
In 2009, the "giant-bellied girl" Peng Ximei was abandoned with a 55-kilogram belly, what happened later

author:Here comes the pipe


"It's okay, I'll treat you for free!"

In 2009, Professor Xu Kecheng's words moved Peng Ximei to tears, looking at her 55-kilogram belly, she once accepted her fate, quietly waiting for death, and saw the hope of life again.

In 2009, the "giant-bellied girl" Peng Ximei was abandoned with a 55-kilogram belly, what happened later

Recalling all kinds of things in the past, such as a marquee flashing in Peng Ximei's mind, if she didn't drink the "home remedies" sent by her mother-in-law, maybe she wouldn't be "pregnant", and she wouldn't be ruthlessly abandoned by her husband.

So, what has Peng Ximei experienced?

This time, let's review the legendary life of the "giant-bellied girl" Peng Ximei.

A daughter-in-law who can't give birth to a child

Peng Ximei, who was born in 1980, lives in a poor rural household in Guangdong, and her family's income comes from the harvest in the field.

Peng Ximei's parents are honest farmers, the family is so poor that they can't even get the money for their daughter's schooling, even so, Peng Ximei has never complained, she has been very sensible since she was a child, took the initiative to help her parents do housework and farm work, and learned a good dish at a young age.

In 2009, the "giant-bellied girl" Peng Ximei was abandoned with a 55-kilogram belly, what happened later

After reaching adulthood, the villagers began to find Peng Ximei's in-law's house, and after many rounds of selection, a young and strong young man was favored by Peng Ximei's parents and married his daughter.

When I first got married, I lived a happy life.

At that time, her husband was responsible for making money to support the family, Peng Ximei was responsible for housework at home, taking care of the family in an orderly manner, and was responsible for three meals a day for her husband and parents-in-law.

However, the happy days would be so short, and Peng Ximei couldn't have imagined that it would only last for about a year.

The reason is that Peng Ximei has not been pregnant for a long time.

Peng Ximei's age of marriage was 24 years old, which was not a small age in the countryside at that time, and it was also a normal childbearing age, but a whole year has passed, Peng Ximei's stomach has not improved, and the whole person has lost a lot of weight because of the fatigue on weekdays, which can be very bad for her father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Speaking of Peng Ximei's parents-in-law, it is really a stale concept, they just started to treat Peng Ximei, there is really nothing to say, but the premise is that they hope that Peng Ximei will give birth to a child as soon as possible, leave a descendant for the family, and let the son complete the task of inheriting the lineage, but this daughter-in-law has never been pregnant, what is going on?

Another year passed in the blink of an eye, Peng Ximei's stomach still did not respond, and her father-in-law and mother-in-law couldn't sit still at all, but they didn't arrange for their son and daughter-in-law to go to the hospital to check together.

In 2009, the "giant-bellied girl" Peng Ximei was abandoned with a 55-kilogram belly, what happened later

In the case of not being sure of the cause, ask some unreliable charlatans and prescribe some fake drugs as treasures, this is the real idea of the parents-in-law, if there is no accident, then there will definitely be an accident.

However, the father-in-law and mother-in-law don't think so, in their concept, the big hospital is too expensive to die, and it will waste a lot of money to check a set, so it is better to find those "reliable" Jianghu Langzhong, in order to be able to hold the eldest grandson as soon as possible, the two of them went around seeking medical advice, and finally found a "miracle prescription" in a master's place, relying on integrity.

According to the master's description, as long as you insist on drinking her home remedies, it won't take long for you to definitely react, the master guarantees her personality, and her father-in-law and mother-in-law are naturally a hundred believers, feeling that she is really looking for the right person, and she is grateful to the master, and then she can't wait to boil the "medicine" she got into soup, and she can't wait to send it to Peng Ximei.

Looking at the dark thing in front of her and exuding a strange smell, Peng Ximei hesitated......

