
Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the United States dispatched "Doomsday planes", and Israeli ships were bombed

author:Aikop's little beauty

The "doomsday plane" is dispatched, and Russia still does not back down!

In the face of frequent US interventions, the Russian military did not back down, but warned the United States more toughly.

Russia expressed strong dissatisfaction with the export of weapons by the United States to Ukraine and warned the United States that if it continued to supply weapons to Ukraine, the situation would escalate again.

Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the United States dispatched "Doomsday planes", and Israeli ships were bombed

The United States seems to have heard Russia's warning, but in fact the United States has not stopped, but continues to act.

The already tense situation has become more and more tense, and the United States has exported weapons to Ukraine, and Russia has not been outdone and dispatched a "doomsday plane" in response.

Tensions between the United States and Russia seem to be escalating, but why is that?

The Russian army launched a "decapitation" operation.

Russia has always been a staunch supporter and loyal ally when it comes to Ukraine.

Russia has been actively involved since the Ukrainian army began to crack down on the population in the eastern regions.

Moreover, after the Ukrainian authorities announced that they had entered an unconventional state of warfare, the Russian side also stated that it would take all necessary measures to protect its citizens.

Especially after the Ukrainian authorities announced a military operation in the eastern region, the Russian side began to strengthen its military forces in the border areas with Ukraine.

Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the United States dispatched "Doomsday planes", and Israeli ships were bombed

As the most important border defense line, the Russian side has strengthened its military deployment in the border area with Ukraine, and has also carried out a large-scale military buildup in this area.

In addition to strengthening its military forces in the border areas, the Russian side has sent a large number of troops and armored vehicles to the border areas.

It can be seen that the Russian side is extremely dissatisfied with the military operation of the Ukrainian authorities and is ready for full involvement.

And at the NATO gathering, NATO member states once again emphasized their position on the Ukrainian issue.

And at the meeting, the NATO Secretary General also publicly expressed his support for the Ukrainian authorities and said that NATO will continue to strengthen cooperative relations with Ukraine.

This statement not only made the Ukrainian authorities even more carried away, but also made the Ukrainian authorities think that NATO and the United States would be completely on their side.

But unfortunately, these words did not bring any benefit to the Ukrainian authorities.

On the contrary, the Russian side reacted very violently to this.

Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the United States dispatched "Doomsday planes", and Israeli ships were bombed

Russian President Vladimir Putin has publicly expressed his opposition to NATO's support for the Ukrainian authorities, saying that this act not only violates international law, but also undermines the international order.

He also warned NATO not to intervene in Ukraine's internal affairs anymore, and said that if NATO continues to support the Ukrainian authorities, Russia will take all necessary measures to combat this threat.

Judging by President Putin's statements, he is ready for a head-to-head confrontation with NATO.

He even threatened that if NATO intervened in Ukraine's internal affairs again, Russia would have to take a tougher approach.

It can be said that in this round of the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, NATO has become Russia's number one enemy.

The United States dispatched the "Doomsday Plane".

Since the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine, relations between the United States and Russia have become increasingly strained.

Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the United States dispatched "Doomsday planes", and Israeli ships were bombed

Especially after the United States provided a large amount of weapons assistance to Ukraine, Russia's attitude has become even tougher.

Although the United States is providing weapons aid to Ukraine out of support for Ukraine, in fact this practice has angered Russia.

Although this news has not been confirmed, some analysts believe that it is likely to be a response to the United States providing weapons assistance to Ukraine.

After all, the United States has previously provided Israel with advanced weapons systems to defend against the Iranian missile threat.

And now the United States is providing advanced weapons systems to Ukraine, which is considered to be weakening Russia's influence in the region.

Arguably, this move has angered Iran and could trigger a new round of tensions.

Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the United States dispatched "Doomsday planes", and Israeli ships were bombed

Although the Israeli side refused to say anything about this, and said that it would continue to maintain close cooperation with the United States.

But judging from Israel's previous actions, it seems that it does not want to become a "pawn" between the United States and Iran.

It can be said that in the game between the United States and Iran, Israel may become one of the important variables.

Israeli ships were bombed.

Recently, the Houthis have once again successfully attacked Israeli ships!

It can be said that the Houthis have not stopped because of this attack on the Israeli mainland.

Recently, the Houthis have once again successfully attacked Israeli ships!

It is reported that this attack took place in the Arabian Sea!

The Houthis posted on social media: "We have successfully hit an Israeli ship!"

It is reported that the missile has a longer range and is easier to achieve precision strikes!

It is worth mentioning that the Houthis have previously launched self-developed "Palestinian" missiles to attack Israel itself, and this attack resulted in Israeli ships being hit!

It is reported that the missile has a longer range and is easier to achieve precision strikes!

The Houthis have undoubtedly sent a clear signal to Israel!

Not only do they have precision strike capabilities, but they also have a lot of firepower!

It can be said that this attack by the Houthis undoubtedly sends a clear signal to Israel!

I think

It can be said that at present, all major forces are running for their own interests!

We can foresee more shocking events in the future!

The "Doomsday Plane" was dispatched, but Japan suddenly announced the suspension of sanctions against Belarus!

Although the United States has frequently intervened, this has not made NATO compromise.

Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the United States dispatched "Doomsday planes", and Israeli ships were bombed

Even Japan is starting to get involved!

We can't help but ask: Is World War III about to break out?

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