
The woman was pregnant, and the neighbor sent new clothes, and the mother-in-law: You can't wear them, this dress is wrong

author:Jax's hand

Gee, that's kind of interesting. In our northeast Gada, there is such a place, called Taoyuan Village, that place is really beautiful, the four seasons are like spring, and the scenery is like a painting. The people in the village are all honest people, working at sunrise and going home at sunset, and the life is so comfortable.

Today, the day is so good, Grandma Li is basking in the freshly picked mountain flowers at the door of her house, the flowers are fragrant, and they can attract bees. Her daughter-in-law Xiaocui, who is a gentle and virtuous little daughter-in-law, touches her bulging little belly with her hand, and the smile on her face is brighter than a spring flower. Xiaocui's belly has been several months, and everyone in the family is very precious, especially the little baby in the belly, which is the little ancestor of the family.

At this time, Aunt Zhang came happily, still holding a new dress in her hand. This dress is brightly colored, and the embroidered flowers and birds are vivid, and it is not an ordinary color at first glance. Aunt Zhang said that this was brought back by her mother's family from far away, and she specially gave the little guy in Xiaocui's belly a good fortune. Xiao Cui took the clothes, the surprise in her eyes, like a little star, hurriedly thanked her.

The woman was pregnant, and the neighbor sent new clothes, and the mother-in-law: You can't wear them, this dress is wrong

She touched the garment, felt the warmth and blessing from above, and her heart was warm. But just when she was about to try it on, Grandma Li stopped her. Grandma Li frowned, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, and she gently touched her clothes, as if she was touching some secret. After a while, she raised her head and said to Xiao Cui with a serious face: "This dress can't be worn, something is wrong." Xiaocui was stunned for a moment, looking at her mother-in-law, feeling a little confused.

Grandma Li sighed and slowly voiced her worries. She said that although the clothes were beautiful, she always felt an unusual atmosphere, not the clothes themselves, as if they were covered by some mysterious power. She was afraid that this dress would bring bad things to Xiaocui and the child in her belly. Xiaocui listened, and her heart was also up, although she thought the clothes were good-looking, but she didn't want to cause trouble to the family because of impulse, so she decided to let it go first and wait for her husband to come back.

Not long after, Xiaocui's husband Li Erzhu came back from hunting in the mountains, and when he heard about it, he also felt a little strange. He was a bold and careful man, and decided to go to Aunt Zhang's house to see it in person. When she arrived at Aunt Zhang's house, Li Erzhu explained her intentions, and Aunt Zhang was a little surprised when she heard it, she said that the clothes were indeed brought back by her mother's family, and she couldn't tell why she had that kind of anger. But she assured that the dress was fine, and it was specially prepared to celebrate Xiaocui's pregnancy.

The woman was pregnant, and the neighbor sent new clothes, and the mother-in-law: You can't wear them, this dress is wrong

Li Erzhu listened, although he still had a little pimple in his heart, but he was embarrassed to pursue it again. He thanked Aunt Zhang and went home. At night, Li Erzhu sat under the lamp, thinking about this dress in his heart, his brows were tightly locked, and he didn't know what secret this dress was hiding. Oh, that's a confusing thing. Li Erzhu was like a mirror in his heart, knowing that his mother-in-law's careful thinking was not for no reason. This dress, it looks wrong, as if there is some mysterious power covering it. But then again, Aunt Zhang's heart is good, so she won't deliberately make a moth. Just thinking about it, Xiao Cui came in with the new clothes, and the expectation and uneasiness in her eyes made Li Erzhu's heart soft.

"Daughter-in-law, let's not be in a hurry to wear this dress first, and we can't just leave it alone." Li Erzhu took a deep breath and said to Xiao Cui, "I'll go to the town tomorrow to find someone who understands, maybe I can find some way." Xiao Cui listened, although she felt a little uncomfortable, but she also understood that this method was reliable, so she nodded and agreed, and put away her clothes.

Early the next morning, Li Erzhu went to the town with the new clothes. He found a master who made clothes, and told him the ins and outs of the clothes and his own concerns. The old master took the clothes, looked up and down, frowned, and said that this dress was indeed extraordinary, and the embroidery and patterns were full of ancient and mysterious power. But whether this power is good or bad, he can't say. Li Erzhu listened, and his heart was even more up-and-down.

