
Inventory of the 10 most anticipated mobile phones in the second half of 2024, the system image battery life AI has been fully upgraded

author:Colorful life control


With the arrival of the second half of 2024, the mainland mobile phone industry has also shown its ability to take care of its own house, and has launched new products with its own characteristics one after another.

The release of this new phone is bound to cause a lot of consumer demand, and it will also drive the heat of the entire mobile phone industry, looking forward to the new trend of mobile phones in the second half of 2024.

And what are the characteristics of these new mobile phones that are about to be launched, and are they worth the eagerness of consumers?

What are the highlights of these new machines that consumers can look forward to?

The configuration has been fully upgraded.

With the new machines coming to market in the second half of 2024, they are:

Huawei P60 series, Vivo X series, smart shoes and its Fit series, Xiaomi MIX series, OVFindX/OPPOFind series, and iChag2pro, etc., cover the mainstream mobile phone manufacturers on the market.

It can be seen that in the second half of 2024, there will be very fierce competition among mobile phone manufacturers.

In so many new machines, mobile phone manufacturers will take out the housekeeping skills, the performance of the mobile phone upgrade, I believe that these new machines will bring a very good experience to the majority of consumers.

Inventory of the 10 most anticipated mobile phones in the second half of 2024, the system image battery life AI has been fully upgraded

First of all, as the core of the new phone, the internal processor performance is also very important, and the processor determines the speed and smoothness of the mobile phone.

In this new machine listing,HuaweiP60Series is one of the most anticipated new machines,As Huawei's new flagship this year,Naturally, it is very worth looking forward to。

Inventory of the 10 most anticipated mobile phones in the second half of 2024, the system image battery life AI has been fully upgraded

Huawei's mobile phones have always been a very popular product, and they have always maintained a very high quality.

In this new product, Huawei P60 will be equipped with a new Kirin chip, which will have a significant improvement in processor performance.

And in terms of image performance, it is also very good.

In terms of imaging, this phone will also be very prominent, not only using a new terahertz camera, but also has more room for improvement in imagery, while paying less cost.

Inventory of the 10 most anticipated mobile phones in the second half of 2024, the system image battery life AI has been fully upgraded

In other new mobile phone products, there will also be corresponding upgrades, although the appearance of the mobile phone has not changed much from the previous version in a certain aspect, but each new product will be innovated everywhere to bring consumers a different experience.

Inventory of the 10 most anticipated mobile phones in the second half of 2024, the system image battery life AI has been fully upgraded

AI has been fully upgraded.

Naturally, the upgrade in the processor is accompanied by the performance improvement in other aspects.

In terms of imaging, the new camera will be another highlight.

In the era when the gradual popularity of mobile phones tends to be saturated, the competition of mobile phone manufacturers is relatively more intense.

The main thing is that in terms of the configuration of mobile phones, there is more competition in hardware than before, such as processor and memory capacity.

In the current era, in order to occupy a larger market share, mobile phone manufacturers must also continuously upgrade their hardware configurations.

Inventory of the 10 most anticipated mobile phones in the second half of 2024, the system image battery life AI has been fully upgraded

This is also in line with the current development trend of the industry, but after the configuration is upgraded to a certain stage, the space for competition in hardware is gradually shrinking.

In this case, mobile phone manufacturers can only work software and systems.

One of the most important aspects is the upgrade of the system and the image.

In terms of systems, there are different operating systems and different versions, among the most widely used operating systems, each manufacturer's iteration will bring a different operating feel.

With such continuous upgrades and iterations, the practicality of the mobile phone will definitely be greatly improved.

In addition, imaging is the focus of competition for mobile phone manufacturers.

Inventory of the 10 most anticipated mobile phones in the second half of 2024, the system image battery life AI has been fully upgraded

Such frequent iterations start from the initial establishment of a secure and stable foundation, and gradually turn to functional innovation.

Especially in the application of AI artificial intelligence technology, it reflects the continuous innovation of the mobile phone industry, and we can see the continuous progress of the mobile phone industry from the application technology of AI chips.

In the second half of 2024, AI technology is used in the new phones that are expected to be expected, and many mobile phone manufacturers have applied AI technology to the camera function of mobile phones, such as "AI speed photo luck" and other functions.

In addition, there are many AI voice assistant technologies that are constantly upgrading, such as the previous "Xiao Ai", "Siri", "Bixby" and other voice assistants are constantly innovating with the blessing of AI technology, and users can perform more operations on their mobile phones through AI technology.

Inventory of the 10 most anticipated mobile phones in the second half of 2024, the system image battery life AI has been fully upgraded

In addition, there are AI face recognition, AI anti-theft, AI business card recognition, AI beautification and other functions, which are very practical for users.

Inventory of the 10 most anticipated mobile phones in the second half of 2024, the system image battery life AI has been fully upgraded

A breakthrough in connectivity.

In the development of mobile phones, the application of AI technology has brought a new user experience to mobile phones.

In the next few new machines, all of them are equipped with AI chips, which not only greatly improve the system running speed of mobile phones, but also provide users with more intelligent services.

The configuration of mobile phones has been greatly upgraded, especially the addition of 5G communication technology, which not only makes mobile phones have made breakthroughs in connection performance.

Inventory of the 10 most anticipated mobile phones in the second half of 2024, the system image battery life AI has been fully upgraded

At the same time, it also greatly improves the speed of data transmission.

With the addition of 5G technology, the signal stability of mobile phones will also be more guaranteed.

In addition, it has been greatly improved in terms of battery life.

In the launch of new mobile phones, such as the 2011 SE2, they will strive to get better results in battery life.

It can be seen that in order to meet the needs of more consumers, major mobile phone manufacturers are also working hard in all aspects.

Among so many new machines, without exception, with the blessing of AII, these new machines are more intelligent and naturally more popular with users.

Inventory of the 10 most anticipated mobile phones in the second half of 2024, the system image battery life AI has been fully upgraded


With the continuous progress of science and technology, the mobile phone industry will also usher in a new outlet in the second half of 2024, with new machines such as Huawei P60, Vivo X series, and smart shoes and its Fit series all of which will be upgraded in an all-round way, which is also expected by the majority of consumers.

Mobile phones will also be more intelligent, bringing more intelligent functions and improving the user experience.

Consumers also need to consider the configuration and performance of mobile phones when choosing mobile phones, after all, only the most suitable for themselves is the best.

Inventory of the 10 most anticipated mobile phones in the second half of 2024, the system image battery life AI has been fully upgraded

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