
The uncle abandoned the original pregnant partner, but found them 26 years later and asked the eldest son to donate bone marrow to the younger son

author:Tongtong's mother said something

Ah Chen (pseudonym) grew up in a single-parent family, and he only had a mother in his life, not a father.

One day, 26 years later, a phone call disrupted the trajectory of his life, and a person he never wanted to see in his life broke into his life.

That day, Ah Chen was at work and received a call from a TV station column group.

The man told Ah Chen that he had a half-brother with leukemia and urgently needed his bone marrow, otherwise his brother's life would be in danger.

When Ah Chen was growing up, the role of a father was always missing.

His father had never taken care of him, but now that he was in need, he thought of him.

There is such a selfish person in the world, he refuses to donate bone marrow.

Ah Chen's biological father is Uncle Li, his wife just left because of leukemia, and later his youngest son was diagnosed with leukemia.

The youngest son is the driving force for Uncle Li to support him, and if the youngest son is gone, his sky will fall.

Uncle Li knew that the column group was responsive, so he asked for help from the column group to help him find someone who matched his youngest son's bone marrow.

The column team has always been enthusiastic about helping people, in order to help Uncle Li solve the problem, they diverged manpower and material resources, fought day and night, and finally found Ah Chen by them.

Finding Ah Chen, Uncle Li's youngest son had hope of healing, but they didn't expect Ah Chen to refuse to donate bone marrow.

They persuaded Ah Chen not to be so stubborn, saving someone's life is better than the seventh-level floating slaughter, why not?

Ah Chen was unmoved and insisted on his own ideas.

Uncle Li is anxious, the youngest son can only rely on medicine to maintain his life now, but his body is getting weaker and weaker, if he doesn't change his bone marrow, his life will not be long!

Uncle Li wanted to personally beg Ah Chen to donate bone marrow, and the column team invited them to the studio.

The uncle abandoned the original pregnant partner, but found them 26 years later and asked the eldest son to donate bone marrow to the younger son

Uncle Li sat opposite Ah Chen, and the column team didn't tell Uncle Ah Chen's life experience, so he didn't know that the person opposite was his eldest son.

Uncle Li said as soon as he opened it, my son urgently needs to change his bone marrow, please save my only bloodline!

Ah Chen became angry when he heard this, the uncle's youngest son is his only bloodline, so who is he?

Ah Chen sighed heavily, and shouted in his heart, I am also your son, did you consider my feelings when you said this?

There was a trace of tears in Ah Chen's eyes, but he couldn't hold back the tears. Does he really not know about my existence?

I sat across from him, couldn't he see that I was somewhat similar to my mother, and then think of the woman he had abandoned him?

His age is not very old, he has not yet reached the age of dazzling, has he really forgotten his mother?

Ah Chen decided to remind Uncle Li: "You said that he is your only bloodline, are you mistaken?" ”

The uncle stared at Ah Chen, never remembering the person who appeared in his life.

Ah Chen decided not to hide it from his uncle and told his life experience.

"You may not know me, but you must know my mother, I am XX Hua's son."


Uncle Li finally remembered that in his life, there was indeed a woman named XX Hua.

But XX Hua was not pregnant at that time, why did such a big son appear all of a sudden?

Could it be that this young man is the child that XX Hua later had with someone else? Absolutely.

Uncle Li looked at Ah Chen coldly, unwilling to believe that he was his son, and felt from the bottom of his heart that the poor man in front of him was not worthy of being his own son at all!

The main purpose of the column group is to ask Ah Chen to donate bone marrow to his younger brother whom he has never met, as for whether he recognizes Uncle Li as his father, that is his business.

The host saw that the topic between Ah Chen and Uncle Li was getting farther and farther away, so he quickly interjected and told Ah Chen not to think so much, he is your father, you should hurry up and donate bone marrow to save people!

Ah Chen was red-eyed by these people, and said to the host: "You want me to donate bone marrow to his son?" No way! I didn't have a dad when I was a kid, and my mom used to tell me that my dad was gone, and he wasn't my dad at all. ”

Ah Chen's mind showed the hardships he had suffered in his childhood.

