
Strange human body splitting, terrifying eyes in the ice! Can the 749 Bureau find out the truth after the bizarre case

author:Little Five Sons Film and Television

"I advise you not to check."

Zhao Jian of the 749 Bureau showed his attitude after showing his certificate.

"I'm sorry, but it's my duty, please get out of the way."

The captain in charge of the sentry jumped into the truck without saying a word, and the remaining soldiers kept an eye on Zhao Jian's every move.

Just a few dozen seconds later, the captain jumped out of the truck, with a surprised expression on his face, and just as several soldiers asked him what was inside the car, Zhao Jian suddenly took out a pistol and put it on the captain's head!

Strange human body splitting, terrifying eyes in the ice! Can the 749 Bureau find out the truth after the bizarre case

In July 1979, there was an inexplicable explosion in the arsenal of the Dandong Ninth Company, because there were many flammable and explosive weapons in the warehouse, so a strong shock wave of chain explosion was formed in an instant, and the fire was soaring for a while!

After receiving the notice, the local fire brigade quickly dispatched a number of fire trucks to extinguish the fire, but the complexity of the fire was far beyond the imagination of the fire fighters.

After nearly ten hours of struggle, the fire was finally extinguished, but the soldiers stationed in the arsenal suffered heavy casualties, and even several of the firefighters were seriously injured.

Several firefighters who were seriously burned were taken to the hospital for emergency treatment, and although their lives were saved, several of them became delirious, and often suddenly shouted in the middle of the night when they went to bed: What is inside that huge ice cube?

In order to understand the situation, the commander of the Ninth Company came to the hospital to inquire when several people were awake during the day, and the answers given by several people were not only strikingly similar, but also incredible!

They said that when they rushed into the fire to put out the fire, although the explosions were continuous and the flames were soaring, the center of the fire was not hot, and the air was filled with a lot of water vapor. Some people even said that when they rushed in, not only did they not feel the heat, but it was cold and biting, and even made people shiver from the cold.

One of them said with trepidation that he saw a huge block of ice in the center of the fire, and a huge thing swimming rapidly in it! However, because the fire was too big, the black smoke was billowing and the visibility was very poor, so it was not clear what was in the ice.

Company Commander Fang thought he was talking nonsense, so he didn't care, but in addition to him, there were two other soldiers who said that they saw the same scene, which also made Company Commander Fang very surprised.

Strange human body splitting, terrifying eyes in the ice! Can the 749 Bureau find out the truth after the bizarre case

After returning to the unit, Company Commander Fang thought that the incident was very strange, so he reported the situation to his superiors.

After thinking about it, the superiors sent a team of soldiers to the ruins of the accident site to search carefully, but they did not find the huge ice block, and the matter was over.

But what I didn't expect was that just a few days later, an even weirder event happened!

Several seriously injured fighters in the hospital suddenly had a splitting headache and fell to the ground and kept rolling!

The doctors and nurses took a lot of effort to carry them to the hospital bed and hold them down, and during the examination, the doctor found that the regular values of the blood of several people were greatly disrupted, and just as he was surprised, several warriors were separated as if their bodies were split, and a person who was exactly the same as himself was instantly separated!

The only difference is that the duplicated people don't have any scars on their bodies.

Where have several nurses seen such a terrible thing, they are so frightened that they scream! The doctor quickly ran out of the room and called the police.

The police officers quickly cordoned off the scene, and the captain of the police force did not know what to do in the face of this unheard of strange phenomenon. Company Commander Fang, who happened to come to interrogate, discovered the variables here, and he felt that the situation was much more serious than he imagined, so he immediately reported the situation to his superiors with the help of the hospital's phone.

After a few minutes of silence, the superior asked Company Commander Fang to assist the police captain in maintaining order at the scene, and he would send special personnel to solve the problem.

A few hours later, three uninvited guests in Mao suits and expressionless faces walked into the hospital.

They quickly rushed to the ward where the accident occurred, but were stopped outside by the police. The first person quietly took out his own documents, and there were a few big characters printed on them - 749 Bureau!

Strange human body splitting, terrifying eyes in the ice! Can the 749 Bureau find out the truth after the bizarre case

The captain of the police force had never heard of this organization, but Company Commander Fang's palms were already sweating! He had long heard his chief talk about the deeds of the 749 Bureau, which had solved many supernatural events that ordinary people could not believe since its establishment in 1974, and was also the only supernatural event research organization recognized by the mainland.