The woman was pregnant, and the neighbor sent new clothes, and the mother-in-law: You can't wear them, this dress is wrong

When he got home, Li Erzhu decided to tell the elders in the village about it and see what tricks they had to unlock the secret of the clothes. In this way, the rumors about the mysterious new clothes in Taoyuan Village are spreading more and more, and everyone is talking about it, but no one can say why. Xiao Cui and Li Erzhu also felt unprecedented pressure and confusion.

Just when the rumors in the village were raging, the elders of the village gathered together, sat under the old elm tree at the entrance of the village, smoked dry cigarettes, and talked about it. The old village chief stroked his beard, squinted at the new clothes, and said, "This dress is not ordinary to look at, it looks like something that we can have in this place." The eldest lady next to her also echoed: "No, look at this embroidery, this color, why don't you look like we can make it in the poor countryside." ”

"What shall we do then?" Li Erzhu asked anxiously. The old village chief was silent for a moment, took a deep breath of dry smoke, and slowly spit out: "There is an old rule in our village, if you encounter strange objects, you have to go to the mountains to find the old fairy to take a look. "Old fairy?" Xiao Cui asked suspiciously. The eldest lady explained: "Hey, it's the old Taoist priest who lives in our mountains, it is said that he knows some skills to subdue demons and eliminate demons, and the people in the village have any problems that cannot be solved, and they all go to him." "Then let's go to him and see if he can see the doorway of this garment." Li Erzhu said. Li Erzhu, this kid, slapped his thigh and had an idea in his heart. As soon as it was dawn the next day, he and the little green girl, with their new clothes, climbed up the hill with a sigh. The mountain road was crooked, and the two of them were so tired that it was easy to find the nest of the legendary old fairy.

The woman was pregnant, and the neighbor sent new clothes, and the mother-in-law: You can't wear them, this dress is wrong

In front of me, a dilapidated thatched house, built according to the mountain, and a broken wooden sign is hung in front of the door, on which are engraved the four big characters of "Qing Xiu Place". The two of them stepped forward and knocked on the door, and with a "squeak", the door opened, and a white-haired old Taoist priest stood there, looked at them, and then looked at the clothes in their hands, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

"Two donors, what are you doing?" The old Taoist priest spoke. Li Erzhu hurriedly stepped forward and said what he meant. The old Taoist priest listened, nodded, and motioned for them to enter the house and speak slowly. The inside of the house was very simple, with a broken wooden table and a few broken wooden chairs. The old Taoist priest asked the two of them to sit down, picked up the new clothes by himself, and examined them carefully. He frowned and nodded, as if he was pondering something big.

After a long time, the old Taoist priest put down his clothes and sighed: "This clothes are not simple, and what is attached to it is an ancient blessing power." "The power of blessing?" Li Erzhu and Xiaocui asked in unison. "That's right, the original owner of this garment must be a cultivator with advanced cultivation, using his own mana to inject the power of blessing into this garment, hoping that the person who wears it will have good luck and be blessed." The old Taoist priest explained.

The woman was pregnant, and the neighbor sent new clothes, and the mother-in-law: You can't wear them, this dress is wrong

"Then why does my mother-in-law say that this dress is wrong?" Xiao Cui asked eagerly. The old Taoist priest smiled slightly: "Your mother-in-law is right, this dress is indeed a bit of a problem." Because the power of that blessing is so strong, ordinary people can't stand it at all. If you put it on, you will be hurt by that power. ”

"What's going on?" Li Erzhu was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. The old Taoist priest pondered for a while and said, "I have a way to dissolve the power of blessing on this garment, so that it can be worn by ordinary people." "What's the idea?" The two of them asked impatiently.

"A special herb must be used to neutralize the power of this garment." The old Taoist priest said, "We only have this herb in this mountain, so I'll go and pick it for you." After saying that, the old Taoist priest went out, and after a while, he picked a lot of them and came back. He boiled the herbs on the fire, poured the boiled liquid into a basin, and put his new clothes in it to soak. After soaking for a while, the old Taoist priest fished out his clothes and dried them in a ventilated place.

