
Houthi hypersonic missiles attack Israeli ships, in case there is room for long warnings, and the United States and Israel are not sure

author:Armament in depth


Will Israel launch a ground offensive against Allah in Lebanon? This issue has been in the spotlight recently. If Israel decides to attack, the impact of this conflict will definitely exceed that of the battle for Gaza. The conflict between Israel and Lebanon could lead to an escalation of the conflict in the Middle East, and even have an unintended impact on the Middle East landscape. The U.S. attitude toward Israel's attack on Lebanon is relatively clear, that is, it does not want Israel to launch an offensive and does not want this conflict to spiral out of control. Israel is hesitant to attack Lebanon against the backdrop of the lack of full support from the United States, after all, Israel alone has no certainty of victory.

Houthi hypersonic missiles attack Israeli ships, in case there is room for long warnings, and the United States and Israel are not sure


The Houthis attacked Israeli ships with hypersonic missiles, and Iran began to show its attitude on the Lebanese issue. Sputnik reported on June 27 that Yemen's Houthi spokesman Yahya Sareya told the outside world that the Houthis used hypersonic missiles of their own production for the first time to launch an attack on an Israeli ship in the Arabian Sea. Earlier, a spokesman for the Houthis confirmed that the group used new missiles to attack Israeli ships. This time it was the Houthis who confirmed the use of hypersonic missiles. According to a Houthi spokesman, this hypersonic missile has a longer range, stronger penetration capability, and higher accuracy, and has the ability to threaten US aircraft carriers.

The hypersonic missile is a new type of missile, which is currently possessed by only a few countries in the world, such as the United States and Russia. Iran previously announced that it had successfully developed a hypersonic missile and successfully test-fired it. The Houthis claim that they have independently developed hypersonic missiles is obviously prone to suspicion. It is difficult to develop a hypersonic missile by relying solely on the strength of the Houthis themselves. In fact, even Iran itself does not have the ability to develop advanced hypersonic missiles. The Houthis' use of hypersonic missiles against Israeli ships in real combat is effectively equivalent to Iran's actual test of a missile attack.

Houthi hypersonic missiles attack Israeli ships, in case there is room for long warnings, and the United States and Israel are not sure

Iran, of course, will not admit this. The strength of the Houthis is not accidental, but takes place against the backdrop of the deterioration of the situation between Allah and Israel in Lebanon, which is very tense. Iran has also spoken out publicly about the situation in Lebanon. A spokesman for Iran's Supreme National Security Council told Al Jazeera that the resistance would resolutely intervene in the conflict if Israel started a war in Lebanon. Iranian-led resistance includes Iran, Syria, Palestinian Hamas, and Yemeni members of the "Arc of Resistance", who are predominantly Shia. The Houthis launched hypersonic missiles at this time in a demonstration against the US aircraft carrier and also against Israel.


The fact that the Israeli Defence Minister has issued a stern warning against Lebanon but has left room for it shows that there is a great deal of hesitation and entanglement in attacking Lebanon on the ground. Reuters reported on June 26 that Israeli Defense Minister Yoaf Galant warned during a visit to Washington that Israeli forces could bring Lebanon "back to the Stone Age" in any war with Allah militants. Netanyahu has also previously issued the harshest warning to Lebanon, claiming to inflict a devastating blow on Lebanon. Since the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Allah in Lebanon has not stopped its attacks on Israel and has caused great trouble to Israel, which has caused great dissatisfaction on the Israeli side.

Houthi hypersonic missiles attack Israeli ships, in case there is room for long warnings, and the United States and Israel are not sure

While warning Lebanon, Israeli Defense Minister Gallant and others have also left room for themselves, and have not been as resolute and tough as they have been with Hamas. Gallant stressed that the Israeli Government is inclined to a diplomatic solution to the situation on the Lebanese-Israeli border. Other Israeli officials have also pointed out the hope that tensions with Lebanon will be resolved through peace talks and diplomacy. It is clear that Israel has not made up its mind on the issue of attacking Lebanon on the ground, leaving a lot of leeway. Israel, while it has always been tough, still has its own concerns about concrete action. After all, attacking Lebanon is not an easy task.


The United States and Israel have no idea about a military attack on Lebanon, and they are worried about the unpredictability of the situation. On 19 June, Allah leader Nasrallah threatened to attack Israel's Northern Galilee region. This shows that Israel is really going to launch a military operation, also in the northern part of the border with Lebanon. Is Israel really sure of fighting Allah in this region? Southern Lebanon, where the Litani River is located, and Israel's Galilee region have become central to the conflict. The United States and Israel demanded that Allah Lebanon withdraw 8 kilometers to allow a safe distance. The very fact that the United States and Israel are demanding such a request shows that they are at a loss for the United States and Israel to attack Lebanon militarily.

Houthi hypersonic missiles attack Israeli ships, in case there is room for long warnings, and the United States and Israel are not sure

The air base in the Galilee region is an important air base for Israel's attacks on the Middle East, such as Syria and Lebanon, from which most of the warplanes used in previous Israeli air strikes against Syria took off. If Israel can really solve the security problem in this region once and for all through a ground military offensive, it will definitely be a strategic advantage for Israel. But as it stands, Israel does not have the capacity to pacify Allah. Allah is not Hamas, and it has a lot of conditions to deal with Israel, such as mountain barriers and a large number of weapons and ammunition. The fact that Allah has repeatedly beaten Israeli tanks on the battlefield illustrates the strength of Allah in Lebanon.

Israel's attack on Rafah under all pressure, vowing to completely annihilate Hamas, is not just about revenge, but for its own plans to expand and control its territory. Israel wants to open up the B pipeline from Saudi Arabia through Amman, Jordan, through Palestine, to the Israeli port of Haifa, so as to ensure that the United States can independently support its status as a small hegemon in the Middle East if it leaves the Middle East in the future. However, in reality, the United States has always been pessimistic about the prospect of a military attack on Allah in Lebanon, and has called on Israel to abandon this plan through various channels. Both the United States and Israel are underconfident about the military conquest of Allah in Lebanon.

Houthi hypersonic missiles attack Israeli ships, in case there is room for long warnings, and the United States and Israel are not sure


The conflict between Israel and Allah Lebanon is not a matter of will, but of vital interests. The struggle between Allah and Israel is at stake and no one can afford to lose. Whoever loses will be held to the throat by the opponent's strategic spear. The Lebanese Allah Party is barefoot and has a clear stronger will to fight than Israel, which is also something Israel fears. Overall, it is unlikely that Israel will initiate this conflict on its own initiative, after all, it is not the best time.

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