The stomach finally reacted

It's just that Peng Ximei didn't have time to refuse, and her mother-in-law, who could speak well, began to flicker mode, explaining to her how amazing this recipe is, and also pulling out other people's daughters-in-law who had also drunk the master's prescription before, and gave birth to the child smoothly, leaving Peng Ximei, who was already hesitant, stunned for a moment.

In fact, Peng Ximei herself also likes children, and she has doubted herself more than once about not being able to have children, especially the change in her husband's attitude towards herself in the past two years, which makes Peng Ximei very mindful, coupled with her mother-in-law's strong recommendation of the drug, Peng Ximei resisted the urge to regurgitate and swallowed the black "strange prescription".

However, what Peng Ximei couldn't have imagined was that this "strange recipe" was only the beginning of a nightmare.

The first time I drank the "strange recipe", except for the bad smell and nausea, it did not play any role, fortunately, there were no direct serious side effects, but it just made Peng Ximei feel a little uncomfortable, and the father-in-law cursed the master for being a liar and wanted to settle accounts with the other party, but the master who received the money had already slipped away without a trace.

It stands to reason that from the perspective of normal people's brain circuits, since the prescription does not work, what should be done should be to let the person concerned go to the hospital for examination, how can the father-in-law and mother-in-law be a wonder, they feel that a master is not useful, it does not mean that other masters are liars, and they have found many masters in a row, and Peng Ximei was also semi-forced to drink a bunch of unknown "drugs".

After a long time, Peng Ximei's stomach opened and reacted, and began to bulge day by day, and the whole person also felt weak, and she wanted to vomit everything she ate.

In 2009, the "giant-bellied girl" Peng Ximei was abandoned with a 55-kilogram belly, what happened later

Seeing this, the father-in-law and mother-in-law were about to grin like a lotus, they firmly believed that their daughter-in-law must be pregnant, even if Peng Ximei had other adverse reactions, these two people ignored them, and only felt that everything was normal.

However, the person concerned, Peng Ximei, is very uncomfortable, not only will the police feel powerless, and she wants to vomit when eating, but also always feel dizzy, sometimes difficult to breathe, and the whole person's face is getting paler and paler.

Peng Ximei, who noticed that something was wrong, proposed to go to the hospital for a check-up, but she didn't expect to be directly rejected by her parents-in-law, calling her stupid, and complaining that she didn't know how to save money.

In the cognition of the parents-in-law, it is blessed to have a big belly when she is pregnant, maybe it is a twin, or a triplet, a quadruplet, and the thought of being able to hold so many grandchildren in the future makes me extremely excited, but the daughter-in-law suddenly wants to go for a check-up, isn't this a waste of money for no reason?

Therefore, at the insistence of her parents-in-law, Peng Ximei could only stay at home and suffer all day long, without the opportunity to receive a formal examination in the hospital, and the whole family felt that she was a normal reaction to pregnancy.

In 2009, the "giant-bellied girl" Peng Ximei was abandoned with a 55-kilogram belly, what happened later

It wasn't until the tenth month of "pregnancy" that Peng Ximei still had no signs of childbirth, but the previous adverse reactions were getting more and more serious, and her belly was even bigger, so her mother-in-law noticed that something was wrong.

Why can't I have a baby when I'm ten months pregnant? The husband took Peng Ximei to the hospital for a comprehensive examination, but when the doctor saw Peng Ximei's belly, he was shocked, how can a pregnant belly be so big?

The results of the examination turned out to be an ovarian cyst, and it was suspected that it was cancer.

The husband on the side was stunned on the spot, and Peng Ximei was also dumbfounded, what should I do with this disease?

The most precious true love in the world

The husband, who was stunned for a while, made a decisive decision, he had to divorce, he couldn't have children, and he had such a serious illness, he couldn't afford the money for the operation, and he didn't want to pay it, but of course, the husband was a face-saving person after all, and the divorce was mentioned on the way home, and Peng Ximei's reaction was also very flat.

Neither crying nor making trouble, looking at the back of her husband who was far away, Peng Ximei did not have a trace of mood fluctuations, and sat on the bridge all night, during which she had the urge to jump directly, but after seeing the ants that were moving, Peng Ximei hesitated, even such a small life is trying to live, and she has a reason to give up her life easily?

