
Von der Leyen's re-election is imminent! The EU rejects wishful thinking! Orban was slapped in the face and poured cold water!

author:Passionate soy milk SN

Against the backdrop of European political turmoil, a contest is quietly unfolding over the future of the EU's leadership.

With the re-election of the current European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, almost certain, the public criticism of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban seems to have failed to shake the big picture, and instead has been met with a diplomatic "cold treatment".

Von der Leyen's re-election is imminent! The EU rejects wishful thinking! Orban was slapped in the face and poured cold water!

Orban's blunt challenge: Should von der Leyen leave?

In a bold and direct interview, Chancellor Orban opened fire on the German media conglomerate Funke, making clear his dissatisfaction with Ms. von der Leyen's policy direction.

He pointed out that the EU under von der Leyen has been unable to respond to green transition strategies and migration issues, not only failing to effectively advance Europe's environmental agenda, but also exacerbating rifts among member states due to poor implementation of migration policies.

This remark undoubtedly dropped a shock bomb in the inner circle of the European Union.

Von der Leyen's re-election is imminent! The EU rejects wishful thinking! Orban was slapped in the face and poured cold water!

The EU's Challenges: Where to Go?

Admittedly, von der Leyen's first term was not an easy one.

During her tenure, the EU will not only have to deal with the economic downturn caused by the pandemic, but also face the pressing challenges of the ongoing refugee crisis and global climate change.

Orban criticized Brussels' policymakers for indulging in formalism and red tape, ignoring the real needs of ordinary people and the interests of the country.

However, there are also different voices within the EU in response to these criticisms, arguing that in a complex and volatile international environment, it is difficult for any decision-making to be comprehensive.

Von der Leyen's re-election is imminent! The EU rejects wishful thinking! Orban was slapped in the face and poured cold water!

Orban's independent position: delicate relations with Russia

What is particularly striking is that Orban openly opposed the sanctions imposed by the European Union on Russia in the interview, arguing that instead of achieving the desired effect, these sanctions have caused considerable damage to Europe's own economy.

Orban's call for a more pragmatic approach, advocating cooperation and dialogue with Russia, is rather isolated within the EU but reflects Hungary's unique geopolitical considerations.

Von der Leyen's re-election is imminent! The EU rejects wishful thinking! Orban was slapped in the face and poured cold water!

The decision to re-elect: the collective will of the European Union

However, in the face of Orban's tough challenge, EU leaders showed solidarity by unanimously appointing von der Leyen to continue as president of the European Commission, paving the way for her to begin a second term.

This decision is not only an endorsement of von der Leyen's past work, but also an indirect but powerful response to Orban's criticism.

Although von der Leyen did not fight back directly, her re-election speaks for itself.

Von der Leyen's re-election is imminent! The EU rejects wishful thinking! Orban was slapped in the face and poured cold water!

The future of the European Union: a new chapter of openness and cooperation?

Behind this political confrontation, the future direction of the EU is even more thought-provoking.

In the headwinds of globalization, Europe is facing unprecedented internal and external pressures, and how to properly resolve differences among member states while maintaining common values has become a major issue facing the EU.

As analysts have argued, Europe needs to be more open and inclusive, explore new models of cooperation, and jointly tackle a range of complex issues, from economic recovery to security and defense.

Von der Leyen's re-election is imminent! The EU rejects wishful thinking! Orban was slapped in the face and poured cold water!


Von der Leyen's re-election is not only a recognition of her personal ability, but also a reaffirmation of the EU's adherence to the established policy and strategy.

Orban's criticism, while sharp, has not changed the layout of the EU's leadership, but has left a stark contrast between the EU, which adheres to principles and seeks consensus, and Hungary, which has a clear position and dares to speak out.

In the future, how the EU seeks unity in diversity and seizes opportunities in the midst of challenges will be the focus of our continued attention.

In this era of uncertainty, Europe's every move will undoubtedly have a profound impact on the evolution of the world pattern.

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