After XX Hua broke up with her lover, she found out that she was pregnant.

XX Hua loved this man very much, firmly believed that he would come back to find him, and decided to give birth to the child.

XX Hua's mother is more traditional, she wants XX Hua to beat the fetus, and then find a good family to marry.

The child is the crystallization of the love between XX Hua and her lover, she is reluctant to beat the child, and she is struggling to survive in the scolding and complaining of her family.

In October, XX Watar gave birth to a son.

XX Hua's mother asked her to remarry with her son, but XX Hua was afraid that her stepfather would bully her son, so she didn't dare to get married and raised her son alone.

Since he had no father, Ah Chen was always bullied by the children in the village, calling him a wild seed, while the adults always sneered at him.

Everyone has a father, but Ah Chen doesn't, he misses his father very much.

One day, Ah Chen found a photo at the bottom of her mother's box, which showed a young man and a woman.

The woman was his mother when he was young, and he suspected that the man was his father.

Ah Chen took the photo and asked her mother, is that man her father?

The uncle abandoned the original pregnant partner, but found them 26 years later and asked the eldest son to donate bone marrow to the younger son

Mom has always had Dad in her heart, so she insisted on not remarrying for many years, and Mom firmly believes that Dad will come back to them.

But after waiting for so many years and not seeing him back, the belief in my mother's heart became more and more blurred, and finally turned into anger.

She began to hate her father's ruthlessness, and then yelled at Ah Chen: You don't have a father, your father is dead.

Mom's anger towards Dad was transferred to Ah Chen's body. Looking at Ah Chen, she remembered that ruthless man.

Mom finally couldn't control it anymore and slapped Ah Chen: Don't mention Dad in front of me in the future, he is dead.

It is indeed not easy for my mother to raise Ah Chen alone. Ah Chen has been very sensible since he was a child, and he has never been angry with his mother, but this time.

Seeing her mother so angry, Ah Chen regretted it, regretted that she shouldn't have asked such a question, and never mentioned her father again.

But after many years, Ah Chen knew that he still had a father, and this father asked him to donate bone marrow as soon as he appeared.

Ah Chen thought to himself, if it weren't for his brother's need for bone marrow, maybe his father wouldn't have looked for him at all, let alone know about his existence.

Ah Chen looked at his father in front of him, his eyes were red, but he endured it and never showed his cowardly side in front of strangers.

Ah Chen said stubbornly: "I didn't plan to recognize you, now you have such retribution, you deserve it." “

Uncle Li looked at the son in front of him who he had never met, and did not feel a trace of guilt, if it wasn't for the illness of his youngest son, he would not have come to see this stranger.

Uncle Li is from the city, and XX Hua is from the countryside. In 1983, the two worked in the same factory.

Uncle liked XX Hua when he first saw her, and then confessed to her.

XX Hua also likes uncle, and the two young people came together like this.

But later the uncle's mother disliked XX Hua as a rural person and resolutely opposed them being together.

The uncle's mother told him to marry a girl from the city after breaking up with XX Hua.

Under the strong oppression of his parents, the uncle finally broke up with XX Hua, and then came together with a female teacher under the mediation of his parents.

didn't expect that the female teacher had a family genetic disease, and the uncle took out all the family funds in order to treat his wife, and in the end he couldn't keep his wife.

The uncle abandoned the original pregnant partner, but found them 26 years later and asked the eldest son to donate bone marrow to the younger son

Not long after his wife left, something even worse happened, and his son inherited his wife's family disease.

The son is the uncle's only hope, and he will do his best to save his son.

The doctor told the uncle that the best way is to replace the bone marrow, but not all people's bone marrow is suitable, and it is difficult to find the right bone marrow.

Seeing that his son's condition was getting worse day by day, the uncle thought of asking for help from the program team.

The program team did not disappoint the uncle and found his eldest son, whom he had never met.

But the eldest son was unwilling to donate bone marrow to the younger son, and the uncle was anxious. In fact, he is also very guilty, and he has no ability to protect Ah Chen and XX Hua.