Since then, Peng Ximei has swept away the idea of suicide, she decided to live on her own, surgery is a luxury, she can't take out this money, and it is impossible to turn to the poor parents at home, and instead of letting them worry about themselves, it is better to simply go far away, so that they can't find themselves, and they can be regarded as careless.

So, Peng Ximei, who has a huge belly, lived a wandering life, Peng Ximei never cared about the strange eyes of others, but the cyst was unwilling to let her go, the bigger it grew, so big that it was very difficult for Peng Ximei to squat, and correspondingly, Peng Ximei's body was getting thinner and thinner.

In 2009, the "giant-bellied girl" Peng Ximei was abandoned with a 55-kilogram belly, what happened later

In the process of wandering, there were many kind-hearted people who took the initiative to stand up and help Peng Ximei, not only giving her food, but also giving her clothes to wear, which made Peng Ximei very grateful, and everyone who helped her was remembered by Peng Ximei in her heart.

Two years later, Peng Ximei's physical condition became worse and worse, she began to realize that her time was running out, and she came to the hospital with difficulty, she had no other requirements, she just wanted to wait quietly for death in the hospital, be sent to the hospital for cremation, and leave the world with her dignity.

During this period, many medical staff and patients' families took the initiative to help Peng Ximei, making her feel that at the last moment of her life, she could meet so many well-wishers, and she would have no regrets even if she died.

However, just when Peng Ximei accepted her fate, Professor Xu Kecheng, who gave her a new life, appeared.

At that time, Professor Xu Kecheng, the president of Guangzhou Fuda Cancer Hospital, came to Peng Ximei's hospital for free consultation, and when he saw Peng Ximei's first sight, Xu Kecheng was puzzled, and stepped forward to patiently inquire about the condition, and learned that it was a cyst, so he immediately made a decision to arrange surgery to save people, Peng Ximei couldn't come up with the money, and Xu Kecheng treated her for free.

At this moment, Peng Ximei couldn't hold back her tears anymore, Xu Kecheng comforted her, and at the same time sent Peng Ximei to Guangzhou Fuda Cancer Hospital, and found a team of experts to discuss the condition, and the entire hospital also began to donate money to help, everyone made up their minds to cure Peng Ximei!

In 2009, the "giant-bellied girl" Peng Ximei was abandoned with a 55-kilogram belly, what happened later

On January 12, 2010, Peng Ximei's surgery was a great success, and the tumor and capsule fluid weighing 55 kilograms were removed, bringing a new life to Peng Ximei.

Peng Ximei, who was distressed 140 times a minute and gradually failed her cardiopulmonary function, was treated by Xu Kecheng and other doctors, as well as the careful care of a group of nurses, all this became a thing of the past.

Peng Ximei has been reborn, and from now on, she will live better.

Now that 14 years have passed, how is Peng Ximei doing?

After recovery, Peng Ximei chose to stay in Guangzhou Fuda Cancer Hospital, as a volunteer, taking care of other patients, and giving back the kindness she received from the hospital to more people in the best way she could.

In 2016, Peng Ximei officially became a party member, and she excitedly told the media that Xu Kecheng was like her father and gave her a new life, so she also wanted to be a good person like Xu Kecheng and do good deeds all her life, and Xu Kecheng also told Peng Ximei that she should not thank him, but the party.

Later, Peng Ximei continued to devote herself to public welfare undertakings, contributed her strength to the society, and is still doing her part for the society.

In 2009, the "giant-bellied girl" Peng Ximei was abandoned with a 55-kilogram belly, what happened later


The girl who used to have a "huge belly" and was ruthlessly abandoned by her husband now lives like an angel, Peng Ximei will give back the kindness she feels to the society one by one, bring new hope to more people, and help more people, which is Peng Ximei's wish that will never change.

Another digression, Peng Ximei's postoperative recovery progress was something Xu Kecheng didn't expect, he felt that it was probably related to mentality, a good mentality can change a person, which can't be treated by any medicine.