
What to do after an unplanned pregnancy? Are you doing it right?

author:Xiangyang No. 5 Hospital

What about an "unplanned pregnancy"?

What to do after an unplanned pregnancy? Are you doing it right?

Sometimes, the arrival of a new life overwhelms many women who are not ready to be mothers, and at this time they usually have to go through these 4 stages:

● Stage 1: Symptoms of early pregnancy

When they suspect that they are pregnant, most people will ask about related questions, such as what are the symptoms of pregnancy? How long does it take to find out when pregnant? Then compare them carefully to see if you all meet these symptoms.

Cessation of menstruation, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, and changes in appetite are all common symptoms in early pregnancy, and generally speaking, self-testing can be performed 7-10 days after intercourse.

What to do after an unplanned pregnancy? Are you doing it right?

● Stage 2: Pregnancy test strips

After comparing the symptoms of early pregnancy, they will self-test with a pregnancy test strip. In fact, the first trimester test strip is not always accurate, and it cannot detect life-threatening conditions such as ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, and choriocarcinoma.

● Stage 3: Go to the hospital for examination

After self-testing pregnancy, you should go to the hospital for HCG examination and B-ultrasound reduction test as soon as possible, which can confirm whether you are pregnant in uterus, understand the location and quality of the gestational sac, and find some abnormal pregnancy.

● Stage 4: "Flow" or "Stay"?

If you decide to stay, the next step is to have regular prenatal checkups to see how your baby is developing. If you decide not to, go to a regular hospital for an abortion.

Surprise or surprise

Whether it's 'stay' or 'flow'

If you have symptoms in the first trimester

You should go to the hospital as soon as possible to find out if you are pregnant

Diagnosis of time of pregnancy

Check for ectopic pregnancy

Make the right choice under the guidance of your doctor √

What to do after an unplanned pregnancy? Are you doing it right?

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