
When I met these "good Chinese neighbors", I was so angry every day that I showed it to everyone!

author:Retired foreman
When I met these "good Chinese neighbors", I was so angry every day that I showed it to everyone!

Nowadays, we all live in high-rise buildings, because there are many units with two stairs and multiple households.

In addition to living your own life, you should also have a good relationship with your neighbors, because there are many times when you will find that it is very important for your neighbors to get along with each other and can help you solve a lot of things.

When I met these "good Chinese neighbors", I was so angry every day that I showed it to everyone!

Just meeting a good neighbor means that you are lucky, but meeting a bad neighbor can only say that you are unlucky!

In this issue, I will give you an inventory of these "good Chinese neighbors" that netizens have encountered, who are angry every day, have you ever had a similar experience?

When I met these "good Chinese neighbors", I was so angry every day that I showed it to everyone!

The door is used as a garbage heap

I believe that many people have encountered such neighbors, who regard their doorstep as a "garbage dump"!

Usually the kitchen garbage and bathroom garbage in the house are piled up here, and sometimes they are piled up everywhere.

The most important thing is that this practice will affect the surrounding neighbors and destroy the feelings between neighbors.

When I met these "good Chinese neighbors", I was so angry every day that I showed it to everyone!

Netizen @Elegant Sister:

A couple living across from me are usually lazy, and basically there will be garbage piled up at the door every day.

Sometimes the garbage is not in the bag, and the juice in it flows to my door, and then knocks on the door and does not open, which is really annoying.

When I met these "good Chinese neighbors", I was so angry every day that I showed it to everyone!

In fact, I am really helpless in the face of this situation, and I don't know who to find to solve it.

When I met these "good Chinese neighbors", I was so angry every day that I showed it to everyone!

The entrance door is high and low

To be honest, there is really no need to compare neighbors, there are many people who will always make a fuss about the entrance door when decorating.

No matter what kind of house type, the entrance door is always a little higher than the neighbor, giving people a feeling of superiority, and to be honest, this kind of thing is very angry to anyone.

At the time, I may not think that there is anything, but every time I go home, I always feel uncomfortable when I see it.

When I met these "good Chinese neighbors", I was so angry every day that I showed it to everyone!

Netizen @小宝马丽丽:

After my family bought the house, it has not been renovated, and the ordinary entrance door is used, but when I went to the house after a while, I found that the neighbor's door was nearly 10 cm higher than my house.

When I met these "good Chinese neighbors", I was so angry every day that I showed it to everyone!

In the face of this situation, we can avoid it in advance, if the neighbor has finished renovating, we can install the entrance door according to the height of the opposite side.

When I met these "good Chinese neighbors", I was so angry every day that I showed it to everyone!

If the two are decorated at the same time, you can take a photo in advance to prevent the entrance door from being "superior", so that you will not feel anything after moving in.

When I met these "good Chinese neighbors", I was so angry every day that I showed it to everyone!

Shoes piled up at the door

Treat the door as a hallway, which is also a scene that is often seen in life.

Since there is no entrance in the interior, or the space is relatively small, a shoe cabinet is placed at the door, or all the shoes are stacked directly at the door.

Although this method is very convenient, it will produce peculiar smells and affect the movement of neighbors, which is very inconvenient.

When I met these "good Chinese neighbors", I was so angry every day that I showed it to everyone!

Netizen @晓明 is here:

My neighbors are like this, they didn't design shoe cabinets, but put their shoes directly at the door, and when the guests came to the opposite house, these shoes would be placed in my house, which was really disturbing.

When I met these "good Chinese neighbors", I was so angry every day that I showed it to everyone!

Although the entrance is your own home, it is a public area, and if it affects the neighbors, it will inevitably be disliked by others.

When I met these "good Chinese neighbors", I was so angry every day that I showed it to everyone!

Drying clothes in the corridor

There are many units with a corridor in between, and although this is a public area, there are always people who will think of it as their home!

For example, the middle corridor is used as a drying area, where all the laundry is dried.

Although you find it convenient, this may affect the neighbors.

When I met these "good Chinese neighbors", I was so angry every day that I showed it to everyone!

Netizen @ Star Little:

At that time, I chose the corridor house mainly for the good environment, but the neighbors on the opposite side used it as a drying area every day, and every time I went out, I would see a lot of clothes, which seriously affected the lighting and mood.

When I met these "good Chinese neighbors", I was so angry every day that I showed it to everyone!

Faced with this situation, many people don't know how to solve it, I think the best way is to discuss it with neighbors, but there is really no way to be unreasonable.

When I met these "good Chinese neighbors", I was so angry every day that I showed it to everyone!

Write at the end:

It's really helpless to encounter the above "good neighbors in China", I don't know if you usually encounter a similar situation?


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