
Not ordinary! This herdsman's family has an annual income of more than 40 yuan for milk production from 8 camels!

author:Dairy Times
Not ordinary! This herdsman's family has an annual income of more than 40 yuan for milk production from 8 camels!

Walking into the house of Zhang Zhanjun, a herdsman from Aqitu Ula Sumudu Xi Ula Gacha in Sunit Right Banner, more than ten camels are strolling leisurely around the camel circle, and the sound of camels is coming and going. In 2019, Zhang Zhanjun and his family began to try to raise camels, and now his family has 58 camels, of which 8 are milk-producing female camels, and the annual income can reach more than 40 yuan only by relying on milking camel milk for self-sale and retail. Through camel breeding, Zhang Zhanjun's family has embarked on a different path to prosperity.

Not ordinary! This herdsman's family has an annual income of more than 40 yuan for milk production from 8 camels!

"In the past, we mainly raised sheep, but then we found that the geographical environment here is more suitable for raising camels, so we began to try to raise camels and sell camel milk." Zhang Zhanjun told reporters that in recent years, herdsmen have been under great pressure to breed, and camel breeding has good economic benefits and low breeding costs. Zhang Zhanjun calculated an account to reporters, a camel to the grassland consumption is less than 20 sheep, but the benefit of a camel can be worth 20 sheep, so calculated, not only to relieve the pressure on their own pasture, reduce the loss caused by drought, and with the increasing number of camels, camel milk production has also increased, the benefit is getting better year by year.

Not ordinary! This herdsman's family has an annual income of more than 40 yuan for milk production from 8 camels!

It is understood that compared with traditional cattle and sheep breeding, camels have a stronger ability to adapt to the local environment. The characteristics of tolerance to rough feeding and non-picky eating make camels far less demanding forage than cattle and sheep in the climate of continuous drought and little rainfall.

Not ordinary! This herdsman's family has an annual income of more than 40 yuan for milk production from 8 camels!

"Sheep are grass, camels save grass and energy, the cost of raising camels is lower than raising sheep, and the income is higher than raising sheep." Talking about the difference between raising camels and raising sheep, Zhang Zhanjun's lover Xiang Yumei answered reporters' questions in a simple manner. At present, Zhang Zhanjun's camel milk sales are mainly self-sold and retailed, using short video platforms and moments of friends to publicize, and the source of customers has gradually stabilized, and the sales channels have continued to expand, and continue to be sold to Hohhot, Erenhot and Xilinhot. Xiang Yumei introduced that in 2023, the annual milk production of the female camels used for milk production in her family's 8 peaks will be nearly 1,000 kilograms.

Talking about future plans, Zhang Zhanjun wants to continue to broaden the way of raising camels, increase camel milk production, so as to obtain higher economic income.

Not ordinary! This herdsman's family has an annual income of more than 40 yuan for milk production from 8 camels!

In recent years, in order to cope with the breeding and ecological pressure caused by the continuous drought and lack of rain in most parts of the region, Sunit Right Banner has promoted the strategy of "excellent sheep and camels" based on local conditions, and guided herdsmen to change their production and operation methods in an orderly manner, so as to reduce the pressure of production and life caused by climate reasons, do everything possible to stabilize herdsmen's income, and help herdsmen in severe drought areas tide over difficulties.

丨Source: Ximeng Financial Media WeChat public account

丨Editor of this issue: Feng Xiaomin

丨Proofreading: Feng Xiaomin

丨Producer: Zhang Yao Feng Bin

丨Director: Zhao Min

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Not ordinary! This herdsman's family has an annual income of more than 40 yuan for milk production from 8 camels!

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