
Sixth Vital Sign: Pain is the "language" of the body, and these parts of the body are painful or a sign of disease

author:Rehabilitation physician An Hengyuan
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative medical data combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have not been marked in the article, please be aware.

Ms. Huang, 56, often suffers from migraines and is unable to work. For this reason, Ms. Huang bought a lot of painkillers and would take them to relieve pain whenever the pain came.

However, instead of alleviating from alleviating Ms. Wong's headaches, they intensified.

Painkillers range from one to two or three. A few days ago, Ms. Huang's headache worsened, accompanied by vomiting discomfort. After seeking medical attention in time, he was diagnosed with meningioma, and the tumor accounted for a large proportion, and the operation was difficult.

Sixth Vital Sign: Pain is the "language" of the body, and these parts of the body are painful or a sign of disease

After learning about Ms. Huang's medical history, the doctor corrected her practice of covering her headache symptoms with painkillers and explained the importance of pain to the human body.

So, what exactly does pain have to do with health? In this article, we will explain the signs of pain and illness from a medical point of view. and how we respond to pain when it occurs.

1. Did you know? Pain is the sixth most important vital sign in the human body

Vital signs are key indicators of an individual's health, including heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, body temperature, blood sugar levels, and pain. These indicators are essential for monitoring and maintaining the basic physiological functions of the human body and the balance of the internal environment. Among them, pain has been recognized as the sixth vital sign, and its importance is increasingly prominent in medical evaluation.

Sixth Vital Sign: Pain is the "language" of the body, and these parts of the body are painful or a sign of disease

To be clear, pain is not only a physical warning of potential or actual harm, but also a complex physiological and psychological response. It is elevated to the status of a vital sign because it is closely related to the interaction of multiple physiological systems.

First, pain is particularly closely linked to the nervous system. Receptors, afferents, central nervous systems, and efferent nervous systems in the nervous system work together to ensure accurate transmission of pain signals. This mechanism allows individuals to react quickly when they suffer an injury, thus protecting the body from more serious damage.

Secondly, the interaction of pain with the endocrine system and the immune system cannot be ignored. When the body is injured or diseased, pain signals can activate the endocrine system, prompting an increase in hormone secretion, which in turn affects the immune system's response. At the same time, pain triggers an inflammatory response, which helps transport immune cells and nutrients to damaged areas, promoting repair and healing.

Sixth Vital Sign: Pain is the "language" of the body, and these parts of the body are painful or a sign of disease

In addition, pain also plays an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Different types of pain can indicate different health problems. By analyzing the nature, location, intensity, and duration of pain in detail, doctors can diagnose the disease more precisely and develop an effective treatment plan.

It is important to note that the production of pain is a protective mechanism formed during the evolution of organisms. In the face of injury, pain mechanisms can be quickly activated to avoid further damage.

When a part of the body is injured, the receptors immediately send a signal that is transmitted through the nervous system to the brain. For example, the nervous system triggers a series of physiological responses, such as sweating, shivering, and rapid breathing, and the brain then interprets these signals and produces pain, all of which are self-protective measures taken by the body in response to injury.

Sixth Vital Sign: Pain is the "language" of the body, and these parts of the body are painful or a sign of disease

For example, when a hand comes into contact with a heat source, pain receptors immediately send signals to the brain, which then instructs the hand muscles to quickly retract to avoid further heat damage.

However, people's response to pain is multidimensional and influenced by a variety of factors.

In everyday life, people may habitually ignore minor pains, but this can lead to overseeing the underlying health problems behind the pain. Therefore, properly understanding and responding to pain signals is essential for maintaining health.

2. Pain is the "language" of the body, and pain in these parts may be a sign of disease.

Pain, an often underlooked physical warning sign, is actually an important way for the body to communicate with the individual. With its varied intensity and properties, it reveals to us the potential health hazards that may be lurking inside the body.

Sixth Vital Sign: Pain is the "language" of the body, and these parts of the body are painful or a sign of disease

The pain signals listed below are symptoms of discomfort that occur frequently in daily life, however, they are often overlooked.

First, headaches are a common but often underestimated health problem.

Many people take a patient approach to headaches or simply rely on painkillers to relieve symptoms. However, headaches can be a sign of a variety of underlying health problems that require adequate attention and prompt medical help.

First, migraine is a particularly common type of headache characterized by periodic, intense, throbbing pain that usually affects one side of the head. This pain, if exacerbated, is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound.

It is important to note that long-term or severe migraines may be associated with cerebrovascular diseases such as stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA). When migraines are accompanied by symptoms such as visual impairment, slurred speech, or limb weakness, you should seek medical attention immediately.

Sixth Vital Sign: Pain is the "language" of the body, and these parts of the body are painful or a sign of disease

Second, brain disorders, such as brain tumors, can cause headaches.

Headaches in these cases are usually constant and worsen over time. Headaches caused by brain tumors may be accompanied by other neurological symptoms, such as limb weakness, speech impairment, or cognitive decline.

Second, chest pain, especially angina, is a warning sign in heart disease that cannot be ignored. This pain is often described by patients as a deep feeling of pressure or tightness, and sometimes even feels like the chest is being pressed by a heavy object.

The pain is not only confined to the chest but can also radiate to other parts of the body, most commonly to the left arm, neck, or jaw.