The woman was pregnant, and the neighbor sent new clothes, and the mother-in-law: You can't wear them, this dress is wrong

He told the two of them: "This dress has been disposed of, you can wear it with confidence." But remember, there is not much left of the blessing power on this garment, so don't let outsiders touch it casually in the future. The two of them thanked them and went down the mountain with their new clothes. Back in the village, they told the villagers the words of the old fairy. When the villagers heard this, they were all amazed, and they praised the old fairy's great ability. Oops, this Xiaocui put on that new dress, it was really smooth, she gave birth to a fat boy, and the whole family was so happy. That dress has also become a legend in the village, and when I think of it, I think of the kind old man and his miraculous herbs. The villagers of Taoyuan Village talked a lot about this, but Xiaocui's family enjoyed this warm and quiet time. That new dress, after the old fairy's spell, not only did not bring Xiaocui any trouble, but it was like a common clothes, warmly accompanying her throughout her pregnancy.

As the days passed, Xiaocui's belly became bigger and bigger, and she looked forward to the birth of the baby every day. The new dress, carefully stored at the bottom of the box by the mother-in-law, waited for its mission. Finally, as soon as the sky was dawning, the morning glow was still hanging in the sky, and a loud cry came from Xiaocui's house. Li Erzhu and his mother-in-law hurriedly ran in, only to see Xiaocui lying on the bed, although her face was a little pale, her eyes were full of the brilliance of maternal love. She was holding a little red life in her hand, which was their little baby who looked forward to the stars and the moon. "It's a boy!" Li Erzhu shouted happily, and her mother-in-law was also so excited that she burst into tears. The house is filled with joy and happiness.

It was then that the mother-in-law remembered the new dress. She quickly turned out from the bottom of the box and gently draped it over the baby. The dress seemed to come alive again, gently swaying with the baby's breathing. The baby had a serene smile on his face, as if he felt the warmth and blessing of the new clothes.

The woman was pregnant, and the neighbor sent new clothes, and the mother-in-law: You can't wear them, this dress is wrong

In a flash, the baby grew up, smart, lively and cute, and became a little celebrity in the village. Every time he went out in that new dress, he attracted a lot of envy and admiration. He always proudly holds his chest high, as if he is the happiest baby in the world.

But the good times didn't last long, when the baby was five years old, Taoyuan Village was hit by a once-in-a-century flood. When the floods came, houses collapsed, crops were gone, and the villagers were in an unprecedented predicament. The baby's home also suffered, losing his home and relatives, and he could only wander around. During the days of wandering, the baby was always wearing that new dress. Although the clothes were worn out, he regarded them as treasures and believed that they would bring him good luck and shelter and help him overcome difficulties.

Finally, one day, the baby came to a strange village with his new clothes. He asked around, hoping to find a home willing to take him in. But because he was too young and penniless, no one wanted to take him in. Just when the little baby was about to despair, a kind old man appeared. Seeing the new clothes on the little doll, his eyes flashed, a little surprised and a little puzzled. He couldn't help but ask the little doll where the dress came from and what the story was. The little doll is not hidden, what do you say. The old man listened and muttered for a while, and then said to the little doll, "Baby, this new dress on your body is really not simple. It used to carry the blessing of a cultivator. It's almost gone, but it can still give you some luck and protection. "Really?" The little doll asked excitedly. "Of course it's true." The old man smiled and said, "But you have to remember that the real power is not given by clothes, but by your own heart." As long as you have kindness and courage in your heart, no difficulties can stop you. When the little doll heard this, her heart was bright. He decided to listen to the old man, bravely face the difficulties, and create his own future with his own hands.

The woman was pregnant, and the neighbor sent new clothes, and the mother-in-law: You can't wear them, this dress is wrong

Since then, the little doll has been working diligently to earn money to support her family. He was hardworking, kind-hearted, and helpful, and the people in the village liked and respected him. Over the years, he became a successful businessman, not only rebuilding his home, but also helping many people. The new clothes that accompanied him through the difficult years were also well stored by him and became the most precious memory in his heart. Whenever he encountered a problem or was confused, he would think of the dress and the story behind it, which strengthened his faith and courage.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the little doll has grown into a responsible and responsible man. He has always remembered the teachings of the old man and the revelation of the new clothes, and has created a legendary life with his diligence and wisdom. And that new dress has also become a beautiful legend in Taoyuan Village, which will always be passed on in people's hearts.

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