
Hekou County Fire and Rescue Bureau was officially launched

author:The mouth of the National Gate

On the morning of June 28, the Hekou County Fire and Rescue Brigade added the brand of Hekou County Fire and Rescue Bureau, marking a key step in the reform and development of Hekou Fire and Rescue Industry.

Hekou County Fire and Rescue Bureau was officially launched

The scene of the unveiling ceremony

At the ceremony, Deng Rui, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, and Zhou Huaiwen, captain of the county fire and rescue brigade, jointly unveiled the plaque for the Hekou County Fire and Rescue Bureau.

Hekou County Fire and Rescue Bureau was officially launched

The scene of the unveiling ceremony

Deng Rui said that the addition of the Hekou County Fire and Rescue Brigade to the Hekou County Fire and Rescue Bureau is a major event in the implementation of the Party Central Committee's integration and reform of the national comprehensive fire and rescue team, and has created new opportunities for the fire and rescue cause of Hekou County. The Hekou County Fire and Rescue Brigade and related functional departments should build political loyalty, comprehensively display a new image, accelerate the pace of team transformation and upgrading, better serve the overall development situation, actively fulfill the new mission, resolutely adhere to the bottom line of safety, shoulder the political responsibility of "promoting the development of one party and ensuring the safety of one party", and hand in a qualified answer sheet to the party and the people with new responsibilities and new actions.

Hekou County Fire and Rescue Bureau was officially launched

Deng Rui (fourth from left) speaks

It is understood that the national comprehensive fire rescue team is the main force and national team of emergency rescue, and bears the important responsibility of preventing and resolving major safety risks and responding to various disasters and accidents. After the listing of the Hekou County Fire and Rescue Bureau, it will better perform its territorial fire supervision and management duties, standardize the construction and management of the local government's full-time fire brigade, further improve the level of fire safety risk prevention and comprehensive rescue capabilities, and ensure high-quality leapfrog development of the economy and society with high-level fire safety services.

County leaders Li Kaixiang, Yang Guangyun, Li Ji, Zheng Duanduan, Yang Leilei, Li Penghong and responsible comrades of relevant departments, and all commanders and fighters of the Hekou County Fire and Rescue Brigade attended the ceremony.

Photo/text: Feng Anjie, Chen Ran, Lu Shen

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