This radiating pain is a key feature of heart disease because it involves the nerve distribution of the heart. However, it is often overlooked due to the neglect of pain.

Sixth Vital Sign: Pain is the "language" of the body, and these parts of the body are painful or a sign of disease

Regarding chest pain, especially angina, it is often associated with insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle, which is caused by narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries. The coronary arteries are responsible for providing the heart muscle with essential oxygen and nutrients. When these blood vessels are blocked by arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, or other pathological changes, the heart muscle suffers from ischemia, which can cause pain.

It is important to note that the pattern and intensity of pain in angina pectoris can vary from person to person. Some patients may experience only mild discomfort, while others may experience severe pain.

The consequences of ignoring angina can be catastrophic and, if left untreated, can lead to myocardial infarction.

It is a severe heart attack in which a part of the heart muscle dies due to prolonged ischemia. Myocardial infarction is not only life-threatening, but can also lead to long-term cardiac dysfunction.

Sixth Vital Sign: Pain is the "language" of the body, and these parts of the body are painful or a sign of disease

Thirdly, in daily life, abdominal pain is often taken lightly by people. However, this pain can be a sign of a variety of underlying health problems, especially those involving digestive, urinary, and gynecological conditions.

For example, enteritis in digestive disorders, including inflammatory bowel disease and infectious enteritis, can cause abdominal pain with symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, or bloody stools.

Whereas, kidney stones in the urinary system, when the stones move from the kidneys to the ureters, can cause severe low back pain or abdominal pain. This pain is usually paroxysmal and may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

In addition, gynaecological conditions can likewise cause abdominal pain. Endometriosis, a common gynecological condition, is characterized by abnormal growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus, which may cause periodic lower abdominal pain. This pain is usually exacerbated during menstruation and may be accompanied by irregular periods or pain during marital life.

Sixth Vital Sign: Pain is the "language" of the body, and these parts of the body are painful or a sign of disease

Therefore, pain is regarded as an important physiological signal, and we should pay enough attention to these signals. At the same time, a detailed description of the nature, location, intensity, and pattern of pain can help doctors identify the root cause of the pain and develop a treatment plan accordingly!

3. Tips: We should do this when dealing with pain!

In life, a timely response and accurate diagnosis of pain is crucial.

Ignoring pain or delaying treatment can not only lead to exacerbation of the condition, but it can also make the treatment process more complicated and expensive. Therefore, once pain is felt, we should quickly identify its characteristics, locate it, and seek professional medical help in time.

Sixth Vital Sign: Pain is the "language" of the body, and these parts of the body are painful or a sign of disease

First of all, a correct understanding of the classification of pain is of great significance for diagnosis and treatment.

Pain is usually divided into two categories: acute and chronic.

Acute pain is often associated with an immediate physical injury or illness, such as a cut injury or acute inflammation. This type of pain tends to appear immediately after injury and subside quickly with prompt treatment.

Conversely, chronic pain can last for months or even years, and its causes can involve a variety of complex factors, including chronic illness, nerve damage, or long-term psychological stress. Over-the-counter medications for pain relief may be considered and a doctor may be consulted for further diagnosis.

Sixth Vital Sign: Pain is the "language" of the body, and these parts of the body are painful or a sign of disease

Secondly, the intensity and pattern of pain are also important aspects of assessment.

Some pain may be intermittent, while others may be constant. For example, headaches can be caused by a variety of factors, including nervousness, dehydration, or more serious health problems.

For headaches that persist or worsen, medication pain relief masks the symptoms of the disease. A thorough medical evaluation should be done promptly, and your doctor may recommend blood pressure monitoring, brain imaging tests (such as MRI or CT scans), and other relevant laboratory tests to determine the exact cause of your headache and develop a treatment plan accordingly.

Sixth Vital Sign: Pain is the "language" of the body, and these parts of the body are painful or a sign of disease

In addition, the specific location of the pain is also a key clue to the diagnosis. For example, chest pain may be associated with heart disease, especially when accompanied by radiating pain, which may indicate an inadequate blood supply to the heart.

In this case, your doctor may recommend an electrocardiogram, blood tests, and imaging tests to evaluate your heart condition and determine the appropriate treatment options. Similarly, abdominal pain may indicate a digestive problem, and your doctor may use abdominal ultrasounds, blood tests, and other means to determine the specific cause.

Therefore, for any type of pain, timely medical attention and a thorough medical evaluation are indispensable. Not only does it help to alleviate the patient's suffering, but it also improves the overall outcome of the treatment and the patient's quality of life.

Sixth Vital Sign: Pain is the "language" of the body, and these parts of the body are painful or a sign of disease

Write at the end:

Pain, as a physiological sensation, is essentially a clear indication of the internal state of the body. When pain is present, it is usually an emergency alert from the body, suggesting a potential health concern. Therefore, it is particularly important to accurately interpret and manage pain. In this way, we are not only able to prevent possible health crises, but also effectively promote and maintain overall health.


1. Li Ruoyi, Han Huan. Research progress on the effect of pain catastrophization on adverse health outcomes in patients with chronic pain[J].Chinese Journal of Contemporary Medicine,2024,31(07):194-198.)

2. Chinese Journal of Pain Medicine, 2023, Vol. 29, Classification Index[J].Chinese Journal of Pain Medicine,2023,29(12):1-12.


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