The uncle spoke expressionlessly, neither happy nor sad.

He also said that after XX Hua left, he had been inquiring about her whereabouts.

In fact, after the uncle broke up with XX Hua, he soon married and had children with the later female teacher.

XX Hua returned to her parents' house with a big belly, and her mother told her to kill the fetus in her womb several times.

Ah Chen thought of this and felt sad. If his mother couldn't withstand the pressure and beat him down, there would be no him now.

He suffered so much when he was a child, and this father did not appear, but now that he has grown up and does not need his father's love, he has appeared.

Ah Chen asked uncle, where were you at that time? Why don't you come to me?

The uncle couldn't think of words, and he had no expression. After thinking about it for a long time, I said, I really didn't have anything to do at that time, I am sorry for you two mothers and sons, and I apologize to you.

Can a word of sorry erase all the previous suffering? That's impossible.

Ah Chen: I don't accept sorry, it's too late, my mother is afraid that my stepfather will treat me badly, so I haven't remarried. Many people introduced her to the object, but she refused, and her grandmother scolded her for many years.

The uncle abandoned the original pregnant partner, but found them 26 years later and asked the eldest son to donate bone marrow to the younger son

Seeing that Ah Chen is so stubborn, if he doesn't donate bone marrow to his younger brother, the program team will not be able to complete the task.

So, the host interjected and persuaded Ah Chen.

"Even if my uncle is at fault, your brother is innocent, what is his fault? His life is in danger now, can't you donate bone marrow to save him? ”

Ah Chen pointed to the uncle opposite, gritted his teeth and said, "If the other party is a stranger now, I will donate, but if his son is a man, I will not donate." ”

The uncle squinted at Ah Chen, and scolded in his heart: If it weren't for my precious son being sick, I wouldn't have come to beg you. You think I'm willing to come to see you, aren't you just here for the money? None of the problems that can be solved with money are problems.

But until the end, the uncle is definitely not willing to use money to solve the problem.

Uncle still said coldly, I begged you, okay? Can you save your brother?

The uncle's face was expressionless, no tears, no kneeling, and no sadness.

Chen: I don't donate, so be it!

The uncle thought that he really couldn't solve the problem without money, so he said to Ah Chen: I'll give you 100,000 yuan, and you can donate bone marrow to your younger brother.

Ah Chen sneered, if you want to use 100,000 to get my bone marrow, it is impossible. I don't want money, you still haven't understood my feelings, do you think it's a big deal to have money?

Ah Chen wants to leave, if he leaves, the show won't be able to continue. Where did the column team let him go so easily?

At this time, the female guest A spoke.

"If you succeed in getting revenge on this old man, don't say he's your father. But at the expense of your brother's life, will you really be happy? ”

This female guest seems to have used the wrong word, right? Ordinary people have lost their lives, are they worthy of sacrifice? It's hilarious!

After listening to the scolding of others, Ah Chen held back his tears and said, "You can't understand what I have suffered for more than 20 years, do you know how we got here?" This is his retribution, and I will not care about him. ”

The uncle abandoned the original pregnant partner, but found them 26 years later and asked the eldest son to donate bone marrow to the younger son

Seeing that Ah Chen was still so stubborn, another female guest B spoke.

"You don't have to donate bone marrow, but have you discussed it with your mother?"

Ah Chen is an adult and can handle things by herself, and she doesn't need to go through her mother's consent.

Ah Chen replied, "No, I want this person to know what pain is." ”

Female guest B continued: "You made this man miserable, and you successfully took revenge on him, but it was your mother who suffered with him, your mother has not remarried for more than 20 years, and she must have this man in her heart." Your mother still loves this man, but you take revenge on this man, isn't that the same as revenge on your mother? ”

Ah Chen is a dutiful son, how can he take revenge on his mother? Then I was successfully persuaded by this female guest.

Ah Chen's attitude softened and he didn't speak.

If he doesn't speak, it means that there is still room for negotiation.

So, the program team took advantage of the victory to chase and called Ah Chen's younger brother to come out, wanting to use his younger brother to play the emotional card.

