
The ranking of the world's best tourist attractions, Cambodia's Angkor Wat ranked 12th!


According to a recent release by TripAdvisor's Traveler, a travel guide company, Angkor Wat in Siem Reap province in Cambodia ranks 12th in the list of the world's best tourist attractions.

The ranking of the world's best tourist attractions, Cambodia's Angkor Wat ranked 12th!

According to the news, the Empire State Building Observation Deck was named the world's No. 1 attraction in the world's best attractions, and for the third year in a row, it was named the No. 1 attraction in the United States. And Angkor Wat in Cambodia is one of the Seven Wonders of the World and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its historic and culturally rich monuments are a must-visit attraction. Voted the 12th best tourist attraction in the world.

The ranking of the world's best tourist attractions, Cambodia's Angkor Wat ranked 12th!

At the same time, according to a survey by the famous British website Mornings, Angkor Wat still ranks first in the list of the best tourist attractions in the world to see the sunrise.

The ranking of the world's best tourist attractions, Cambodia's Angkor Wat ranked 12th!

It is understood that the sunrise wonder of the spire of Angkor Wat is the most important tourist attraction for tourists. Every year, on the autumn equinox in September and the spring equinox in March, observers standing in front of the west gate of Angkor Wat will see the sunrise rising over the tallest tower in the middle of the five towers of Angkor Wat.

Angkor Wat tourist attractions and spire sunrise wonders have been included in the world tourist destination rankings many times, which is also one of the accolades Cambodia has won on the international stage.

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