
Is it good for husband and wife to have the same genus? The experience of the ancestors? Is it credible or not?

author:Ancient and modern miscellaneous talks
Is it good for husband and wife to have the same genus? The experience of the ancestors? Is it credible or not?

In the mysterious realm of love and marriage, the ancients left behind a unique and thought-provoking theory of marriage. Marriage, in the eyes of the ancients, is a solemn ceremony, worship the ancestors of heaven and earth, the fate of husband and wife is closely linked, and divorce is a very prudent thing. Therefore, when choosing a mate, the ancients attached more importance to the eight characters of the zodiac than they imagined.

Is it good for husband and wife to have the same genus? The experience of the ancestors? Is it credible or not?

First, the zodiac culture has a long history

The Chinese zodiac, as a unique cultural treasure in China, carries a thousand years of historical precipitation. The twelve zodiac signs, like twelve bright stars, shine in turn in the long river of time. The year in which each person is born corresponds to a specific zodiac sign, the wit of the rat, the industriousness of the ox, and the majesty of the tiger...... These zodiac traits seem to be innate labels, giving people different personalities and destinies.

Is it good for husband and wife to have the same genus? The experience of the ancestors? Is it credible or not?

People with the same zodiac sign are born in different eras, is there really some mysterious connection between their destinies? This is not only a question that the ancients pondered, but also a mystery that we are trying to solve today.

Is it good for husband and wife to have the same genus? The experience of the ancestors? Is it credible or not?

2. The fate and fortune of the same husband and wife

The ancients firmly believed that the zodiac determined the personality of a person to a certain extent. When husband and wife belong to the same phase, their natal movements are considered to be relatively similar, as if the threads of fate are tightly intertwined. The beautiful meaning of "two rabbits in the same cage, flowers and a full moon" makes people full of expectations for the same husband and wife.

Is it good for husband and wife to have the same genus? The experience of the ancestors? Is it credible or not?

The ancients also believed that the union of husband and wife with similar personalities could bring double the good fortune and add more smoothness and wishful thinking to life. However, can this view really stand the test of time? From the perspective of modern science, we may question it, but in the hearts of the ancients, this is their expectation and blessing for a good marriage.

Is it good for husband and wife to have the same genus? The experience of the ancestors? Is it credible or not?

3. Husbands and wives with similar personalities

Personality is one of the key factors affecting marriage. Through the observation and summary of the zodiac, the ancients constructed a unique set of "zodiac personality theory". The heart of the dragon is connected to the world, the meekness and kindness of the sheep, and people of the same phase are considered to have a higher degree of similarity in personality.

Is it good for husband and wife to have the same genus? The experience of the ancestors? Is it credible or not?

In married life, couples with similar personalities are more likely to reach a consensus when facing problems, and common interests and topics also make their lives full of warmth and harmony. However, does this similarity also pose some potential problems? For example, when faced with difficulties, will the two lack complementary strength because their personalities are too similar?

Is it good for husband and wife to have the same genus? The experience of the ancestors? Is it credible or not?

Fourth, the two sides of the same husband and wife

There are two sides to everything, and marriages that belong to the same husband and wife are no exception. The ancients believed that the luck of husband and wife of the same genus was similar, and they could share double the good fortune, but they could also suffer calamity at the same time. This view is full of mystery, but it also makes one wonder about the impermanence of fate.

Is it good for husband and wife to have the same genus? The experience of the ancestors? Is it credible or not?

When it comes to certain zodiac signs, such as the Tiger, the situation is more complicated. The saying "one mountain does not tolerate two tigers" and "two tigers fight for each other, there must be one injury" reflects the ancients' worries about the union of two tigers. However, is this concern really justified? Or is it just an unfounded taboo?

Is it good for husband and wife to have the same genus? The experience of the ancestors? Is it credible or not?

5. The concept of zodiac marriage from a modern perspective

In modern society, the development of science has given us a clearer understanding of the world. The claim that the zodiac determines the degree of marriage compatibility seems to lack basis under scientific scrutiny. Factors such as family environment, educational background, and upbringing play a more important role in shaping a person's character and values.

Is it good for husband and wife to have the same genus? The experience of the ancestors? Is it credible or not?

Even if they belong to the same genus, different life experiences can make for very different individuals. And those couples who are mutually restrictive, if they have a deep emotional foundation and common life goals, can also have a happy marriage.

Is it good for husband and wife to have the same genus? The experience of the ancestors? Is it credible or not?

6. The true meaning of marriage has nothing to do with the genus

The happiness of a marriage does not depend on the matching of the genus. Mutual understanding, respect, support and tolerance are the cornerstones of a marriage. When choosing a partner, we should go beyond the constraints of the zodiac and feel the qualities, emotions and common pursuits of the other person with our hearts.

Is it good for husband and wife to have the same genus? The experience of the ancestors? Is it credible or not?

Although the ancients' concept of marriage is full of mystery and tradition, we should treat it with a rational attitude, take its essence and remove its dross. In modern society, we must use scientific thinking and an open mind to pursue a happy marriage that truly belongs to us.

Is it good for husband and wife to have the same genus? The experience of the ancestors? Is it credible or not?


The ancients' concept of marriage is a unique scenery in traditional culture. It reflects the beautiful yearning of the ancients for marriage and the exploration of destiny. Although there are many elements that lack scientific evidence, there is also some wisdom about human nature and how to get along.

Is it good for husband and wife to have the same genus? The experience of the ancestors? Is it credible or not?

In modern society, while respecting traditional culture, we should also look at marriage with a scientific and rational attitude, manage it with heart, tolerate it with love, and create a happy future of our own.