Ah Chen's younger brother has been treated in the hospital, and when he heard that his brother did not donate bone marrow, he dragged his weak body to see his brother with a strong desire to survive, hoping that his brother would save him for the sake of him when he was about to leave.

But Ah Chen didn't want to save him at all, he wanted to live, and in order to persuade Ah Chen, he wanted to break his head.

The younger brother remembered Ah Chen, but he was angry with his father, if he recognized his father and was not angry with his father, then he would definitely donate bone marrow to save himself, so the younger brother played the emotional card.

"Brother, even if you don't donate bone marrow, I won't blame you, but Dad did something wrong, and now I'm about to leave, I hope you will take care of Dad on my behalf, Dad is not easy, I just lost my mother, and I'm about to leave."

The eldest son has lived a difficult life for more than 20 years, and the uncle has no guilt, no tears, and even expressionlessness, no sympathy for the eldest son's experience.

But as soon as he heard his youngest son say that he was about to leave, tears could not stop flowing. The youngest son is his sweetheart, and when the youngest son is gone, his sky is falling.

Ah Chen was very disgusted with the two fathers and sons opposite, and said: "My mother's suffering, you can't feel it, and you can't make up for it, so I won't forgive you." ”

The uncle abandoned the original pregnant partner, but found them 26 years later and asked the eldest son to donate bone marrow to the younger son

My brother really wants to live, he didn't expect his brother to be so stubborn. He wants to beg his brother to save him, and he must go into his brother's heart, move him, and persuade him.

The younger brother said: "Dad's choice back then was indeed unfair to you and your mother, and it also made you suffer a lot of grievances. But after all these years, these have passed, haven't you all come over? Aren't you all right now? Appeared in front of us without clothes or rotten, now you are doing so well, but we are not good. ”

The younger brother talked about the suffering of Ah Chen and his mother in the past, so lightly.

Ah Chen thought to himself that if he and his mother hadn't survived, the two fathers and sons on the other side would not have a single tear.

Ah Chen wants to continue to take revenge on the uncle, "If you are not his son, I will definitely save you." But now that you're his son, I can't do it. ”

The uncle was anxious and said to Ah Chen: "I'm sorry for you, but your brother is innocent, and your brother has the same blood as you." For your brother's sake, donate bone marrow, right? ”

When the younger brother sees that the uncle is defending himself so much, he also wants to maintain the good image of his father in his mind.

"No one can guarantee that they will not make mistakes in their lifetime, so please think about it carefully. Even if you don't save me, then forgive Dad. Heaven played such a joke on us to make me suffer from such a serious illness. But since God is joking, we have to face it positively and give it a happy ending. ”

The younger brother said it was so beautiful, and the happy ending he said was not that he hoped that Ah Chen on the other side could donate bone marrow to him, and then let him recover as soon as possible.

Hehe! This is God punishing the two fathers and sons opposite, but why do you want the innocent Ah Chen to help them achieve this happy ending?

Ah Chen didn't expect that the old father and son on the other side wanted his bone marrow, and it was so natural that he wanted it.

The host is worthy of being the host, and he has noticed Ah Chen's inner thoughts.

He asked Ah Chen, "What do you can't let go of now?" ”

Ah Chen said softly, "My mother." ”


XX Hua appeared at the scene with a microphone.

The uncle abandoned the original pregnant partner, but found them 26 years later and asked the eldest son to donate bone marrow to the younger son

After 26 years, XX Hua saw the person in his heart again, and his first feeling was resentment, hating his indifference and ruthlessness.

After all, the uncle has been with XX Hua, and he knows her very well, "Women, they are all very soft-hearted, just coax twice." ”

So, the uncle said to XX Hua: "I can't help it, I was forced by my mother, I have to listen to my mother." ”

Uncle means that if you want to blame his mother, it has nothing to do with him.

XX Hua thought of the hardships that his two mothers and sons had endured for more than 20 years, and he was very aggrieved and did not forgive the man opposite.

