
For the first time, the Houthis used a hypersonic missile and successfully hit an Israeli ship

author:Yan Shujun

In front of the United States, the Houthis have done this by using hypersonic missiles that the US military has dreamed of making to hit Israeli ships, which can be described as very happy.

On June 26, Yemen's Houthi spokesman Yahya Sarea issued a statement that the Houthis used self-produced hypersonic missiles for the first time to strike the cargo ship "Mediterranean Sarah 5" in the Arabian Sea. Subsequently, the Houthis released a video showing the Houthis firing a hypersonic missile, which shows a light yellow rocket successfully launched from a mobile platform in an unknown desert area. It must be said here that the Houthis have done a really good job of protecting the information of the launch site, and the entire video screen, except for the missile body and the sky, basically does not see any valuable geographical environment information, and it is marked with a thick mosaic.

For the first time, the Houthis used a hypersonic missile and successfully hit an Israeli ship

There are two things to watch out for in this matter:

First, the missile launched by the Houthis is called "Hamd 2", which is said to be a solid-fuel hypersonic missile produced entirely by the Houthis. Judging from the video, this missile, known as "Hammad 2", should be the anti-ship model of Iran's "Khaybar Shekan" series of missiles, so the independent production claimed by the Houthis should be the main body of the missile produced by Yemen, but the key components and technologies come from Iran. Of course, heroes don't ask where they come from, for the Houthis, they have hypersonic missiles and can be put into actual combat to achieve results, while the US military can't ask for it, this is the most important thing.

For the first time, the Houthis used a hypersonic missile and successfully hit an Israeli ship

Second, the Houthis claimed that the strike was carried out on an Israeli cargo ship in the Arabian Sea, which means that the missile has a range of more than 1,000 kilometers, which means that most of the Indian Ocean is within the range of the Houthis, and Israeli ships have almost no place in the Indian Ocean.

The United States has spent so much time on the hypersonic weapons project, consumed a lot of manpower and financial resources, and has not researched feasible results, and now a "miscellaneous army" in the Middle East is equipped with hypersonic missiles, and it is still in front of the US military, beating US allies, where does Biden's old face go?

In fact, in my opinion, the Houthis announced the results of the first battle of hypersonic missiles at this time, which was specially shown to the Americans, for example, this is a "salute" for American aircraft carriers.

For the first time, the Houthis used a hypersonic missile and successfully hit an Israeli ship

As everyone knows, under the repeated strikes of the Houthis, the US Navy aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower was overwhelmed and was about to run home. Replacing the Eisenhower's mission in the Middle East is the USS Roosevelt, which has arrived in South Korea and is about to leave for the Middle East.

In recent months, the Houthis have indeed dealt with the US Navy a lot, the USS Roosevelt aircraft carrier is coming, and the Houthis have to show something, so the public appearance of the hypersonic missile is to remind the Roosevelt aircraft carrier that once it enters the Bab el-Mandeb Strait and the Red Sea, it is ready to meet the precision strike of the "Hamdeb 2".

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