As soon as they saw that their people had arrived, Company Commander Fang knew very well how much the leaders attached importance to this incident, and hurriedly walked over to greet and give a detailed introduction to the situation here.

He claimed to be Zhao Jian, the head of the Investigation Section of the 749 Bureau, and the other two were his subordinate colleagues, who came to solve the replicant incident this time.

After the three were admitted to the ward, Zhao Jian carefully observed the situation of several firefighters and replicants, beckoned two colleagues to come over and whispered a few words, and then he coordinated with the police captain to send three police officers to assist the two colleagues in transferring the injured firefighters and replicants to the research branch of Bureau 749.

But at this moment, a soldier from the Ninth Company suddenly rushed in out of breath and told Company Commander Fang that there was a strange incident at the arsenal!

Seeing this, Company Commander Fang let him breathe a sigh of relief and said slowly, the soldier took a few deep breaths, and said an unbelievable situation: he came to the abandoned arsenal early this morning to investigate, although the entire warehouse was blown up beyond recognition, but the center was almost not damaged, which couldn't help but be amazing.

When he walked in, he heard the sound of disassembling the grenade, and then he saw several old soldiers in shabby military uniforms disassembling the grenade around a huge block of ice.

As soon as he wanted to get angry, he saw that something seemed to be moving in the huge block of ice, and a pair of big terrifying eyes in the ice were staring at him fiercely! The soldier was taken aback, did not bother to cross-examination, turned around and ran out, and when he learned that the company commander had gone to the hospital, he got on a military motorcycle and rushed out.

Company Commander Fang frowned when he heard this, and just wanted to ask this soldier to go back to convey the order, but was stopped by Zhao Jian on the side.

Zhao Jian believes that the situation seen by the warrior should have a lot to do with the replicant incident, so it is better to be handled by the 749 Bureau. Company Commander Fang immediately nodded in agreement after hearing this.

After Zhao Jian arranged the escort mission, he dialed the number of the bureau, and then rushed to the arsenal with Company Commander Fang.

More than an hour later, a military truck drove in front of the arsenal, and a young man in a Mao suit jumped out of the car.

Company Commander Fang quickly gave the order and ordered all the soldiers stationed outside the warehouse to withdraw.

Strange human body splitting, terrifying eyes in the ice! Can the 749 Bureau find out the truth after the bizarre case

After Zhao Jian and his colleagues got into the car, the truck drove into the warehouse with a buzzing sound.

Company Commander Fang waited anxiously outside, although he was also curious about what was inside, he knew the style of the 749 Bureau, so he had to obey the order even if he wanted to see it.

A few minutes later, suddenly there was a loud scream from the direction of the center of the warehouse, and it was like a herd of elephants howling at the same time!

Then he heard what seemed to be the sound of hundreds of ancient soldiers drawing their swords at the same time, and soon both voices disappeared!

Ten minutes later, the military truck drove out of the warehouse, and although I couldn't see anything in the back compartment, I could feel that something seemed to be moving inside!

After Zhao Jian, who was sitting in the co-pilot, and Company Commander Fang briefly said hello, the military truck quickly left here.

The truck encountered many sentry posts along the way, and all of them were successfully released after Zhao Jian showed his special pass.

Unexpectedly, when they were about to leave Dandong, the last sentry stopped them.

After the sentry captain on duty read the pass, he still asked to check the back compartment, Zhao Jian jumped out of the car and showed his ID, and reminded the other party that he was on official business, but the sentry captain jumped into the carriage without saying a word, but the scene in front of him made him not believe it at all!

I saw a white dragon about ten meters long entrenched in the carriage, and a pair of blood-red eyes were staring at him firmly!

The captain jumped out of the carriage in a daze, and Zhao Jian knew that he might mutate, so he quickly pulled out his pistol and controlled him, and asked the sentry on duty to find their superiors.

After coordination, the captain was later taken back to the research base by his colleagues from the 749 Bureau, and the truck drove into the Kunlun Mountains, the ancestor of all mountains!

Strange human body splitting, terrifying eyes in the ice! Can the 749 Bureau find out the truth after the bizarre case

A year later, the arsenal of the Ninth Company in Dandong was rebuilt, and there have been no bizarre explosions since! As for the follow-up results of the replicants and the white dragon, the information was blocked by the 749 Bureau. Although we can't know the truth of the matter, I believe that the 749 game will give us the answer at the most appropriate time.

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