter vegetables, ice cream is also a "good companion" for summer heat. Summer is the peak season of the ice cream market, with the hot discussion of topics such as "ice cream under 2 yuan is back" and "will there be ice cream assassins this summer", "ice cream assassins" gradually faded out of the market, and this year's ice cream market as a whole returned to parity and affordability.

Eat "bitter" and "sweet" well, and spend the summer coolly
Eat "bitter" and "sweet" well, and spend the summer coolly

Cost-effective has become the mainstream choice in the ice cream market. Many merchants have also launched online sales models such as "group buying" and "ice cream family buckets", which allow consumers to purchase at more affordable prices through online shopping platforms, and can easily achieve "affordable ice cream freedom" at home.

Eat "bitter" and "sweet" well, and spend the summer coolly

However, like bitter vegetables, ice cream can dissipate heat and prevent heatstroke, but it should not be eaten too much. It is advisable to avoid eating ice cream on an empty stomach, after meals and after exercise, and it is best to enjoy it between meals to reduce irritation to the gastrointestinal tract.

Eat "bitter" and "sweet" well, and spend the summer coolly

In the hot summer, whether you choose to eat bitter vegetables or cheap ice cream, everyone is here to cool down. However, whether it is bitter vegetables or ice cream, it needs to be consumed in moderation to avoid burdening the body. While enjoying summer food, we should also pay attention to our health, eat a reasonable diet and exercise moderately, so as to make our bodies healthier and have a better life.

(Photo/text: Zong Jianing)

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