
The rhetoric of various countries about China's reunification has changed, and the China Coast Guard has opened a new model of law enforcement, with three changes

author:Hard Fist David Video

Lai Qingde frequently made "Taiwan independence" remarks, and the mainland's policy toward Taiwan became more and more tough. From revoking the policy of favoring Taiwan to formulating severe laws and regulations to crack down on "Taiwan independence" elements, the mainland is exerting pressure on the Taiwan authorities in all directions. This series of actions is not only aimed at the Taiwan authorities, but also sends a clear signal to the international community that the "one-China principle" brooks no provocation and that China's territorial sovereignty brooks no infringement.

Economically, the "poor Taiwan policy" has been implemented to weaken Taiwan's economic resilience by canceling some of the preferential economic policies previously granted to Taiwan. As an economy dominated by the technology industry, Taiwan is quite dependent on the mainland market. The removal of these preferential measures not only poses a threat to its exports, but also potentially weakens the overall competitiveness of Taiwan's economy. As global supply chains become increasingly complex, Taiwan is likely to face even more severe economic challenges.

In addition to economic sanctions, the mainland has also issued a series of new laws and regulations aimed at "Taiwan independence" forces. These laws and regulations clearly stipulate that the mainland can arrest separatists who undermine cross-strait peace in accordance with the law, and in serious cases, they may face up to 10 years in prison or even the death penalty.

The rhetoric of various countries about China's reunification has changed, and the China Coast Guard has opened a new model of law enforcement, with three changes

In less than a month, the mainland launched an all-round thunderous campaign against Taiwan, and in less than a month, various countries' statements on China's reunification changed. Countries that had previously had an ambiguous attitude and unclear expressions have changed one after another and clearly expressed their support for the mainland's position.

At the end of May, when the Egyptian president visited China, he made it clear that he fully supports China's position on its sovereignty and territorial integrity. In the same month, the President of Tunisia made a similar point during his visit to China. He stressed support for the exercise of sovereignty throughout China. Similarly, Bahrain, Pakistan, Malaysia and other countries have expressed clear support for China's position on different occasions.

Such an international response shows that many countries are no longer ambiguous on the Taiwan Strait issue, but have chosen to side with China. At the same time, the statements made by these countries have weakened to a certain extent the possibility of the Taiwan authorities trying to achieve "Taiwan independence" with the help of external forces. This kind of collective stance is not only a warning to the Taiwan authorities, but also a deterrent to other separatist forces outside the region.

In addition to economic and legal sanctions, the China Coast Guard has also launched a new law enforcement model in the waters off Kinmen. There are three main changes to this new model: the expansion of the scope of law enforcement, "all-weather" patrols, and the increase in the intensity of law enforcement.

The rhetoric of various countries about China's reunification has changed, and the China Coast Guard has opened a new model of law enforcement, with three changes

Expansion of law enforcement: The scope of law enforcement under the new model has changed from line patrols to surface patrols, covering more sea areas. The track of the law enforcement vessel is no longer fixed, but forms a number of law enforcement patrol areas. Such a flexible strategy allows the CCG to respond to any situation at any time and at any time, and to prevent any possible breeding forces.

The China Coast Guard conducts "round-the-clock" patrols and enforcement: the randomness of time is also one of the highlights of this new model. According to media reports on the island, the Chinese coast guard began its law enforcement operation at 5 a.m., which means that the law enforcement operation has shifted from routine to all-weather operation, which is also a powerful blow to those who vainly try to carry out "small actions" near Kinmen.

Increased Enforcement Intensity: The CCG's enforcement operations in the area have become more regular, further reducing the space for Taiwanese authorities and any external forces to operate in the region, and further enhancing China's de facto control over the region. This is undoubtedly a powerful blow to the "Taiwan independence" forces, and they will no longer have any chance to "exploit loopholes" in the waters near Kinmen.

The rhetoric of various countries about China's reunification has changed, and the China Coast Guard has opened a new model of law enforcement, with three changes

Lai Qingde's policy orientation after taking office is different from that of his predecessor, but no matter how he adjusts, his basic stance is still to try to maintain the current "status quo". However, in the eyes of the mainland, this so-called "status quo" is still a potential "Taiwan independence" tendency. Therefore, the mainland's crackdown will only continue to intensify, and it will never be slackened because of the fine-tuning of Taiwan's policy.

Under the "one-China" principle, any country that tries to take the risk of supporting the "Taiwan independence" forces will face severe consequences. As Egypt, Pakistan and other countries have stated, abiding by international law and respecting the internal affairs, sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries are the cornerstones of international relations. Violation of this principle will only lead to greater tension in the region and may lead to unforeseen conflicts.

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