
Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village

author:Huangshan Cultural Tourism
Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village
Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village

Nanping evening breeze, Xiaojuan & the residents of the valley

The story begins on a leisurely spring day. Confucius gathered in a crowd to give lectures and talk with several students about his personal interests. Zilu, Ran You, and Gong Xihua successively talked about their interests. Then, Confucius asked Zeng Hui, "Zeng Dian, what is your ambition?" ”

Zeng Hui replied: "Those who are in the twilight of spring, the spring clothes are completed, the champion is five or six, and the boy is six or seven. It means that in the twilight of spring, put on spring clothes, about five or six friends, six or seven teenagers, go to the west of the city to take a bath, go to the dancing platform to blow the wind, and then sing all the way, and return happy.

After hearing this, Confucius exclaimed: "I agree with Zengdian's proposition! Zeng Hui's answer depicts a situation of "returning home", safe and easy, clear as water. The "return" here is to go to the returnable place, to return to a kind of landscape that can be enjoyed freely and with pleasure, and to return with singing and singing.

And the place we found is Nanping Village, an ancient village in southern Anhui with a history of 1,000 years. Unlike the neighboring Hongcun and Xidi, Nanping Village has not been overdeveloped and retains the status of a naturally growing village. The people of Nanping who live here still uphold the most simple farming traditions: the houses are made of materials, the villagers are diligent in farming, and the people are harmonious and beautiful. Everything is so natural, and the people of Nanping have become what everyone yearns for.

This summer, we want to take the children back to Nanping Village, and use Feng Yasong's "Book of Songs" as a channel to entertain their minds and explore the infinite possibilities of life. The quaint life like the "Book of Songs" may never be far away, and it exists in the grass, trees, insects, fish, and drinks in Nanping Village.

In this year's summer camp, we will use words, sounds, pictures, videos, stage plays and other forms to let children find their natural nature, connect with friends, villagers, rice fields, plants, chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep, write the most simple life stories, and generate poetry and infinite enthusiasm in summer.

We hope that every big friend and child who returns to Nanping can find more resonance with the same frequency with the countryside, nature and poetry, and let this resonance become the nutrients of life and nourish the wisdom of life, so as to walk out of a poetic road of village education.

Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village

Camp Programs


Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village
Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village
Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village
Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village
Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village

Let's create


We hope that our children have ideas in their hearts and strength under their feet, and be creators and practitioners of content. From Beijing to Nanping, through the Yellow River across the Yangtze River, there are fertile fields and mountains and rivers. Let's go back to Nanping together, from touching the scene to being in love, six days and five nights, it is like old at first sight, and it is a long-term love. This summer, we plan to set up some fun clubs in Nanping: to visit Nanping Village and the friends we make in the village in a lively and lively way.

Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village
Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village

Nanping Summer Camp will be established

Nanping Newspaper: Character visits, excavating legends and new things in the village, appreciative and news, as one of the windows to open Nanping to the outside world.

Cultivation and Reading Society: Reading in the sunshine and rain, working at sunrise, experiencing field life, immersively combining traditional cultural aesthetics with the artistic conception of mountain villages, touching the scenery and feelings, with poetry and books in the belly, Nanping lives up to the young man.

Drama Club: Smoke the artistic conception and metaphor of traditional Chinese myths and legends, select topics based on local materials, work in teams, explore inspiration, from creation to stage design, costumes, and character interpretation, so that drama can grow in the village.

Speech Club: Stimulate children's desire to express, carry out social speculation while walking, from the idea to the writing, and then to the stage full of affection, elegant, enthusiastic, confident and stretched.

Curatorial Society: Nanping has never lacked beauty, it is picturesque to the eye, shooting all the way, perceiving the smart and graceful, perceiving the quiet nature, and perceiving the simple village covenant.

Cultural and Creative Society: Juvenile Literature + Intangible Cultural Heritage Creation and Editing, Wonderful Writing Like Flowers, Skillful Hands, Local Materials, Shapes and Meanings, Let Whimsical Ideas Become Stories that Can Be Read, Gift Gifts to Convey Hearts, Design Cultural Creativity for Nanping, and Let the Beauty of Nanping Fly to Farther Places.

Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village
Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village
Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village
Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village


Interesting thing

In addition to the landing club, we also have to plan some interesting things in Nanping, create a festival related to children, and form a bureau of Wansonglin Yaji with the villagers, a Nanping photography exhibition, a village evening full of documentary and innocence, and the creation of juvenile literature, and these, the protagonists are our children.

Yes, we want to take the children back to the village, swim freely in the mountains and rivers, in the ancient alleys, down-to-earth, follow the past to the new, open up the boundary between nature and humanity, and rebuild the connection between the children and the earth and the countryside.

Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village
Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village
Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village

We eat open-air barbecue with the children, watch open-air movies, hold open-air concerts, or go to the mountains and wilderness to trace the river, work in the fields, study literature during the day, go wild in the afternoon, and go to the ten thousand pine forests in the moonlight at night to look for fireflies and rest in the cool.

We believe that there is no place more suitable for children to play than the countryside, and the vigorous, wild and lively children should be part of nature and the countryside. May the childlike heart be full of curiosity, so that all things will be you, and every one of you will be impregnated by nature.

Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village
Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village
Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village

Camp Introduction


Anhui • Huangshan • Yixian • Nanping Ancient Village

Nanping Village, located 5km southwest of Yixian County, Huangshan, is named after the backing of Nanping Mountain. The whole village is backed by mountains and waters: in front of the village, Wuling Creek flows from west to east; Behind the village, Linli Mountain, Nanping Mountain, and Jinzhu Mountain are connected from east to west, surrounded by three mountains, like a screen. In the village, Quyuan Creek, Yudai Creek and Xigan Creek originate from the three mountains and are lined up from east to west. The large and small streams that flow through naturally determine the overall pattern of Nanping Village.

Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village
Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village
Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village
Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village
Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village

Like many ancient villages in Huizhou, Nanping Village is also a village where ethnic groups live, bringing together the three surnames Ye, Li and Cheng. There are more than 300 ancient buildings of Ming and Qing dynasties and 36 wells. The most amazing thing is that Nanping Village has 72 ancient alleys criss-crossed, which are interconnected and interconnected, and walking in them is like being in a large labyrinth.

Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village
Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village
Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village
Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village

Three stones in Nanping: from daylight to dusk

This year's launch of the Image Nanping Summer Camp

By the image of Nanping United Seven Covenant Farm, Nanping Academy,

Co-planned by the Beijing Sanshi Education team

It is a coincidence, and it is a happy encounter

About the South Screen of Images

Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village

[Image Nanping] is a rural revitalization volunteer project in Nanping Village, Biyang Town, Yixian County, Huangshan City, which was jointly initiated by the Party Committee of Xiaomi Group and the people of Xinzhi Sanxiang. It originated from the Huizhou countryside survey conducted by the Party Committee of Xiaomi Group in April 2023

-- It is an upgraded version of the South Screen of the Film and Television Village

-- Volunteer project in China

-- It is a temporary party branch

-- It is a Chinese-style sustainable development co-creation that explores the ecological community of villages

-- It is also the "targeted rush" of the original villagers, returnees, and new villagers

The Rural Revitalization Plan explores the creation of a sustainable, inclusive, innovative and livable village ecological community, and is committed to becoming a model of integrating traditional culture, nature education, environmental protection practices, modern tourism, sustainable development and social innovation, and promoting rural revitalization through the integration of Huizhou culture, research, tourism, organic agriculture, products and innovative practices, so that local villagers can achieve both material and spiritual happiness.

In the past year, the Party Committee of Xiaomi Group has recorded the story of Sanxiang people in action in the form of a documentary, and welcomed more Sanxiang people to join the Image Nanping Project to build a better countryside together.

About Beijing Sanshi Education

Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village

We have been focusing on the cultivation of spiritual character, analysis and creativity, communication ability, critical thinking ability, adaptability and exploration ability, forward-looking vision, integrity and decision-making ability, we believe that these abilities are the source of happiness.

We are on a unique route, let everything happen naturally, stretch out in the wild, perceive the circle of heaven and earth, watch the fireworks in the world, maximize the freshness of the travel time, and feel the fresh vitality of a region with your heart. Through 100% real-life experiential learning, children's inner spiritual qualities are stimulated, and finally this spiritual qualities and abilities become a part of children's lives.

About Seven Covenant Farms

Qiyue Farm was founded in 2015 and is located in Nanping Village, Yixian County, Huangshan.

Over the past ten years, Qiyue has been committed to organic planting and organic brewing, and has promoted the sustainable development of organic agriculture through the organic rice wine industry of Qiyue, protecting thousands of acres of land in Huangshan from chemical pesticide pollution, so that more people can stay in the land and enjoy the land. Adhering to the brand mission of "making people and the land more natural", Qiyue insists on only growing organic rice and making organic rice wine, advocating a natural, healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village

Teacher introduction


Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village

Teacher Xiaohai: Senior research teacher of Beijing Sanshi Education, leader teacher of Nanping Summer Camp. He has been engaged in education for 10+ years, and is the project manager of the Three Stone Research Brand Activity [One City per Month] and [Mountain and Sea Dialogue], focusing on transmitting humanities and history knowledge to children in an interesting and suitable way for children. He has been engaged in early childhood education for 8+ years, has in-depth research and practical experience in early childhood psychology, and the Sanshi team knows the child's big brother best.

Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village

Teacher Yibo: Senior research teacher of Beijing Sanshi Education, leader teacher of Nanping Summer Camp. He has been engaged in education for 10+ years, the inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage, and the big brother of the children's favorite playmate in the Sanshi team.

Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village

Teacher Gege: The director of the Nanping Academy, a botanist, and a teacher of the nature course of the Nanping Summer Camp.

Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village

Teacher Ruyi: Co-founder of Qiyue Farm, ten years of organic agriculture practitioners, Nanping summer camp farming course teacher.

Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village

Teacher Cheng Ke: A native of Nanping Village, Yixian County, a stone carving handicraft craftsman in Huizhou, and a teacher of stone carving courses in Nanping Summer Camp. He is a representative inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage Huizhou three carvings (stone carvings) and a arts and crafts artist.

Image Nanping Nanshan Leisurely Tour | 2024 Summer Camp Recruitment ~ Feng Ya Song in Nanping Village

Mr. Ye Fangde: The owner of the old house in Hanlin, Nanping. The Hanlin House in the depths of Nanping Village Lane is the ancient house of the 54th year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty. Mr. Ye Fangde, the 13th generation after Hanlin and 92 years old, lives here with his 91-year-old wife. Mr. Ye is in good health and in good spirits, and he talks eloquently about the anecdotes of his ancestors in Hanlin, and tells the doors and windows, mechanisms, hidden buckles, and old objects on display of the ancient house, which are always refreshing, allowing guests to truly see what it means to be a treasure.

Instructions for Registration


Summer Camp Schedule (4 sessions in total)

Camp Period:

First period: July 8 - July 13

Second period: July 15 - July 20

Third period: August 1 - August 6

Fourth period: August 9 - August 14

Recruitment target: 6-12 years old children, solo battalion

Number of recruits: 24 people full camp

Activity fee: 5888 yuan/person (6 days and 5 nights)

Fee description: The above fees include local meals, accommodation, transportation, insurance, materials, tutor fees, material costs, scenic spot tickets, etc., excluding round-trip transportation expenses and other expenses in the ancient village.

Course Description: Due to force majeure such as weather and traffic, Image South Screen reserves the right to adjust the order of courses and individual items, and the total number of courses remains unchanged.

About cancellation and change

1. Set up an activity group 4 days before the start of the camp, start the pre-departure course, issue notices, meeting places, and material lists;

2. After the event, the photos of the current issue will be uploaded to the Sanshi Mini Program and Baidu Cloud Disk for download;

3. If the application for withdrawal is made 3 days (exclusive) before the start of the camp, a full refund will be given;

4. If the application for withdrawal is submitted within 3 days of the start of the camp, the balance will be refunded after deducting 100 yuan;

5. Please understand that if you apply for withdrawal on the day of camping, the camp fee will not be refunded.

It's about security

1. Dress guide: Huangshan has a very large climate change, sometimes sunny and sometimes rainy, be sure to pay close attention to the weather forecast and be prepared. Dress appropriately for outdoor sports and sneakers. In summer, the sun radiation is strong, so you need to prepare sun-protective clothing and sunhats. In addition, you need to bring your own daily necessities: portable water bottles, sunscreen, mosquito repellent, etc. As it includes river tracing, please bring at least two sets of spare clothes (including underwear).

2. Medical security: The on-site staff are equipped with first-aid kits, and emergency plans are prepared in conjunction with nearby hospitals, and body temperature checks are carried out regularly, so that campers can be found and treated in time if they are unwell.

3. Healthy diet: Provide nutritious and balanced meals that take into account local characteristics and campers' preferences to ensure safety, hygiene, health and deliciousness.

4. Safe transportation: Provide free pick-up and drop-off services into the camp and out of the camp, on the day of arrival, there will be a special trip to pick up the airport and pick up the station, and when leaving, the staff will arrange a special car to send the airport and the station.

Around the campsite

Scenic spots and driving distance around the camp: about 20 minutes' drive from Hongcun, Bishan, Xidi, Guanlu, Lucun, Yuanyang Valley, Mukeng Zhuhai and Tachuan (natural landscape); 40 minutes' drive from Qiyun Mountain (Taoist holy land); It is a 60-minute drive from Daguling, Meixi, Tangmo, Chengkan, etc. If there are families who want to continue to visit Yixian, we can customize the route, and the fee standard is negotiable.

The south and the north share a summer

This summer, I look forward to seeing you in Nanping

Source: Yixian Cultural Tourism

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