
Reba hummed, and the sweetness exploded. Netizen: The ear is getting pregnant!

author:Xiao Wang, the captain of Ruru in the melon field

Di Lieba's song of "Love Summer".


When the summer evening breeze blew gently, an eye-catching topic appeared on the hot search on Weibo - "Di Lieba hums and loves summer".

Reba hummed, and the sweetness exploded. Netizen: The ear is getting pregnant!

For a while, the enthusiasm of netizens was as hot as the summer sun, and they clicked into the topic one after another, wanting to find out.

Hum the story behind it

It turned out that it was Di Lieba who inadvertently hummed the song "Love Summer" at an event. Her sweet voice, as if with a hint of summer evening coolness, makes people feel refreshed and happy.
Reba hummed, and the sweetness exploded. Netizen: The ear is getting pregnant!

This song is highly consistent with her own image, as if she is the girl in love, telling the sweetness of summer with her singing.

Funny comments from netizens

With the fermentation of the topic, netizens have left their footprints in the comment area. Someone said: "After listening to Di Lieba's humming, I feel like I am in the summer of love and feel the sweetness and happiness." ”
Reba hummed, and the sweetness exploded. Netizen: The ear is getting pregnant!
Someone else joked: "Is Di Lieba going to change careers to become a singer?" This voice is simply a singer who has been delayed by his acting career! Some netizens posted a video of themselves imitating Di Lieba humming, which caused a burst of laughter.

Mountain songs and the breath of a hundred turns

However, among the many comments, there is one that is particularly eye-catching: "I actually like Di Lieba's mountain songs very much, which are very reverberated in the mountains." As soon as this comment came out, it immediately aroused heated discussions among netizens.
Reba hummed, and the sweetness exploded. Netizen: The ear is getting pregnant!
Someone asked curiously: "Did Di Lieba still sing mountain songs?" Why haven't I heard of it? Someone joked: "It seems that Di Lieba is not only good at interpreting modern urban dramas, but also can control the traditional art of mountain songs!" ”
Reba hummed, and the sweetness exploded. Netizen: The ear is getting pregnant!

Controversial summary

With the in-depth discussion of the topic, an interesting phenomenon appeared: netizens showed completely different attitudes towards Di Lieba's humming and mountain songs.

Reba hummed, and the sweetness exploded. Netizen: The ear is getting pregnant!

On the one hand, some people think that Di Lieba's humming is sweet and moving, which is very suitable for her image; On the other hand, there are also people who express curiosity and anticipation for her songs. This disagreement makes the topic more interesting and diverse, and also stimulates netizens to discuss and expect Di Lieba's musical talent.

Reba hummed, and the sweetness exploded. Netizen: The ear is getting pregnant!

In this process full of controversy and discussion, Di Lieba's musical talent has received more attention and recognition. Maybe one day in the future, we will hear more of her songs in different styles, which will bring us more surprises and touches. And all of this stems from that summer evening breeze and the humming of "love summer"!

Reba hummed, and the sweetness exploded. Netizen: The ear is getting pregnant!

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