The uncle continued: "After you left, I also regretted it, and I also went to you. ”

Hehe! XX Hua sneered: "You have looked for us, are you saying things against your heart now?" If you regret it, why did you get married and have children not long after you broke up with me? Is your regret so regretful? ”

Seeing that he couldn't move XX Hua's heart, the uncle bent down to apologize to her.

XX Hua looked at the silver-haired old man in front of him, and then thought of the handsome young man in his mind, and there was a huge gap between the two.

More than 20 years have passed like this, and she has a lot of regrets in her heart. But seeing this person apologize to herself, she finally relented.

XX Hua remembered that Ah Chen asked her who the man in the photo was when she was a child? She slapped Ah Chen at that time.

For so many years, she has always felt very guilty and felt very sorry for Ah Chen, who could not give Ah Chen a complete home, and no one gave him fatherly love.

She knew that Ah Chen had always wanted to have a father, and now that her father was opposite Ah Chen, she really wanted to help Ah Chen realize this wish.

XX Hua said to the person opposite: "I just want my son to have a father." ”

Ah Chen really needed his father's love when he was a child, but now that he has grown up, he no longer needs his father's love.

But he is a dutiful son, and he doesn't want to recognize his father or disobey his mother.

It is said that one thing descends one thing.

Ah Chen, who was tenacious before, finally became weak in front of his mother. He obediently listened to his mother's words and promised to recognize his uncle.

And the uncle cares most about his youngest son, if he wants to make the uncle happy, XX Hua must persuade his son to donate bone marrow to the uncle's youngest son.

XX Hua told the host that she would persuade her son to donate bone marrow.

When the uncle on the other side heard this woman's words, he shed tears of joy.

Don't know who his tears are shed for?

Is it for this woman?

Or for the youngest son? After all, there is hope for the younger son.

The uncle abandoned the original pregnant partner, but found them 26 years later and asked the eldest son to donate bone marrow to the younger son

After reading this story, it gives people a profound lesson, that is, don't go on a reality show casually, unless you are the claimant, you will be morally kidnapped.

I don't know if you still remember Xiao Jingjing's story?

In 2015, Xiao Jingjing came back from graduating from Canada with a doctorate, and her biological parents found her adoptive father with 500,000 yuan, saying that they wanted to buy out the adoptive relationship between the daughter and the adoptive father.

Xiao Jingjing and her adoptive father both refused, and her sister participated in the dream show and tricked her into going to the scene.

After her sister finished the show, the host asked her what her dreams were, and she said that she wanted to recognize her biological sister Xiao Jingjing.

At this time, Xiao Jingjing was invited to the stage, and her biological parents also took the stage. Her biological mother put her arms around her neck from behind, bursting into tears.

Xiao Jingjing refused to recognize her, and the host kidnapped her morally.

"A person who doesn't even dare to recognize his biological parents, how do you let your children face you?"

"I believe that if you call your biological parents and your adoptive parents are unhappy, I believe that your adoptive parents should also admit their mistakes. Don't be narrow-minded. ”

The uncle abandoned the original pregnant partner, but found them 26 years later and asked the eldest son to donate bone marrow to the younger son

Xiao Jingjing was born 14 days ago and was abandoned by her biological parents in a snowy wilderness.

They were in the same town, only five kilometers apart, but her biological parents had never seen her, and her biological parents were in good condition, but they never looked at her.

Xiao Jingjing's adoptive father and adoptive mother's family was very difficult, her adoptive mother was not in good health, took medicine all year round, and later died of illness.

Although she was not born, her adoptive parents treated her as their own, and they left her with good food and drink. The adoptive father carried a gas canister every day to earn money for her to study for a doctorate.

After she returned from studying abroad, her biological parents immediately came to the door to recognize her relatives.

Just because of a few tears from her biological parents, the host forgot about the excesses they had done to her, and then kidnapped her morally.

The host not only asked Xiao Jingjing to kneel down and admit her mistakes to her biological parents, but even her adoptive father and adoptive mother had to admit their mistakes, and the host felt that their hearts were too narrow.

Don't persuade others to be kind without others suffering.

If you have not experienced the suffering of others, do not scold others for being narrow-minded, and do not kidnap others morally.

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